by Max Barry

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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕲𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕽𝖔𝖎 (Governor): The Kingdom of Carterert

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The Kingdom of Carterert

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Most Nations: 2,355th Most Authoritarian: 2,642nd
World Factbook Entry

Welcome To the Region. We hope That This Region Will Suit You and all your doings.

And We Hope That We Can Grow into a thriving growing region.

If this region is not the best for you, go check out Karma. We recommend this because our founder is actually an alt of his main nation which is The New Sand Union.(or Revival of sand union)If you have any questions, ask some of the higher ups!

Regional Traditional Anthem -

Embassies: Guinea Kiribati, The Empires And Republics Of Power, lonely corner, North Carolina, The Empire of Brittania, The Bar on the corner of every region, Gypsy Lands, Ivory Tower, The East Arctic, The Great Puppet Lands of Carterert, Northern Autism Land, The New Imperial Union, Christians, and Colonies.

Tags: Defender, Free Trade, Independent, Monarchist, Religious, and Small.

The Royal United Carterert Nations contains 10 nations, the 2,355th most in the world.

Today's World Census Report

The Most Cheerful Citizens in The Royal United Carterert Nations

The World Census shared cheeky grins with citizens around the world in order to determine which were the most relentlessly cheerful.

As a region, The Royal United Carterert Nations is ranked 7,279th in the world for Most Cheerful Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Rogue Nation of Kapoeta AuthorityIron Fist Consumerists“Conquer! Raid! Rest on The Empire!”
2.The Colony of Little sand anarchyCorrupt Dictatorship“thou sand is thine heart”
3.The Protectorate of Sand Union Office of Other Region OrdersAuthoritarian Democracy“Pass by, trade, go”
4.The Holy Empire of Bojangles Spicy Chicken SandwichLiberal Democratic Socialists“BERCLUCK!”
5.The Colony of The Imperial Company Guard Of FreltzCorrupt Dictatorship“Serve the empire, serve the guard”
6.The Principality of The Dynasty Of HoltPsychotic Dictatorship“Hey, Wait What?”
7.The Theocracy of Matt Cult NationAnarchy“Loyal”
8.The Dominion of Eastons CarriageInoffensive Centrist Democracy“On December 6th The Famed Prince Easton Will Arrive”
9.The Dominion of The 9th Royal Regiment Of SandsteinAnarchy“Against that hag of an empress we go!”
10.The Kingdom of CarterertCivil Rights Lovefest“Loyal to the King, Live life Peacfully”

Regional Happenings


The Royal United Carterert Nations Regional Message Board

Look at the dispatch I pinned at the top by Sand Union Office of Other Region Orders. It is how to become a citezen of the region.

I will be hosting the Court Of "repent" We hope to have the most nations join. Our court's specialty is Religion. Other nations like The Dynasty Of Holt, and Bojangles Spicy Chicken Sandwich will sate their message and the court's specialty.

It Is official! Prince Easton will arrive on Friday. 2 Days!

I Little sand anarchy, will abide by the rules of Nation States and be a respectful Considerate Nation in this region. I pledge this to make our region a better place for all!

I will Join The Court Of *drum roll*


Wait. Courts? Ok.

I The 9th royal company guard of sandstein, will abide by the rules of Nation States and be a respectful Considerate Nation in this region. I pledge this to make our region a better place for all.

TO join the Court Of, Repent.

*plays flute*

*drums start playing the "santa is comin' to town"*

*soon the flutes join in too*


Merry Christmas to Carterert!!

Merry christmas. We should have thought of a holiday special. But it is too late

Helllo. Merry christmas.

hello everyone. How was Your New Year?

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