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S'up bruhs..
/Uses fire 🔥 spell to grill hot dogs 🌭 for the RMB, take your fill..
Imagine being a cotton candy mage,heh
S'up my fellow OBI'ers..
I wonder if I should have a invader fest here, I personally invite every invader region I know to occupy here, and then invite every defender group I know to try to topple them,a old school king of the hill battle, none of that tag raid crap.
For the LULZ!!!!!!!
Segggs and IC-Landslide
Btw all WA nations should be endorsing our glorious WA delgate!
Glory to Mankind and OBI..
BrightonBurg and Segggs
GI (Bleed) >:)
Stone angel and Segggs
Good morning 🌄 all..
May all of OBI have a good day..
Glory to Mankind and OBI..
Btw for the glory of OBI!! Join the WA today,we need troops and stuff..
Good evening all.
/Casts newly learned Yoko Ono sound spell at you!! >:)
BrightonBurg and Segggs
Good morning all.
Good morning all.
GN.. Good Night ;)
BrightonBurg and Segggs
GO.. to sleep.heh
GP….General Practitioner, maybe get some sleeping pill to help. :p
BrightonBurg and Segggs
This poll will not get embassy crawl because it is Limited run OBI lame poll. >:)
GR. Golden Ratio!
BrightonBurg and Segggs
Actually I might take this poll on a embassy crawl, other regions might want in on this issue..>:)
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