by Max Barry

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The Confederacy of Beastland wrote:I'm actually pissed. They basically kicked a bunch of Republicans out of the 13th district. The shape of the 15th district is crazy.

I think the only Democrat on my ballot was Kamala and someone running for a county office. The 15th district voted 65 percent Trump before being gerrymandered. It may vote MORE Trump now. In other words he must have cut out Republican areas of the 13th district. It is ridiculous how the 15th district is shaped. I don't get how no one is going to court.

Trump won, buddy.

47th President of the United States of America.

Post self-deleted by The Naru Islands.

It's a bummer outcome. I mourn the American republic, the GOP, and conservatism's role therein. Oh well. So it goes.

Western Mars wrote:It's a bummer outcome. I mourn the American republic, the GOP, and conservatism's role therein. Oh well. So it goes.

God didn't choose this outcome for nothing.

A double rainbow over the cornfield on the morning of Nov 5, and I knew God put it there for Trump.

The Confederacy of Beastland wrote:

God didn't choose this outcome for nothing.

A double rainbow over the cornfield on the morning of Nov 5, and I knew God put it there for Trump.

Uh, I do question this theological interpretation.

I mean if it was for Trump, why was it your cornfield?

Reminds me of a great piece of spiritual advice: this man was going to a monastic retreat to discern religious life and saw the sun shining on the monastery perfectly through the clouds as he was driving up. He took this as a sign that he should probably become a monk. When he told the abbot, he chuckled and replied "What makes you think God changes the way the sun shines and the clouds move just for you? You're not the center of his universe." He did not become a monk.

Western Mars wrote:I mean if it was for Trump, why was it your cornfield?

It wasnt my cornfield. I don't know whose it was (just one of many cornfields: it couldve actually been these other bean things. I actually dont know how rainbows worked so maybe it appeared to touch down in the city, or maybe not at all)

The Confederacy of Beastland wrote:It wasnt my cornfield. I don't know whose it was (just one of many cornfields: it couldve actually been these other bean things. I actually dont know how rainbows worked so maybe it appeared to touch down in the city, or maybe not at all)

I don't think he meant that literally, the point is an isolated rainbow that Trump or almost everyone else in the country can't/didn't see isn't a probable indicator of any divine message with respect to one individual. It's more likely, if anything, that it was, say, meant for Little Johnny who was born preterm at the local hospital and his parents were finally driving him home?

I think the name is a common one, and you shouldn't be surprised that there are occasionally fluffy news stories about 'local guys' called stuff like "James Jones," "Isaac Miller," and "Matthew Smith."

With as many dead, dying, and vulnerable friendly regions out there, I feel it is our duty to in some way extend some kind of offering of neighborly goodwill to those regions whose loyal nations, by no fault of theirs, have no security and nowhere else to go.

I intend to extend preemptively categorical writs of Sanctuary to citizen-members of such regions upon any destructive crisis to their region, and furthermore, I also intend to guarantee, upon their immediate immigration here, the automatic enjoyment of rights of Residency.

If anyone here knows of worthy regions that have fallen by the wayside and lost their critical security, please inform the Crown (Royal Federal Republic of Free States), or my diplomatic avatar (The Royal House of Mars).

Dominus Vobiscum.
~ Western Mars, Crown Sovereign of the Royal Federal Republic of Free States

This next one's a doozy.

I hereby enact the following legislation:

0. This Act is intended to define species of crime in the Republic which relate to holding public office, carrying out official functions, holding elections, court proceedings, criminal prosecution, defiance of just and licit exercise of authority, and all manners of public business; to define components of such crimes where appropriate for the better prosecution of criminal law and the avoidance of accidental criminal acts; to classify such crimes in matters of severity; and to elaborate particular defenses which either may or may not be used against charges thereof. This legislation may be referred to as the “Special Crimes Act” in addition to the Month and Year, and/or order in which it was legislated, with respect to possible future Acts defining common crimes.
1. “Unjust Persecution” shall be the species of crime of knowingly, consistently acting in office to selectively apply laws or to misapply laws to a subject nation, or group of nations including at least one subject nation, in ways which clearly target, or unreasonably tend to target, that nation or those nations, and which are not justified by prudence or necessity. Unjust Persecution shall be a species of Crime of Office. Unjust Persecution shall be a Major Crime.
2. It shall not be a defense against charges of Unjust Persecution that no harm or distress came to the subject nation or nations as a result of the alleged actions.
3. “Unwarranted Persecution” shall be the species of crime of consistently acting in office to selectively apply laws or to misapply laws to a subject nation, or group of nations including at least one subject nation, in ways which clearly target that nation or those nations. Unwarranted Persecution shall be a species of Crime of Office. Unwarranted Persecution shall be a Minor Crime.
4. It shall not be a defense against charges of Unwarranted Persecution that no harm or distress came to the subject nation or nations as a result of the alleged actions.
5. “Corruption” shall be the species of crime of receiving, as an officer, candidate for office, or officer-designate, a commission, an award, or another gift of definite non-monetary value from a government official in exchange for and contingent upon quid pro quo arrangements when such an exchange is prohibited by law. Corruption shall be a species of Crime of Office. Corruption shall be a Major Crime.
6. “Prospective Inducement” shall be the species of crime of acts or speech, as an officer, candidate for office, or officer-designate, which promise, or clearly imply to promise, future quid pro quo arrangements, contingent on the promiser giving a commission, an award, or another gift of definite non-monetary value when such a future exchange is prohibited by law. Prospective Inducement shall be a species of Crime of Office. Prospective Inducement shall be a Major Crime.
7. “Fraudulently Obtaining Office” shall be the species of crime of false acts or speech, or the presentation of fraudulent evidence, by a nation which result in that nation’s obtainment of office that otherwise would not have been obtained. Fraudulently Obtaining Office shall be a species of Crime of Office. Fraudulently Obtaining Office shall be a Major Crime.
8. It shall not be a defense against charges of Fraudulently Obtaining Office that the office was promised by another person. It shall not be a defense that, in the case of an election, the nation actually received a majority of support or ran unopposed.
9. “Accretion of Office” shall be the species of crime of knowingly holding multiple offices when prohibited by law. Accretion of Office shall be a species of Crime of Office. Accretion of Office shall be a Minor Office.
10. It shall be a defense against charges of Accretion of Office that the multiple office-holding was legal when the term was originally entered with respect to any of the offices held, and that no order had been given to resign any office.
11. “Unlawful Foreign Office-holding” shall be the species of crime of knowingly holding one or more public offices under a foreign power when prohibited by law. Unlawful Foreign Office-holding shall be a species of Crime of Office. Unlawful Foreign Office-holding shall be a Minor Crime.
12. It shall be a defense against charges of Unlawful Foreign Office-holding that the foreign office-holding was legal when the term was originally entered in the cases of the foreign office, the regional office, or both.
13. “Obstinance” shall be the species of crime of knowing failure to leave office when lawfully required within a reasonable timeframe of being informed to do so. Obstinance shall be a species of Crime of Office. Obstinance shall be a Minor Crime.
14. It shall be a defense against charges of Obstinance that the failure to leave office was due to unavoidable exculpating circumstances, those being either a greater legal burden placed on the subject or a more serious real-world circumstance, and that the government, once notified, refused or failed to offer to accommodate the subject with a better date by which to leave office. It shall be a defense that the subject has or had insufficient control over their holding of office to be held responsible for not leaving it.
15. “Spurning of the Republic” shall be the species of crime of failure to appear, or refusal to testify, before the Senate when lawfully summoned. Spurning of the Republic shall be a species of Crime of Office. Spurning of the Republic shall be a Minor Crime.
16. It shall be a defense against charges of Spurning of the Republic that the failure or refusal was due to unavoidable exculpating circumstances, those being either a greater legal burden placed on the subject or a more serious real-world circumstance, and that the Senate, once notified, refused or failed to offer to accommodate the subject with a better date by which to appear or testify.
17. It shall not be a defense against charges of Spurning of the Republic that the subject disagrees, politically or otherwise, with the Senate or with particular Senators. It shall not be a defense that the subject believes the Senate’s intentions, behavior, or proceedings to be frivolous, malicious, unlawful, or distasteful.
18. “Frivolous Industry” shall be the species of crime of knowing conduction of unnecessary government business, as an officer, on a mandatory holiday. Frivolous Industry shall be a species of Crime of Office. Frivolous Industry shall be a Low Crime.
19. It shall be a defense against charges of Frivolous Industry that the conduction of government business in question was ordered by a superior officer, or was ordered or requested by the crown sovereign, or was mistaken in good faith as an order or request of the crown sovereign.
20. “Subversion of Duty” shall be the species of crime of the intentional unfaithful execution, or intentional prevention of the faithful execution, of the lawful duty of an office, while holding office. Subversion of Duty shall be a species of Crime of Office. Subversion of Duty shall be a Major Crime.
21. “Obstruction of Duty” shall be the species of crime of knowingly acting to unnecessarily hinder the faithful execution of the lawful duty of an office, while holding office. Obstruction of Duty shall be a species of Crime of Office. Obstruction of Duty shall be a Minor Crime.
22. “Dereliction of Duty” shall be the species of crime of knowing failure to faithfully execute the lawful duties of an office, while holding the same office. Dereliction of Duty shall be a species of Crime of Office. Dereliction of Duty shall be a Minor Crime.
23. “Subversion of Justice” shall be the species of crime of the intentional unfaithful execution, or intentional prevention of the faithful execution, of the lawful procedures of justice, such as prosecution, judgement, or imposition of penalty, while holding office. Subversion of Justice shall be a species of Crime of Office. Subversion of Justice shall be a Major Crime.
24. “Obstruction of Justice” shall be the species of crime of knowingly acting to unnecessarily hinder the faithful execution of the lawful procedures of justice, while holding office. Obstruction of Justice shall be a species of Crime of Office. Obstruction of Justice shall be a Minor Crime.
25. “Dereliction of Justice” shall be the species of crime of knowing failure to faithfully execute the lawful procedures of justice, while holding office. Dereliction of Justice shall be a species of Crime of Office. Dereliction of Justice shall be a Low Crime.
26. “Subversion of Peace” shall be the species of crime of the intentional unfaithful execution, or intentional prevention of the faithful execution, of lawful administration of militant action, military organization, intelligence-gathering, or regional defense, while holding office. Subversion of Peace shall be a species of Crime of Office. Subversion of Peace shall be a Major Crime.
27. “Obstruction of Peace” shall be the species of crime of knowingly acting to unnecessarily hinder the faithful execution of the lawful administration of militant action, military organization, intelligence-gathering, or regional defense, while holding office. Obstruction of Peace shall be a species of Crime of Office. Obstruction of Peace shall be a Minor Crime.
28. “Dereliction of Peace” shall be the species of crime of knowing failure to faithfully execute the lawful administration of militant action, military organization, intelligence-gathering, or regional defense, while holding office. Dereliction of Peace shall be a species of Crime of Office. Dereliction of Peace shall be a Low Crime.
29. “Failure to Appear” shall be the species of crime of failing to appear before the court when licitly summoned as a party to suit, or as a defendant to criminal charge. Failure to Appear shall be a species of Crime against the Crown. Failure to Appear shall be a Major Crime.
30. It shall be a defense against charges of Failure to Appear that the failure in question was due to unavoidable exculpating circumstances, those being either a greater legal burden placed on the subject or a more serious real-world circumstance, and that the court, once notified, refused or failed to offer to accommodate the subject with a better date by which to appear.

31. It shall not be a defense against charges of Failure to Appear that the subject disagrees, politically or otherwise, with the court or with particular judges. It shall not be a defense that the subject believes the court’s intentions, behavior, or proceedings to be frivolous, malicious, unlawful, or distasteful.
32. “Failure to Abide” shall be the species of crime of failing to abide by a final, lawful, intelligible ruling of the court when participant, as a party to suit or to criminal charge. Failure to Abide shall be a species of Crime against the Crown. Failure to Abide shall be a Major Crime.
33. It shall be a defense against charges of Failure to Abide that the subject’s appeal of the ruling in question is being filed imminently or that it has been filed and is pending consideration, approval, hearing, or decision.
34. It shall not be a defense against charges of Failure to Abide that the subject, or any other person or group, disagrees with the ruling.
35. “Spurning of Procedure” shall be the species of crime of failing to abide by any lawful, intelligible order of the court. Spurning of Procedure shall be a species of Crime against the Crown. Spurning of Procedure shall be a Minor Crime.
36. It shall be a defense against charges of Spurning of Procedure that the subject is appealing the court’s order to a higher court, or that a higher court has stayed the order or stayed a substantively similar order.
37. It shall not be a defense against charges of Spurning of Procedure that the subject, or any other person or group, disagrees with the ruling.
38. “Obstruction of Procedure” shall be the species of crime of failing to appear before the court when licitly summoned as a witness, or failing to give intelligible testimony when asked an intelligible question and clearly ordered to answer the question. Obstruction of Procedure shall be a species of Crime against the Crown. Obstruction of Procedure shall be a Minor Crime.
39. It shall be a defense against charges of Obstruction of Procedure in the case of failure to appear as a witness that the failure in question was due to unavoidable exculpating circumstances, those being either a greater legal burden placed on the subject or a more serious real-world circumstance, and that the court, once notified, refused or failed to offer to accommodate the subject with a better date by which to appear. It shall be a defense in the case of failure to intelligibly answer a question in response to an order that the truthful answer may tend to incriminate the subject witness, and the court, once notified, refused or failed to allow the subject witness to give the answer as private testimony. It shall be a defense in the case of failure to intelligibly answer a question that the subject witness promised in good faith to intelligibly answer if the question were rephrased more clearly to a reasonable extent.
40. It shall not be a defense against charges of Obstruction of Procedure that the subject witness dislikes the question, the manner in which the question was given, or the person giving the question.
41. “Subversive Publishing” shall be the species of crime of knowingly publicizing confidential government information. Subversive Publishing shall be a species of Crime against the Crown. Subversive Publishing shall be a Major Crime.
42. It shall be a defense against charges of Subversive Publishing that the confidential government information in question was of substantive, necessary public interest to publish which was, on the whole, greater than the substantive public interest to conceal the same information.
43. It shall not be a defense against charges of Subversive Publishing that the confidential government information in question was of no or little importance.
44. “Subversive Obstruction” shall be the species of crime of knowingly keeping confidential government information from the sovereign. Subversive Obstruction shall be a species of Crime against the Crown. Subversive Obstruction shall be a Minor Crime.
45. It shall not be a defense against charges of Subversive Obstruction that the confidential government information in question was of no or little importance.
46. “Barratry” shall be the species of crime of the pursuit of civil litigation in ways or to extents that are excessive, frivolous, and/or malicious. Barratry shall be a species of Crime against the Crown. Barratry shall be a Minor Crime.
47. It shall not be a defense against charges of Barratry that no harm or distress came to persons made the object of civil litigation. It shall not be a defense that the civil litigation in question was deserved, on the grounds that the person or persons subject to the litigation are bad, untrustworthy, or criminal in their character.
48. “Rebellion” shall be the species of crime of purposeful, illicit, militant resistance against Crown authority, with the intent or obvious tendency of establishing separate or parallel authority overlapping the Crown’s jurisdiction. Rebellion shall be a species of Crime against the Crown. Rebellion shall be a Major Crime.
49. “Insurrection” shall be the species of crime of knowing and forceful resistance against lawful Crown authority, as a citizen. Insurrection shall be a species of Crime against the Crown. Insurrection shall be a Minor Crime.
50. “Insubordination” shall be the species of crime of knowing, illicit resistance against lawful Crown authority, as an officer. Insubordination shall be a species of Crime against the Crown. Insubordination shall be a Minor Crime.
51. “Hijacking” shall be the species of crime of forceful, unauthorized acquisition, temporary or otherwise, of Crown or Republic property. Hijacking shall be a species of Crime against the Crown. Hijacking shall be a Minor Crime.
52. It shall be a defense against charges of Hijacking that the alleged acquisition was a necessary act of war, and the acquiring nation acquired the property in good faith, with the definite intent to return it upon the cessation of hostilities or obvious competence of the Crown or its Republic to regain possession. It shall be a defense that the alleged acquisition of property was understood in good faith to have been duly authorized.
53. “Conscriptive Truancy” shall be the species of crime of failure to respond to a licit act of conscription by the region. Conscriptive Truancy shall be a species of Crime against the Crown. Conscriptive Truancy shall be a Minor Crime.
54. It shall be a defense against charges of Conscriptive Truancy that the failure to respond was due to unavoidable exculpating circumstances, those being either a greater legal burden placed on the subject or a more serious real-world circumstance, and that the circumstances will likely prevent future compliance with the act of conscription. It shall be a defense that the subject at the time was a Free State who is not subject to conscription in accordance with their constitutional right to freedom from serfdom and slavery, whensoever conscription is employed outside of declared times of emergency. It shall be a defense that the subject is a foreign dignitary or temporary visitor, thereby is of necessity exempted from acts of conscription. It shall be a defense that the subject is a Resident and has principled objections to conscription. It shall be a defense that the subject has been conscripted before, had served their previous term to the full and in good faith, and is awaiting lawfully promised citizenship in return for that previous service.
55. It shall not be a defense against charges of Conscriptive Truancy that the subject nation is of the opinion that conscription is bad, distasteful, or unnecessary. It shall not be a defense that the subject nation disagrees, politically or otherwise, with the act of conscription in question or its implementation.
56. “Inducement” shall be the species of crime of giving, as not an officer, nor candidate for office, nor officer-designate, a commission, an award, or another gift of definite value to a government official in exchange for and contingent upon quid pro quo arrangements when such an exchange is prohibited by law. Inducement shall be a species of Civic Crime. Inducement shall be a Major Crime.
57. “Prospective Corruption” shall be the species of crime of acts or speech which promise, or clearly imply to promise, future quid pro quo arrangements, contingent on the promiser receiving a commission, an award, or another gift of definite non-monetary value when such a future exchange is prohibited by law. Prospective Corruption shall be a species of Civic Crime. Prospective Corruption shall be a Minor Crime.
58. “Conciliar Tampering” shall be the species of crime of acts intended to influence unduly the outcome of council deliberations on a specific topic or to conceal from the public or misconstrue to the public the true outcome thereof, or which otherwise manifestly interfere with the conduction of specific council business. Conciliar Tampering shall be a species of Civic Crime. Conciliar Tampering shall be a Minor Crime.
59. It shall be a defense against charges of Conciliar Tampering that the acts in question are protected political or civic acts.

60. “Legislative Tampering” shall be the species of crime of acts intended to influence unduly the outcome of legislative deliberations on a specific topic or to conceal from the public or misconstrue to the public the true outcome thereof, or acts which otherwise manifestly interfere with the conduction of specific legislative business. Legislative Tampering shall be a species of Civic Crime. Legislative Tampering shall be a Minor Crime.
61. It shall be a defense against charges of Legislative Tampering that the acts in question are protected political or civic acts.
62. “Voter Intimidation” shall be the species of crime of acts of election malfeasance by direct or indirect threats of reprisal against particular voters over election results or over any voter's personal choice. Voter Intimidation shall be a species of Civic Crime. Voter Intimidation shall be a Major Crime.
63. It shall not be a defense against charges of Voter Intimidation that no harm or distress came to voters made the object of alleged threats. It shall not be a defense that the results of the election or the choice of the voters in question were not actually affected. It shall not be a defense that the alleged threats were deserved, on the grounds that the voters threatened are bad, untrustworthy, or criminal in their character.
64. “Ballot Fraud” shall be the species of crime of acts of election malfeasance through the manufacturing of invalid ballots or the falsifying of valid ballots. Ballot Fraud shall be a species of Civic Crime. Ballot Fraud shall be a Major Crime.
65. It shall not be a defense against charges of Ballot Fraud that the results of the election in question were not actually affected.
66. “Voter Fraud” shall be the species of crime of acts of election malfeasance through the creation of puppet nations or use of extant puppet nations for the purpose of casting additional, illicit votes. Voter Fraud shall be a species of Civic Crime. Voter Fraud shall be a Major Crime.
67. It shall not be a defense against charges of Voter Fraud that the results of the election in question were not actually affected.
68. “Protection of Criminals” shall be the species of crime of intentionally obstructing contact with convicted criminals; or intentionally preventing the carrying out of sentencing; or purposely failing to prevent future crimes by criminals of the same kind for which they were convicted. Protection of Criminals shall be a species of Civic Crime. Protection of Criminals shall be a Major Crime.
69. It shall not be a defense against charges of Protection of Criminals that the subject nation disagrees, politically or otherwise, with or disapproves of the laws establishing the crimes by which nations were convicted, nor that the subject disagrees or disapproves of with the convictions or sentences licitly given to the criminals in question.
70. “Impedance of Prosecution” shall be the species of crime of acts or behavior which manifestly, unreasonably interfere with the reporting of crimes, investigation of crimes, ascertainment of testimony, or otherwise lawful procedure of pursuing criminal prosecution. Impedance of Prosecution shall be a species of Civic Crime. Impedance of Prosecution shall be a Minor Crime.
71. It shall be a defense against charges of Impedance of Prosecution that the acts or behavior in question are protected political or civic acts. It shall be a defense that the acts or behavior are too general in purpose and innocuous in nature to be blamed for potential effects of impeded prosecution. It shall be a defense that the prosecutorial acts interfered with were unconstitutional or otherwise unlawfully conducted.
72. “Obstruction of Elections” shall be the species of crime of acts or behavior which manifestly, unreasonably, and severely interfere with the conduction of elections. Obstruction of Elections shall be a species of Civic Crime. Obstruction of Elections shall be a Minor Crime.
73. It shall be a defense against charges of Obstruction of Elections that the acts or behavior in question are protected political or civic acts. It shall be a defense that the elections interfered with were unconstitutional or otherwise unlawfully conducted.
74. “Impedance of Elections” shall be the species of crime of acts or behavior which manifestly, unreasonably interfere with the conduction of elections. Impedance of Elections shall be a species of Civic Crime. Impedance of Elections shall be a Low Crime.
75. It shall be a defense against charges of Impedance of Elections that the acts or behavior in question are protected political or civic acts. It shall be a defense that the acts or behavior are too general in purpose and innocuous in nature to be blamed for potential effects of impeded election conduction. It shall be a defense that the elections interfered with were unconstitutional or otherwise unlawfully conducted.
76. “Obstruction of Governance” shall be the species of crime of acts or behavior which manifestly, unreasonably, and severely interfere with the executive acts of government. Obstruction of Governance shall be a species of Civic Crime. Obstruction of Governance shall be a Minor Crime.
77. It shall be a defense against charges of Obstruction of Governance that the acts or behavior in question are protected political or civic acts. It shall be a defense that the executive acts interfered with were unconstitutional or otherwise unlawfully conducted.
78. “Impedance of Governance” shall be the species of crime of acts or behavior which manifestly, unreasonably interfere with the executive acts of government. Impedance of Governance shall be a species of Civic Crime. Impedance of Governance shall be a Low Crime.
79. It shall be a defense against charges of Impedance of Governance that the acts or behavior in question are protected political or civic acts. It shall be a defense that the acts or behavior in question are too general in purpose and innocuous in nature to be blamed for potential effects of impeded governance. It shall be a defense that the executive acts interfered with were unconstitutional or otherwise unlawfully conducted.
80. “Civic Sabotage” shall be the species of crime of purposeful public acts which have the manifest effect of unreasonably destabilizing public order. Civic Sabotage shall be a species of Civic Crime. Civic Sabotage shall be a Minor Crime.
81. “Civic Disruption” shall be the species of crime of knowing public acts which have the manifest effect of unreasonably destabilizing public order. Civic Disruption shall be a species of Civic Crime. Civic Disruption shall be a Low Crime.
82. It shall be a defense against charges of Civic Disruption that the acts in question are too general in purpose and innocuous in nature to be blamed for potential effects of destabilized public order.
83. “Misprision of Crime” shall be the species of crime of knowingly failing to report a manifest crime. Misprision of Crime shall be a species of Civic Crime. Misprision of Crime shall be a Minor Crime.
84. It shall be a defense against charges of Misprision of Crime that the alleged manifest crime in question was reasonably thought to be a Minor Crime at most. It shall be a defense that the failure to report was compelled, or the result of a reasonable perception of threat or likely threat in response.
85. It shall not be a defense against charges of Misprision of Crime that the subject nation disagrees, politically or otherwise, with the law establishing the alleged manifest crime.
86. “Misprision of Malfeasance” shall be the species of crime of knowingly failing to report a manifest misdeed or likely crime. Misprision of Malfeasance shall be a species of Civic Crime. Misprision of Malfeasance shall be a Low Crime.
87. It shall be a defense against charges of Misprision of Malfeasance that the alleged manifest misdeed or likely crime in question was reasonably thought to be a Low Crime at most. It shall be a defense that the failure to report was compelled, or the result of a perception of threat or likely threat in response.
88. It shall not be a defense against charges of Misprision of Malfeasance that the subject nation disagrees, politically or otherwise, with the law establishing the alleged likely crime.
89. This Act shall not be held to apply to acts before its enaction. This Act shall not be held to apply to acts outside of the appropriate jurisdiction of the Crown and its Republic. This Act shall not be held to replace, override, contradict, or otherwise deny actions taken by site moderators. This Act shall not be held to criminalize behavior beyond what is explicitly defined herein and logically implied by such.
90. This Act shall take effect at midnight, Pacific Standard Time, after its approval by the Crown.

Happy to have embassies with you all!

I hereby enact the following legislation:

0. This Act is intended to define species of crime in the Republic which relate to the Armed Forces, the conduction of war, the organizational security and integrity of the military, and the behavior of soldiers in peacetime; to define components of crimes where appropriate for the better prosecution of criminal law within military constructions and the avoidance of accidental criminal military acts; to classify such crimes in matters of severity; and to elaborate particular defenses which either may or may not be used against charges thereof. This legislation may be referred to as the “Military Crimes Act” in addition to the Month and Year, and/or order in which it was legislated, with respect to possible future Acts defining military crimes.
1. “Misdirected Attack” shall be the species of crime of effective military action perpetrated upon the wrong target, to the detriment of the operation. Misdirected Attack shall be a species of Military Crime. Misdirected Attack shall be a Minor Crime.
2. It shall be a defense against charges of Misdirected Attack that the military action in question was ordered by a superior officer, or was ordered or requested by the crown sovereign, or was mistaken in good faith as an order or request of the crown sovereign.
3. “Desertion” shall be the species of crime of intentional absence from the field, contrary to militant directives, during an operation or immediately prior to enemy military action. Desertion shall be a species of Military Crime. Desertion shall be a Minor Crime.
4. It shall be a defense against charges of Desertion that the absence from the field was due to unavoidable exculpating circumstances, namely a more serious real-world circumstance.
5. It shall not be a defense against charges of Desertion that the subject nation disagrees, politically or otherwise, with the operations in question.
6. “Abandonment of Post” shall be the species of crime of absence from the field, contrary to recent or standing, intelligible militant directives. Abandonment of Post shall be a species of Military Crime. Abandonment of Post shall be a Low Crime.
7. It shall be a defense against charges of Abandonment of Post that the absence from the field was due to unavoidable exculpating circumstances, namely a more serious real-world circumstance.
8. It shall not be a defense against charges of Abandonment of Post that the subject nation disagrees, politically or otherwise, with the operations in question.
9. “Mutiny” shall be the species of crime of intentional disobedience of militant directives, with the effect of tending to undermine the authority of command. Mutiny shall be a species of Military Crime. Mutiny shall be a Major Crime.
10. It shall be a defense against charges of Mutiny that the militant directives are obviously illegal or gravely immoral.
11. It shall not be a defense against charges of Mutiny that the subject nation disagrees, strategically or otherwise, with the directives in question.
12. “Deliberate Misconstrual” shall be the species of crime of intentional execution of received militant directives in a manner contrary to their intention, but in some way according to their unclarified meaning, derived by relying on peculiar vagueness, spelling, grammar, or semantics within the directives received, to malicious effect. Deliberate Misconstrual shall be a species of Military Crime. Deliberate Misconstrual shall be a Major Crime.
13. It shall be a defense against charges of Deliberate Misconstrual that the directives are obviously illegal or gravely immoral, and that the execution of the directives was made in a way to avoid or reduce the illegality or immorality of their contradicted intention.
14. It shall not be a defense against charges of Deliberate Misconstrual that the subject nation disagrees, strategically or otherwise, with the directives in question. It shall not be a defense that the subject nation dislikes, or disparages the character or competence of, the authority giving the directives in question.
15. “Militant Instigation” shall be the species of crime of intentional acting in an unauthorized manner—as a member of the Armed Forces, a member of a militant directive, or a free militant state—as to provoke a likely military reprisal or declaration of hostilities by a neutral or allied power, or with a hostile power under truce or treaty at peace. Militant Instigation shall be a species of Military Crime. Militant Instigation shall be a Major Crime.
16. It shall be a defense against charges of Military Instigation that the acts were in self-defense, including the defense of an occupied or allied region.
17. “Defection” shall be the species of crime of intentional, effective military action in accordance with the directives by the enemy or to the manifest detriment of operations against an enemy. Defection shall be a species of Military Crime. Defection shall be a Major Crime.
18. It shall not be a defense against charges of Defection that the military action in question was ordered by a superior officer, or by the crown sovereign, or was mistaken in good faith as an order or request of the crown sovereign. It shall not be a defense that the subject nation disagrees, politically or otherwise, with the operations in question.
19. “Malignant Abstrusement” shall be the species of crime of failure to understand or act on intelligible militant directives within a reasonable time of reception, resulting in confusion, unit inaction, loss of operational security, loss of command confidence, tactical failure, strategic failure, or general military ineffectuality. Malignant Abstrusement shall be a species of Military Crime. Malignant Abstrusement shall be a Minor Crime.
20. It shall be a defense against charges of Malignant Abstrusement that the directives are obviously illegal or gravely immoral. It shall be a defense that the failure to carry out the directives was due to unavoidable exculpating circumstances, namely a more serious real-world circumstance.
21. It shall not be a defense against charges of Malignant Abstrusement that the subject nation disagrees, strategically or otherwise, with the directives in question. It shall not be a defense that the subject nation dislikes, or disparages the character or competence of, the authority giving the directives in question.
22. “Abstrusement” shall be the species of crime of failure to understand or act on intelligible militant directives within a reasonable time of reception. Abstrusement shall be a species of Military Crime. Abstrusement shall be a Low Crime.
23. It shall be a defense against charges of Abstrusement that the directives are obviously illegal or gravely immoral. It shall be a defense that the failure to carry out the directives was due to unavoidable exculpating circumstances, namely a more serious real-world circumstance.
24. It shall not be a defense against charges of Malignant Abstrusement that the subject nation disagrees, strategically or otherwise, with the directives in question. It shall not be a defense that the subject nation dislikes, or disparages the character or competence of, the authority giving the directives in question.
25. “Malingering” shall be the species of crime of falsely alleging sickness, disability, loss of power, loss of internet connectivity, or another excusing, unwilling indisposition, as a defense to crimes of Desertion, Abstrusement, Malignant Abstrusement, Abandonment of Post, and/or Misdirected Attack. Malingering shall be a species of Military Crime. Malingering shall be a Minor Crime.
26. “Unlawful Command” shall be the species of crime of giving original directives or otherwise assuming military authority when prohibited by law. Unlawful Command shall be a species of Military Crime. Unlawful Command shall be a Major Crime.
27. It shall be a defense against charges of Unlawful Command that both ordinary military authority and the lawful control thereof by civil authority had become derelict or had broken down beyond clear repair or restoration.
28. “Unauthorized Command” shall be the species of crime of giving original directives or otherwise assuming military authority without specific command authorization, general command authorization, personal royal permission, or conditional authority succession. Unauthorized Command shall be a species of Military Crime. Unauthorized Command shall be a Minor Crime.
29. “Unlawful Military Action” shall be the species of crime of military action attempted upon a target forbidden by law. Unlawful Military Action shall be a species of Military Crime. Unlawful Military Action shall be a Minor Crime.
30. It shall be a defense against charges of Unlawful Military Action that both ordinary military authority and the lawful control thereof by civil authority had become derelict or had broken down beyond clear repair or restoration, and that the military actions were in self-defense, including the defense of an occupied or allied region.
31. “Unauthorized Military Action” shall be the species of crime of military action attempted without either directives or authority. Unauthorized Military Action shall be a species of Military Crime. Unauthorized Military Action shall be a Low Crime.
32. It shall be a defense against charges of Unauthorized Military Action that the acts were in self-defense, including the defense of an occupied or allied region.
33. “Misprision of Military Crime” shall be the species of crime of knowing failure to report a likely military crime, as a member of the Armed Forces. Misprision of Military Crime shall be a species of Military Crime. Misprision of Military Crime shall be a Minor Crime.
34. It shall be a defense against charges of Misprision of Military Crime that the failure to report was compelled, or the result of a reasonable perception of threat or likely threat in response. It shall be a defense that the member nation’s attempt to report was deleted, suppressed, or denied by nations in the chain of command.
35. It shall not be a defense against charges of Misprision of Military Crime that the subject member disagrees, politically or otherwise, with the law establishing the alleged likely military crime. It shall not be a defense that the subject member believed the consequences of the alleged likely military crime to be nonexistent, small, or unimportant.
36. This Act shall not be held to apply to acts before its enaction. This Act shall not be held to apply to acts outside of the appropriate jurisdiction of the Crown and its Republic. This Act shall not be held to replace, override, contradict, or otherwise deny actions taken by site moderators. This Act shall not be held to criminalize behavior beyond what is explicitly defined herein and logically implied by such.
36. This Act shall not create legal duties upon any foreign nation, imperial subject, or non-citizen regional inhabitant beyond those lawfully given otherwise. Neither militants nor member-nations of hostile foreign powers and organizations shall be subject to military crimes, excepting by term of licit treaty to which the region is party. The Crown reserves any acts or behaviors, fitting the ordinary definitions of any military crime, as a valid reason for complaint to authorizing foreign region or organization or as valid grounds to deny applications by foreign nations for residency, sanctuary, citizenship, membership in the Armed Forces, or recognition as an Ambassador. The Crown likewise reserves hostile and militant activity against the Crown, the Republic, the region, its friends, its diplomatic partners, its allies, and any territories of any of the aforementioned as valid reason for complaint or valid grounds to deny application in the same way.
37. This Act shall take effect at midnight, Pacific Standard Time, after its approval by the Crown.


0. This Act is intended to define species of crime in the Republic which relate to crimes of a diplomatic nature, or with diplomatic implications, including crimes committed in the region upon foreign dignitaries and diplomats, crimes interfering with the Crown’s ability to conduct diplomacy, crimes relating to espionage, crimes specially committable by foreign dignitaries and diplomats, and crimes involving foreign relations or terms of licit treaties to which the Republic is party; to define components of such crimes where appropriate for the better prosecution of criminal law and the avoidance of accidental criminal acts; to classify such crimes in matters of severity; and to elaborate particular defenses which either may or may not be used against charges thereof. This legislation may be referred to as the “Diplomatic Crimes Act” in addition to the Month and Year, and/or order in which it was legislated, with respect to possible future Acts defining common crimes.
1. “Wrongful Spying” shall be the species of crime of conducting espionage, as a citizen, against a region with which the Republic is formally allied, without the Sovereign’s explicit permission. Wrongful Spying shall be a species of Diplomatic Crime. Wrongful Spying shall be a Major Crime.
2. It shall be a defense against charges of Wrongful Spying that the espionage in question was ordered by a superior officer, or was ordered or requested by the crown sovereign, or was mistaken in good faith as an order or request of the crown sovereign.
3. It shall not be a defense against charges of Wrongful Spying that the alleged espionage was of little importance, or was of little interest to the foreign power, or did not manifestly harm the region, or was stopped by the allied region, or was unsuccessful.
4. “Unauthorized Foreign Disclosure” shall be the species of crime of unpermitted intelligence-sharing, as a citizen, with foreign organizations, regions, or nations. Unauthorized Foreign Disclosure shall be a species of Diplomatic Crime. Unauthorized Foreign Disclosure shall be a Major Crime.
5. It shall not be a defense against charges of Unauthorized Foreign Disclosure that the intelligence allegedly shared was of little importance, or was of little interest to the foreign power or nation, or did not manifestly harm the region.
6. “Unauthorized Domestic Disclosure” shall be the species of crime of unpermitted intelligence-sharing, as a citizen, with domestic organizations, regions, or nations. Unauthorized Domestic Disclosure shall be a species of Diplomatic Crime. Unauthorized Domestic Disclosure shall be a Minor Crime.
7. It shall not be a defense against charges of Unauthorized Domestic Disclosure that the intelligence allegedly shared was of little importance, or was of little interest to the domestic power or nation, or did not manifestly harm the region.
8. “Unauthorized Cross-talk” shall be the species of crime of inappropriate intelligence-sharing among Sentinels. Unauthorized Cross-talk shall be a species of Diplomatic Crime. Unauthorized Cross-talk shall be a Minor Crime.
9. It shall not be a defense against charges of Unauthorized Cross-talk that the intelligence allegedly shared was of little importance or did not harm the region.
10. “Diplomatic Militancy” shall be the species of crime of attempting, as a foreign dignitary, to organize military action among foreign inhabitants, to directly incite the Royal Armed Forces or Republican Militia to unauthorized or unlawful action, or to aid, endorse, or plan the militarily subdual of the region, the overthrow the Crown, or the likely compromising of the security of the Republic in any other way. Diplomatic Militancy shall be a species of Diplomatic Crime. Diplomatic Militancy shall be a Major Crime. Foreign diplomats shall be criminally liable for Diplomatic Belligerency, legal immunity notwithstanding.
11. It shall be a defense against charges of Diplomatic Militancy that the alleged attempts were part of the natural duty of the subject nation, as a foreign diplomat, to conduct diplomacy on their own behalf, and only accidentally resembled hostile military action.
12. It shall not be a defense against charges of Diplomatic Militancy that the alleged attempts did not succeed in achieving foreign militancy, regional mutiny, overthrow, invasion, or other actual harm to the region. It shall not be a defense that the goals or outcomes of the attempts were deserved, on the grounds that the Crown, its Republic, the region, or a foreign region are bad, untrustworthy, illegitimate, criminal, or otherwise deficient in character.
13. “Diplomatic Belligerency” shall be the species of crime of attempting, as a foreign dignitary, to provoke hostilities with a foreign power or between foreign powers while in the region or through the lawful privileges accorded to foreign dignitaries therein. Diplomatic Belligerency shall be a species of Diplomatic Crime. Diplomatic Belligerency shall be a Major Crime. Foreign dignitaries shall be criminally liable for Diplomatic Belligerency, legal immunity notwithstanding.
14. It shall be a defense against charges of Diplomatic Belligerency that the alleged provocative acts were part of the natural duty of the subject nation, as a foreign dignitary or diplomat, to conduct diplomacy on their own behalf, which may naturally tend to provoke diplomatic hostilities, and that the government refused or failed to offer to accommodate the subject with sufficient warning that their diplomatic activities were considered undesirable and with alternative methods of reasonable diplomatic conduct.
15. It shall not be a defense against charges of Diplomatic Belligerency that the alleged attempts did not harm the region. It shall not be a defense that the alleged attempts did not actually succeed in provoking hostilities with any particular foreign power. It shall not be a defense that the provocations were deserved, on the grounds that the foreign powers subject to them are bad, untrustworthy, or criminal in their characters.
16. “Impedance of Diplomacy” shall be the species of crime of acts or behavior which manifestly, unreasonably interfere with the conduct of diplomacy by foreign dignitaries. Impedance of Diplomacy shall be a species of Diplomatic Crime. Impedance of Diplomacy shall be a Minor Crime. Diplomat shall be criminally liable for Impedance of Diplomacy, legal immunity notwithstanding.
17. It shall be a defense against charges of Impedance of Diplomacy that the acts or behavior were part of the natural duty of the subject nation, as a foreign dignitary or diplomat, to conduct diplomacy on their own behalf, which may naturally tend to interfere with diplomacy in other areas, and that the government refused or failed to offer to accommodate the subject with sufficient warning that their diplomatic activities were considered unreasonable and with alternative methods of reasonable diplomatic conduct.
18. It shall not be a defense against charges of Impedance of Diplomacy that the acts or behavior in question did not harm the region, or harm or distress the foreign dignitaries. It shall not be a defense that the alleged attempts did not totally interfere with the conduct of diplomacy. It shall not be a defense that the provocations were deserved, on the grounds that the foreign powers subject to them are bad, untrustworthy, or criminal in their characters.
19. “Diplomatic Forgery” shall be the species of crime of manufacturing false documents purported to be official acts of a foreign dignitary, foreign organization, or representative thereof. Diplomatic Forgery shall be a species of Diplomatic Crime. Diplomatic Forgery shall be a Minor Crime. Diplomats and other foreign dignitaries shall be criminally liable for Diplomatic Forgery, legal immunity notwithstanding.
20. “Fraudulent Intercession” shall be the species of crime of representing the region or its interests to foreign regions or other powers without licit authority granted, and maintaining fraudulently that such authority had been granted to them. "Other powers" shall be here defined as including interregional federations, military and chivalric orders, organized religious groups, and other organizations as recognized by the Crown. Fraudulent Intercession shall be a species of Diplomatic Crime. Fraudulent Intercession shall be a Minor Crime. Foreign diplomats and other dignitaries shall be criminally liable for Fraudulent Intercession, legal immunity notwithstanding.
21. “False Accreditation” shall be the species of crime of attaining, or attempting to attain, either recognition as a foreign Ambassador or accreditation as a foreign envoy to the region by providing false information, without which the subject nation would not attain said recognition or accreditation. False Accreditation shall be a species of Diplomatic Crime. False Accreditation shall be a Minor Crime. Foreign diplomats and other dignitaries shall be criminally liable for False Accreditation, legal immunity notwithstanding.
22. “Selection Meddling” shall be the species of crime of acts or speech, as a foreign dignitary, clearly, maliciously attempting to influence regional selections in excess of diplomatic privilege and for a likely purpose. Selection Meddling shall be a species of Diplomatic Crime. Selection Meddling shall be a Major Crime. Foreign diplomats shall be criminally liable for Selection Meddling, legal immunity notwithstanding.
23. It shall be a defense against charges of Selection Meddling that the nation had the explicit, prior permission of the Crown for the influencing in question and sought in good faith to stay without the permittance thereby granted.
24. It shall not be a defense against charges of Selection Meddling that the alleged attempts to influence selections had no or little effect thereupon.
25. “Selection Interference” shall be the species of crime of acts or speech, as a foreign dignitary, clearly attempting to influence regional selections in excess of diplomatic privilege. Selection Interference shall be a species of Diplomatic Crime. Selection Interference shall be a Minor Crime. Foreign diplomats shall be criminally liable for Selection Interference, legal immunity notwithstanding.
26. It shall be a defense against charges of Selection Interference that the nation had the explicit, prior permission of the Crown for the influencing in question.
27. It shall not be a defense against charges of Selection Interference that the alleged attempts to influence selections had no or little effect thereupon.
28. “Disturbance of Peace” shall be the species of crime of purposeful public acts or behavior within the region, as a foreign diplomat, which exceed the reasonable protections provided under law and treaty to such dignitaries and which demonstrably impede the lawful exercise of rights and privileges by residents. Disturbance of Peace shall be a species of Diplomatic Crime. Disturbance of Peace shall be a Low Crime. Foreign diplomats shall be criminally liable for Disturbance of Peace, legal immunity notwithstanding.
29. It shall be a defense against charges of Disturbance of Peace that the nation had the explicit, prior permission of the Crown for the acts or behavior in question.
30. “Diplomatic Trespassing” shall be the species of crime of purposeful entry to the region, as a recognized Ambassador or accredited envoy, in definite violation of any regional law, judicial decision, or executive action, excluding treaties to which the authorizing region of the diplomat is party. Diplomatic Trespassing shall be a species of Diplomatic Crime. Diplomatic Trespassing shall be a Minor Crime. Foreign diplomats shall be criminally liable for Disturbance of Peace, legal immunity notwithstanding.
31. “Diplomatic Transgression” shall be the species of crime of purposeful acts or behavior within the region, as a recognized Ambassador or accredited envoy, in definite violation of any regional law, judicial decision, or executive action, excluding treaties to which the authorizing region of the diplomat is party. Diplomatic Transgression shall be a species of Diplomatic Crime. Diplomatic Transgression shall be a Low Crime. Foreign diplomats shall be criminally liable for Disturbance of Peace, legal immunity notwithstanding.
32. “Deliberate Treaty Violation” shall be the species of crime of intentionally and flagrantly violating the definite term(s) of treaties made with foreign regions or other powers. Deliberate Treaty Violation shall be a species of Diplomatic Crime. Deliberate Treaty Violation shall be a Major Crime. Foreign diplomats and other dignitaries shall be criminally liable for Deliberate Treaty Violation, legal immunity notwithstanding.
33. It shall not be a defense against charges of Deliberate Treaty Violation that the subject nation disagrees, politically or otherwise, with the terms of the treaty in question nor with the treaty in its entirety.
34. “Treaty Violation” shall be the species of crime of clearly violating the definite term(s) of treaties made with foreign regions or other powers. Treaty Violation shall be a species of Diplomatic Crime. Treaty Violation shall be a Minor Crime. Foreign diplomats shall be criminally liable for Treaty Violation, legal immunity notwithstanding.
35. It shall not be a defense against charges of Treaty Violation that the subject nation disagrees, politically or otherwise, with the terms of the treaty in question nor with the treaty in its entirety.
36. Minor Crimes and Low Crimes of any criminal genus which are committed upon a foreign diplomat in the region or in any territory under its jurisdiction—by a Knight or by a Resident of the territory in question—shall be eligible to be prosecuted enhanced as a Major Crime, regardless of its lawful categorization, according to the choice of the magistrate entrusted with trying the case, subject to the review of the Crown through the Lord Proconsul. The magistrate shall accept or reject the enhanced prosecution according to the nature of the alleged crime, the severity of the alleged crime’s apparent effects, the prima facie strength of the claim of proof given by the prosecution upon application, and the preliminary argument of defense, if given, by the defendant and their counsel. If the prosecution gives no preliminary claims of proof upon application, the magistrate shall reject the enhanced prosecutorial categorization without review or appeal.
37. “Undiplomatic Behavior,” consisting of a foreign diplomat behaving untoward or unprofessional in some egregious manner, while in the region, shall not be considered a crime by law, excepting as defined by term of licit treaty to which the region is party. The Crown reserves Undiplomatic Behavior as a valid reason for complaint to authorizing foreign region or organization, to seek the diplomat’s recall, or to give grounds for the revocation of their accreditation.
38. “Espionage,” consisting of a foreign diplomat, representing a non-hostile region or other power, spying on the region, shall not be considered a crime by law, excepting as defined by term of licit treaty to which the region is party. The Crown reserves Espionage as a valid reason for complaint to authorizing foreign region or organization, to seek the diplomat’s recall, or to give grounds for the revocation of their accreditation.
39. Any act, behavior, or speech for which a foreign dignitary who is not a recognized Ambassador nor an accredited Envoy, or who is not presently seeking either status, that clearly fits the standard of a defined diplomatic crime for which they are not already, is reserved as valid grounds for restriction, including expulsion from the region, and valid reason for complaint to their native region or organization.
40. Species of Criminal Conspiracies, of Criminal Threats, of Criminal Incitement, of Criminal Effection, and of Criminal Solicitation shall not be held to apply to foreign dignitaries, excepting those species which have as their subject a species of crime which itself lawfully applies to foreign dignitaries.
41. When criminally charged, foreign dignitaries may voluntarily stand for trial in absentia, in which case they shall duly receive all relevant legal protections throughout the process, even if their dignitary status is revoked or abridged. If a foreign dignitary is criminally charged and fails to answer licit summons to appear in court, then the due legal protections relevant to foreign dignitaries in regional court shall be thereby forfeit, except as provided for by explicit term of treaty to which the region is party.
42. No foreign dignitary shall be denied the use of valid defenses under the law against criminal charges, on the sole grounds of their foreign origin and/or their dignitary status.
43. This Act shall not be held to apply to acts before its enaction. This Act shall not be held to apply to acts outside of the appropriate jurisdiction of the Crown and its Republic. This Act shall not be held to replace, override, contradict, or otherwise deny actions taken by site moderators. This Act shall not be held to criminalize behavior beyond what is explicitly defined herein and logically implied by such.
44. This Act shall take effect at midnight, Pacific Standard Time, after its approval by the Crown.

The Royal Law Codex, linked in the regional description, has been updated with all amendments and legislation, current to 25 November, 2024.

Since we have so many laws now, it is becoming increasingly difficult to store them all as factbooks on this nation. The Crown will be examining options for keeping individual laws on record in a publicly accessible way for Free States and others. In the meantime, however, the linked Codex contains any and all applicable laws in their official forms, and may be relied on for as much as up until the most recent date specified.

Now that I've achieved all the criminal law code that I hoped to accomplish, which was a hell of a lot of work to do myself, I intend at some point to create the promised Criminal Law Codex, which would be a more legible, organized summary strictly of penal law, with listings of crimes, their definitions, etc.

I also intend to create a Regional Digest, for monthly summarizations of events in the region, a la the CPE document which I thought was an exceptionally useful thing for them to keep. It definitely marked a decline in the region's fortunes (maybe coincidentally rather than causally) when it stopped being updated. Luckily, I believe I still have a copy of it to model an RFR Digest from. I had to give up a little bit on my goal to write a history of the FFS mainly because of a lack of documentation—and also because it was getting tiring writing the word "crisis" over and over.

There's some idiot on Tiktok and I got in an argument with his cohost who ran for Congress and failed the primary (She's gonna run again). I usually can't beat the host because he has 2 or 3 helpers with AI and Google up on their phones and they know how to pivot. When it was a 1 on 1 debate with that wannabe Congresswomen, I got 2 "galaxies" then was kicked (because you arent supposed to beat the host; thats the whole point of their Tiktok show). I actually got her to say "I don't really believe in the constitution." She also lied to me and told me there was a border wall before Trumps border wall. I told her I'd been to the border before 2016 and parts of it were covered by FENCING. I got a "galaxy" for that one. I can't believe someone running for Congress would say those 2 things.

Tangentially, idrk how TikTok works. I was on Twitter for several years, and since I left a few years ago, I have found acclimating to any other social medium extremely difficult. I just don't find the others that intuitive, and none are nearly as fun as Twitter used to be. It's such a pity what kind of state that site has fallen into these past years.

Post self-deleted by The Naru Islands.

Biden pardoning his son, and a bunch of other people (preëmptively, if my half-baked impression of the faintest shadow of a thought of a rumor I may have caught on the wind is remotely accurate), for no good reason at all, does us the questionable favor of reminding everyone that he is, in fact, not very good as President.

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