by Max Barry

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Yo Bourbon Wisconsin, don't suppose you are willing to share anti missel tech

Also Japanese TacoMan, I will happily give you port access in my canadian territories if you let NotNot have independence. I do like trading with you and would hate to see such a profitable enterprise go to shambles.

Technom wrote:Yo Bourbon Wisconsin, don't suppose you are willing to share anti missel tech

Don't think I can. If I remember correctly part of my trade deals with Japan is that I can't attempt to resell the schematics for the stuff I buy.

Though if we do peacefully resolve the current situation, and you were to buy a similar defense system from Japan, I could perhaps aid in auditing the system for any unwelcome backdoor that might be in the software, since at this point my technicians have about a year's worth of experience of doing that.

Raajastan wrote:Day 2 of the Raajastan political animals strike in front of the Japtilas Federal Council:

Political animals take turns urinating, defecating and roaring together in front of the Japtilas government building, to demand recognition of Raajastan's territorial extension to the south.

For the time being, the Japtilas security forces have not yet intervened, for fear of triggering a diplomatic incident: many of the animals taking part in this demonstration are indeed sacred animals, and are helped in their sit-in by loyal Raajastan supporters.

The fire department did, however, intervene several times in the sit-in, to extinguish so-called fires, which in fact turned out to be the toxic fumes from the various drugs consumed by sit-in members.

“Mooooooooooo” said the sacred cow softly to the journalists, meaning that she was clearly behind the sit-in.

The many tourists targeting the capital of the illustrious Japtilas now come in droves to observe this sit-in. With the exception of the citizens of Sveniland (whom the Raajastanese are chasing through the streets, armed with sticks, to find out where their country is), these tourists are well received and share various psychotropics with the demonstrators.

Sorry about the map…it sometimes doesn’t save even when I press save…
Merethin wrote:
What is Regional Legislation?
In a similar fashion to NationStates WA proposals, Regional Legislation is a way for citizens of the region MHBs New Earth to propose changes to the region's government, rules, policies, or roleplay.

Who can propose Regional Legislation?
Any citizen of the region may submit a proposal, by writing the proposal in a dispatch, posting it on the Regional Message Board, and mentioning the current Governor (as of 10/10/2024, Japtilas). To be voted on, a proposal needs to be approved by three other citizens (the number can be revised later), who must express their support on the Regional Message Board.

How do we vote on Regional Legislation?
When a proposal reaches the required amount of approvals, and there is no poll running, the Governor or Prime Minister will create a poll for citizens to vote, with a link to the proposal dispatch in the poll description. The poll will last three days, and have three options titled "FOR", "AGAINST" and "ABSTAIN". As with most significant polls, only votes from regional citizens shall be counted. If the voting time ends with more "FOR" votes than "AGAINST" votes, the proposal passes. Otherwise, it fails.

What happens when Regional Legislation passes?
The current regional government will have to implement changes listed in the proposal, and the proposal dispatch shall be listed here.

Passed Regional Legislation proposals
The following is a list of passed regional legislation proposals.

Read dispatch

How's this?

Japtilas, Wisteria and Surrounding Territories, Crimean, The Grillman, and everyone else

Looks good to me!

Avaritiarum is being introduced to a new currency. Since the coup against the Order, the Denar's value has been steadily decreasing and the "nuking" of New Avaritiarum, which had thrown the nation into chaos, made it only worse. Now, the Order is implementing the Secunia, which has a value equivalent to the gold standard. This shall not only make international trade easier, now that many more are orientating towards the gold standard, but shall also give the people a sign of stabilization.
(The RP Wheel of Fate just pinging you for the currency dispatch)

The colonization of Venezuela is proceeding without any complications for now. The entire territory has been explored and the communication with the natives is making improvements. A lot of natural resources have been found as well, mostly oil and natural gas. The next objectives for the colonization are building a functioning infrastructure for the people of Venezuela, which will make it much easier for them to adjust to our culture and way of life, and the construction of refineries for the gas and oil. If everything goes as intended, we will soon be able to introduce the natives to our currency and give them the option to work at our refineries for a good salary.

Bourbon Wisconsin wrote:[quote]I too would prefer peace, since I like trading with you. If you are willing to grant NotNot total autonomy, and they still want war, I don't intend to back them. :p

I can grant you port access, but it's certainly not convenient for you since I'm not West Coast.

And also just one more comment...

True, I haven't researched nuclear tech. But I did buy anti-nuclear missile tech from you, on the down low, through our TMs.

And 22 days ago (nearly a year ago in game time), after we had made that deal, I made this specific post:

Just so that, if it ever became necessary, I could say that if you did leave any unexpected backdoors into that defensive system, we have found and fixed them by now. :D

I played the long game on this one, but I'm now fairly confident in my ability to defend against nuclear attack... even against the people who gave me those defenses. I hoped, and still hope, that will never actually be necessary... but I am prepared if it is. XD[/spoiler]

Great! NotNot as long as you ask for peace I will accept. And Bourbon you are currently my favorite American nation, so have a shipment of more guns for free.

Technom wrote:Yo [naton]Bourbon Wisconsin[/nation], don't suppose you are willing to share anti missel tech

Also Japanese TacoMan, I will happily give you port access in my canadian territories if you let [natio]NotNot[/nation] have independence. I do like trading with you and would hate to see such a profitable enterprise go to shambles.

Perfect! If I get my port I will be just fine with NotNot having sovereignty. P.S I will send some anti missile shipments

Colocia wrote:yo im back!

Hello there!

Merethin wrote:
What is Regional Legislation?
In a similar fashion to NationStates WA proposals, Regional Legislation is a way for citizens of the region MHBs New Earth to propose changes to the region's government, rules, policies, or roleplay.

Who can propose Regional Legislation?
Any citizen of the region may submit a proposal, by writing the proposal in a dispatch, posting it on the Regional Message Board, and mentioning the current Governor (as of 10/10/2024, Japtilas). To be voted on, a proposal needs to be approved by three other citizens (the number can be revised later), who must express their support on the Regional Message Board.

How do we vote on Regional Legislation?
When a proposal reaches the required amount of approvals, and there is no poll running, the Governor or Prime Minister will create a poll for citizens to vote, with a link to the proposal dispatch in the poll description. The poll will last three days, and have three options titled "FOR", "AGAINST" and "ABSTAIN". As with most significant polls, only votes from regional citizens shall be counted. If the voting time ends with more "FOR" votes than "AGAINST" votes, the proposal passes. Otherwise, it fails.

What happens when Regional Legislation passes?
The current regional government will have to implement changes listed in the proposal, and the proposal dispatch shall be listed here.

Passed Regional Legislation proposals
The following is a list of passed regional legislation proposals.

Read dispatch

How's this?

Japtilas, Wisteria and Surrounding Territories, Crimean, The Grillman, and everyone else

It seems fine.

Technom wrote:Yo Bourbon Wisconsin, don't suppose you are willing to share anti missel tech

Also Japanese TacoMan, I will happily give you port access in my canadian territories if you let NotNot have independence. I do like trading with you and would hate to see such a profitable enterprise go to shambles.

I will gladly build an Iron Dome Defense System around the Salish Territory and Oregon!

Simonia wrote:Hello there!

Hey, Simi!

Simonia wrote:Hello there!

How ya doing?

Japanese TacoMan wrote:How ya doing?

Wisteria and Surrounding Territories wrote:It seems fine.
I will gladly build an Iron Dome Defense System around the Salish Territory and Oregon!
Hey, Simi!

Hi Wisty!

Japanese TacoMan wrote:How ya doing?

Great! How about you?

uh, Japtilas, Wisteria and Surrounding Territories, who is in charge of our embassy requests?

Anyway, my recommendations:
Trashland: ew. no.
United Confederation of Planets: I'd understand why they want an embassy with us after N-Day, but I'd rather see them do an embassy cleanup first because Kaiserreich, Raxulan, Mitteleuropa, nasty embassies, etc... you know the deal. Histarctica if you want more details TG me. Or DM me on discord @ns_merethin.

Definitely my favorite easter egg quote from HOI4:
"No enemy bomber can reach the Ruhr. If one reaches the Ruhr, my name is not Göring. You may call me Meyer." - Hermann Meyer

Merethin wrote:uh, Japtilas, Wisteria and Surrounding Territories, who is in charge of our embassy requests?

Anyway, my recommendations:
Trashland: ew. no.
United Confederation of Planets: I'd understand why they want an embassy with us after N-Day, but I'd rather see them do an embassy cleanup first because Kaiserreich, Raxulan, Mitteleuropa, nasty embassies, etc... you know the deal. Histarctica if you want more details TG me. Or DM me on discord @ns_merethin.

Then start a discord server? Not being rude btw

Wisteria and Surrounding Territories wrote:Step 2: Backpedal....

At this point, it's justified if you lead Russia.

Merethin wrote:uh, Japtilas, Wisteria and Surrounding Territories, who is in charge of our embassy requests?

Anyway, my recommendations:
Trashland: ew. no.
United Confederation of Planets: I'd understand why they want an embassy with us after N-Day, but I'd rather see them do an embassy cleanup first because Kaiserreich, Raxulan, Mitteleuropa, nasty embassies, etc... you know the deal. Histarctica if you want more details TG me. Or DM me on discord @ns_merethin.

Isn't UCP the successor of Authotaria? If not I very much vividly recall Histarctica being its MoFA.

Japanese TacoMan wrote:Great! NotNot as long as you ask for peace I will accept. And Bourbon you are currently my favorite American nation, so have a shipment of more guns for free.Perfect! If I get my port I will be just fine with NotNot having sovereignty. P.S I will send some anti missile shipments

I do not accept peace NotNot will not be under your control ever again

NotNot wrote:I do not accept peace NotNot will not be under your control ever again

To be clear, I have no evidence in front of me suggesting that NotNot's original surrender of autonomy to Japan was anything other than voluntary.

I furthermore have evidence that Japan is willing to return that autonomy without a fight, at least suggesting it was a voluntary arrangement.

I therefore have no evidence that this is not a war of aggression. Nothing I could use to convince the Wisconsinite people that war is justified here.

I do not believe the AAA requires action for this scenario. It looks to be an instance of an American state declaring war against a non-American one.

For that reason, we are remaining neutral at this time.

The scarlet rot wrote:Isn't UCP the successor of Authotaria? If not I very much vividly recall Histarctica being its MoFA.

Uh, no, I wasn't aware. Can't find them on Eyebeast but that's only up to 6 months... are you sure that's the case?

Also, congratulations on the mod pretitle.

Merethin wrote:Uh, no, I wasn't aware. Can't find them on Eyebeast but that's only up to 6 months... are you sure that's the case?

Also, congratulations on the mod pretitle.

Was mistaken, Histarctica was the MoFA of Imperial Sanctuary. I don't recall much about the region save for the fact I blew it to smithereens in N-Day 10.

Braunsreich wrote:At this point, it's justified if you lead Russia.

Step 3: Further Justification and Reasoning ...

BREAKINGE NEWS : Triskelia suffered a terrorist bombing within its Capital, Kalthis. The Triskel stock market was the main target of the attack, which has not been followed by any official claims from terrorist organization.

Autarch Caespian, who was present near the attack, intervened personnally to save victims. Both Triskel and foreign newspapers are running a front-page picture of the Autarch Armand Caespian holding a crowbar and standing over a bloodied stockbroker, and this picture got either praised or mocked

The humanity and physical courage shown by the Autarch is overshadowed, however, by a great upsurge in police hyperviolence (which was already very high in Triskelia), seemingly directly ordered by the council of primarchs. A “temporary” suspension of human rights towards suspects has been enacted, and videos have just leaked onto the net, showing one of the arrested “terrorists” being tortured by Triskel police, with unprecedented brutality.

The Autarch's assertion that the suspects will all be brought to justice alive, but “not unharmed”, has also caused an international stir and very mixed reactions.

Bourbon Wisconsin wrote:Holy Aztlan out of curiosity, what system of government do you guys use? Do you have a Heuy Tlatoani (Revered Speaker/Emperor) like the old Aztec Triple Alliance, or something else?


Also I'm gonna hold off on committing anything to the whole Japanese TacoMan/NotNot situation as of yet.

This region, I think, needs to figure its rules out to make things not abusable, like with what the Dackians have been doing, and what Japan is now saying they plan to do.

There is no point to me even considering declaring war at this point, because Japan will only consent to a war against NotNot.

The rules as stated is that if someone declares war against another person, the other person has to consent to the war. I get what the intent behind the rule is, but as it exists... it has obvious flaws people are exploiting.

Since NotNot declared the war, Japan has consented to that.

However, in regards to NotNot's allies declaring war against Japan, Japan has made it clear that they will not consent to those war declarations.

I do not see a way within the current ruleset for this region that we could go to war against Japan In Character. I don't see a way within the rules to have anything other than NotNot going it alone against Japan.

I think the rules of war in this RP need some serious revision. It is silly that the Dackians can declare war repeatedly, trigger alliances to declare war in kind, and then just back out with no consequences. And it is also silly that a group of nations effectively cannot jointly declare war against a target, because the target can always choose to only consent to war with the weakest attacker.

But until the rules get revised: I don't actually see a point in reacting to the NotNot/Japan situation. I don't think I can actually do anything here until the loopholes in the region rules get addressed.

I will suggest something later, for everyone to vote on.

I also do agree with Merethin's proposal

Let’s get back to the whole Jax Coolidge thing…

Time: 8:48 PM
Date: 10/10/24
Name: John Anto

As John Anto walks back into the court room, he walks to his seat and turns to the jury and judge

He then says, “After discussing with the Federal Council, they don’t want to arrest Jax Coolidge, the leader of Wisteria and Surrounding Territories, unless he ends up doing something that would really affects someone else in a truly negative way.”

John Anto pauses for a second…

He says afterwards, “At the moment, I have only heard rumors of a more…physical act he has committed against a Japtilasian a few years ago, but they usually end up false. More research will have to take place in order to see if this is true.”

John Anto turns to look at Jax Coolidge

“So, Mr. Coolidge, what do you have to say for yourself?”

John Anto sits down and then waits for a response

Also, Wisteria and Surrounding Territories, could we perhaps do a border change in France so that the borders are more clean? Right now, they look kinda weird how they are right now to me, ngl.

Triskelia wrote:BREAKINGE NEWS : Triskelia suffered a terrorist bombing within its Capital, Kalthis. The Triskel stock market was the main target of the attack, which has not been followed by any official claims from terrorist organization.

Autarch Caespian, who was present near the attack, intervened personnally to save victims. Both Triskel and foreign newspapers are running a front-page picture of the Autarch Armand Caespian holding a crowbar and standing over a bloodied stockbroker, and this picture got either praised or mocked

The humanity and physical courage shown by the Autarch is overshadowed, however, by a great upsurge in police hyperviolence (which was already very high in Triskelia), seemingly directly ordered by the council of primarchs. A “temporary” suspension of human rights towards suspects has been enacted, and videos have just leaked onto the net, showing one of the arrested “terrorists” being tortured by Triskel police, with unprecedented brutality.

The Autarch's assertion that the suspects will all be brought to justice alive, but “not unharmed”, has also caused an international stir and very mixed reactions.

We are sorry to hear about this. If there is anything we can do, please notify us. All we will want in return is more mercy on the majority of your citizens that did nothing wrong.


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