by Max Barry

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Technom-Penmarch wrote:I've been playing as Italy so far, and I am planning on eventually shifting over to Japan. What's your favorite vehicle type?


Technom-Penmarch wrote:I've been playing as Italy so far, and I am planning on eventually shifting over to Japan. What's your favorite vehicle type?

I usually prefer playing tanks, I suck at air battles

Japanese TacoMan wrote:Japan will spread our power across the world!

Skibidi brainrot for you, skibidi brainrot for you, skibidi brainrot for everyone!

Sveniland wrote:I usually prefer playing tanks, I suck at air battles
Skibidi brain rot for you, skibidi brainrot for you, skibidi brainrot for everyone!

What kind of tank? Heavy, light, anti tank, SPAA?

Technom-Penmarch wrote:What kind of tank? Heavy, light, anti tank, SPAA?

Usually medium tanks or tank destroyers if I’m playing as Sweden, and heavy tanks or tank destroyers if I’m playing as Germany

Sveniland wrote:Usually medium tanks or tank destroyers if I’m playing as Sweden, and heavy tanks or tank destroyers if I’m playing as Germany

That's great man!

Noordelijk wrote:Thank you. I will get that in now.

Edit: All of your info is good, but you never gave me a team name.

Cleveland Cheetas.

Ohio Indiana and Kentucky wrote:Cleveland Cheetas.

Alright, I'll go fix it now.

So…the election ended:)

Wisteria and Surrounding Territories could you make me the Prime Minister on the WFE?

Thanks everyone that voted for me!

Japtilas wrote:So…the election ended:)

Wisteria and Surrounding Territories could you make me the Prime Minister on the WFE?

Thanks everyone that voted for me!

Edit: I forgot what you said. When are the other elections again?

What do yall think of this flag?
I'm going to be using it for "From the Depths" since there is a custom flag option.

Also, Japtilas, Congrats on winning the election!

Technom-Penmarch wrote:What do yall think of this flag?
I'm going to be using it for "From the Depths" since there is a custom flag option.

Also, [nation]Japtilas/nation], Congrats on winning the election!

When the nuclear goldfish find you…

Japanese TacoMan wrote:When the nuclear goldfish find you…

Pardon, my friend?

Technom-Penmarch wrote:What do yall think of this flag?
I'm going to be using it for "From the Depths" since there is a custom flag option.


Japtilas wrote:So…the election ended:)

Wisteria and Surrounding Territories could you make me the Prime Minister on the WFE?

Thanks everyone that voted for me!

I'm on it now...

Technom-Penmarch wrote:Pardon, my friend?

In FRD there are enemies that are essentially just kamikaze planes. One of them is a goldfish, and if it gets close to you, say goodbye to your vehicle

Japanese TacoMan wrote:In FRD there are enemies that are essentially just kamikaze planes. One of them is a goldfish, and if it gets close to you, say goodbye to your vehicle

Ohhhhhh.... I admit, I haven't gotten to the white flayers yet, and their "special" brand of warfare

New Baltic States wrote:Congrats Japtilas

Thanks! How would you feel about being my Vice-Governor? You were the runner up and you have plenty of experience, so…

Wisteria and Surrounding Territories wrote:Congrats!
I'm on it now...


You still didn’t change it in the WFE…

Technom-Penmarch wrote:What do yall think of this flag?
I'm going to be using it for "From the Depths" since there is a custom flag option.

Also, Japtilas, Congrats on winning the election!

It’s great. Thanks!

Japtilas wrote:Thanks! How would you feel about being my Vice-Governor? You were the runner up and you have plenty of experience, so…Thanks!


New Baltic States wrote:Sure!

are you going to ruin my plans?

Japanese TacoMan wrote:NBS?
are you going to ruin my plans?


WNL Update
Team entries close at 12:00 est.
Team statistics are released tomorrow
The track that the first race will be held on; will be announced tomorrow morning.

More hints!
Out of the four places Japan is going to be attacking, one has been revealed! Technom will be the North American attack, but there is still three others! One in Europe, Asia, and South America!
Well time for hints!
The place for revenge, is actually just retribution for a single attack. It didn’t do a whole lot, but it deserves revenge because JAPAN!
The three other places aren’t for revenge, but they do have a reason. One of them is against a nation who displeased Japan in the past, another one is against one who only occasionally logs on, and the last one is against someone with access to naval transport

Ok I just had to share this

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