by Max Barry

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by Nation of elementia. . 73 reads.

History of Elementia (W.I.P.)

The Nation of Elementia History shows the points of time in Elementia where there was peace, war, troubles, and many other time points of history.

This is a factbook of showing The Fashionable Kingdom of Nation of Elementia.


The Nation of Elementian History

Introduction Nation of Elementia has been inhabited by humans for quite a long time. The first natives were recorded to have come in on there handmade wooden canoes, making landfall around 4300 B.C. These people were thought of being from the mainland of France, Germany, Sweden, Russia, and some parts of Italy. Genetic dating has placed the current citizens of having native Elementian blood, but with mixes of a lot of Russian, Italian, British, and German blood, with some small cases of French and Swedish.

Fun Fact: After 1945, some people refused to be known that they have German and Italian blood.

Before humans came to Elementia, the land was known for being inhabited by animals, the list of animals ranging as the geography of Elementia is quite vast and diverse. The dense forests, swamps, jungles, and vegetation helped plant eating and a wide of range animals live, with the Kato desert and savannah making it the suitable habitat for those animals. The open plains and high mountain ranges helped birds and aviational animals thrive, and the deep oceans, lakes, huge streams and swamps help the marine life live.
Fun Fact: The Kato desert means in the language of the original natives "The Land of the Sand"

The Nation of Elementian geography helped the natives live once they arrived. The forests were good for supplying supplies for houses and fires, with the oceans and savannahs providing food. They travelled around, killing the native sheep, cows, goats, llamas, horses, and other various farm animals.

Fun fact: Pigs are not native to Elementia!

After agriculture was invented, small tribal towns were made up around the nation, farming the plants, animals, and resources.
The centuries went on, and technology advanced, along with the population grew, and it soon civilizations of cities grew, and the nation was confirmed officially of being created in 1203. A council was held until 1312. Riots didn't like the council, and it soon, the McScows, one of the wealthy families of the time, took power as the monarch of the nation. After that, by the early 1700's, a government was formed. As the Elementian population grew, the newly formed government split up into sections, as the government was only formed of being the President, Vice President, then ministers.
The years went on, and in the late 1700's, a constitutional monarchy was soon deemed as what the prefix of the nation was.
Elementia went through the times, but it was clearly seen that Elementia, as the times went on, was the least racist or offensive to people that are different than the original natives, who were once foreigners to the land.
The times went on, and Elementia has been very scientifically advanced, with time going on and on.
The Elementian people have endured through so much, and it keeps living on strong.

The Elementian Government hopes the Person or People Reading the History of The Fashionable Kingdom of Nation of Elenmentia!

Chapter One
Time before humans

A time before humans
Before the time of humans that have walked the planet Earth, Elementia was inhabited by many species. The most dominant animals were horses, most cattle, large amounts of cats, and other animals. The vegetation was lush, the desert was dry, the lakes were full and life abundant, the volcanoes lay dormant (except a couple), and the mountain peaks and landscape was at it's usual. Animals fed off the grass of the grass plains, the leaves trees, the vegetation of the mountains, and the lush waters and abundant numbers of fish and sealife.

The geography seemed to consist of this (it has not changed much):

Fun Fact: The oldest sediments of the delta has been estimated to be over 20300 years old, and when the last Ice Age happened, it deposited more sediments, making the delta
In the North West, a swamp that forms into a delta, that leads out into the Pacific Ocean
In the North, the grass highlands, plateaus, and some small parts of the Kato desert to the East.
In the North East, the northern reaches of the Kato desert, and some big sand dunes, and a consistent of 5 lone mountains, 2 which are volcanoes, both extinct. The last eruption from either of these volcanoes was recorded over 1.4 million years ago.
The name of these volcanoes is Mount St. Juain, and Ialis, both named off of the ancient natives "Bad Bringers"

To the East, the Kato desert, with it having huge sand dunes, and a river, the Kati river, cutting through the center of it. Ancient rock structures, which are both very odd looking and beautiful, scatter the Kato desert.
To the South East, The desert files out a very thick and dense jungle, which then stops at a mountain range, and thins out to a snowy forest.
To the South, a mountain range, which spans the whole southern border of Elementia, which is called the Himalasian mountains
To the South West, the mountain range slowly goes to a very, very, very snowy forest, which almost has snowfall every year, which is consisted of mostly a plateau, with the cliffs that lead into the Pacific Ocean, the cliffs going into a steep drop, hundreds upon hundreds of meters before plunging into the ocean. There are, more often than not, vast beaches where the cliffs border them to the East, and to the west, the vast ocean.
To the West, beaches mark the border with the nation and the Pacific Ocean, and the land mostly consists of plains, hills, a scattered with lakes, streams, and forests.

Map of Before Humans Arrived:

  • Large cats, such as lions, jaguars, and leopards, lived among the jungles and plains, and they preyed on the wild horses, most cattle stock, and other smaller animals.

Fun Fact: Elementian House Cats are actually just domesticated wild cats, which are both the same size

  • Horses are native to Elementia, and were domesticated by the natives after some years

  • Snakes, spiders, scorpions, and other small insects are very common in the desert and jungle of Elementia, the largest snake on record being 6.3 meters long, and the biggest spider is 2.3 meters in length, the longest scorpion ever seen is 4.4 meters long, not including the stinger tail.

  • Cattle stock that is native to Elementia is cows, sheep, chickens, horses, donkeys, camels, llamas, alpacas, fallow deer, goats, and rabbits.

  • Many species of birds either make Elementia there home, or are native from there. This includes the normal birds, like crows, robins, blue-jays, robins, pigeons and others like ducks, geese, swans, and also other birds, like eagles, falcons, and vultures.

  • The streams, lakes, rivers, seas, and oceans are scattered with sea life, with tons of species of fish and other amphibious creatures living there, including sharks, whales, sea-stars, eels, coral, squids, crabs, oysters/clams, shrimp, and the small bacteria. Fish, especially salmon and trout, is a national food meal for fish, and shark and shrimp are loved throughout the nation, along with clams and oysters.

  • Wolves are native to Elementia too, and many legends and myths have been told about them, as with other animals, but dogs are not that common, and most dogs are used for the military and police.

  • There are many more animals that live in Elementia, and almost everywhere has at least one sign of life, whether it be in the scorching deserts, the tops of the mountains, the deep oceans, the vast plains, the dense jungles, there will always be life

Life was very abundant before the age of humans, but it all changed, and for the better, when humans did arrive at Elementia.

Chapter Two
When Humans Arrived

The Time When Humans First Came
[tab=50]Around circa 5,000 B.C.E., small tribes of humans, mostly hunters and fisherman, and lone humans, possibly from canoes and man-made boats, soon came over to Elementia.
Humans mostly came by coming from the Pacific, from the North, or crossing the Southern Mountain range, or coming East through the Kato desert.

The oldest human remains and/or tools that have been found in Elementia has been accounted to be from around 5,000 B.C.E., which is why the estimated times of humans arrival in Elementia

It was thought many of the tribes did not know of each other, and discovered farming off there own, but there are theories and ideas that farming was also spread out by "messengers" of the tribes, travelling to other tribes, and spreading ideas that way.

Tribes mostly kept to themselves, until around 3,000 B.C.E., and mostly farmed by themselves, hunted and gathered, and mostly had little to not contact with each other.

Fun Fact: An ancient staff, which is dated to be around 3,000 years old, which makes it state of when it was made of during the early years of 1,000 B.C.E., was found in a cave, in perfect condition, and barely anything can be identified. The wood it is made out of is unidentifiable, as it seems to have been painted, carved, inscribed, and handled many times, with what seems to be demonic runes, and at the top of the staff, there is a crystal, which can't be identified either, though it is rumored to be made out of diamond, amethyst, and a few other rare minerals. It's impossible to identify what it is, so it's just called "The Demonic Staff"

Tribes hunted the cattle stock herds, gathered the plants, and spread out around the nation. They settled in the plains, jungles, a couple in the swamps, one accounted in the mountains, and a few on the beaches.
Around 2,000 B.C.E., horses were domesticated, and mules were made, and donkeys and ox were used for plowing.
At the time of around 1,000 B.C.E., things started to change, and tribes were starting to make huge communities, farming made more fields, communities expanded, technology advanced, and problems started to arise.

Communities started to clash over territory, fields for farming, and power. During this time, chiefs of the local armies ruled the towns and communities, and the largest one was the town of Laon. It had a population of 973 people, 200 of those in the army, and were quite advanced. They had the best farming techniques, the most advanced army, and had some of the best roads, along with the Town Hall being made out of Marble and Limestone, with new architectural ideas, with arches and pillars, and the houses were made out of brick and stone. With one of the oldest standing towns that hadn't been attacked, invaded, or taken over currently, it was a powerful community. Laon was in the North Western swamp, with it's navy being one of the strongest out of all the communities. They clashed with nearby communities and towns, and peace was not easy to have.
By around 800 B.C.E., after 250 years of constant fighting, the head chiefs of the 9 biggest communities and towns met, making a plan to come together and destroy Laon, killing the chief and making sure the town could never become powerful again.
The 9 biggest communities, with support of a number of other communities, led a full on assault, burning Laon to the ground, killing the chief, and killing anybody that supported the chief. The Council of Nine was created, by the biggest communities, and they sought to have peace, and established an Empire, called "The Empire of Oanendal", Oanendal being the god of the universe, according to a lot of the early tribes.

The tribes tried to work together, but, they couldn't agree on almost anything, and eventually the empire fell around 670 B.C.E.

Chapter Three
The Early Times

The Early Beginnings of the Modern World
During the Early 600's B.C.E., this is called the early beginnings of the modern world. It is called this as this is when technology and there was great social, economic, and political growth.

At the time of 580 B.C.E., the Council of Nine was officially dissolved, after the Empire fell almost a 100 years before.
Communities separated, but also kept trading. New goods were discovered as communities expanded. Mining for resources was discovered, easier ways to get wood, farming and herding became easier, and communities expanded. Trade flourished, and soon it was a time of prosper, wealth, sociality, and a height of the biggest communities.
Peace was declared between communities, and trade was doing very well.
New cargo ships were invented, to combat all types of the rivers, and advancements in science, mathematics, medicine, astronomy, arts, and education kept happening
Trade with other tribes outside of the area was getting bigger, and ports and markets kept expanding.
Local Governments kept power, and churches and religion were doing very well, and there barely any corruption.

It was determined, in the year of 245 B.C.E., there was little to no corruption anywhere!

Nation of elementia
