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And who would think it was?
The classic "You Wouldn't Hit A Guy With Glasses" stratagem. I believe popularized by Sun Tzu.
Well I am going to violate EVERY single right their citizens have unless... NotNot You can still do something!
Are we sure NotNot is not busy doing something?
*hits a guy using a pair of glasses as my weapon*
I’m sorry for your lost
Wisteria and Surrounding Territories and Ithuaziame
Colocia News
Colocia is in the 5% best in the trading cards academy
Colocia reclaim’s his 10% in political whatever
Japtilas, Wisteria and Surrounding Territories, Triskelia, Technom, and 1 otherIthuaziame
Avaritiarum, fun fact: MONEY DOESNT BUY HAPPINESS
Sorry for taking so long to respond I promise I will be more active in the future. Japanese TacoMan I am willing to make peace with
The Dackians as long as they promise never to attack
NotNot or her allies
Interesting. We congratulate the Bob Party.
We could help you rebuild and have more influence, since you are isolated
What if you buy a giant space laser to destroy New Jersey?
Representatives from all corners of the Japtilasian Native Autonomous Territories to discuss their future.
Some want independence, some want to keep the status quo, and some want absolute autonomy besides a few subjects.
Certain areas, such as Alger(Algeria), want full autonomy in nearly every way, besides their military.
Lybia(Libya and Japtilasian Egypt), wants the status quo with slightly more political autonomy, since Lybians overall have the opinion that they need more time to develop land in the Sahara Desert to make it livable for their population.
Tunysia(Tunisia), wants direct annexation into Japtilas, since they have had such success as a region, with Tunisyia being a Japtilasian Native Autonomous Region for so long, and them being in such close proximity to mainland
Representatives from the other Japtilasian Native Autonomous Territories have said their regions need more time to develop before any more autonomy.
All of these were accepted by parliament, with little opposition. This being said, all of these will be implemented as soon as possible.
Correct. Land ownership and cattle buy happiness.
(Anyone who thinks this is false does not own land and cows, so they just don't know)
Ah nice! similar situation here!Svenish altika is very royal to us and demands full annexation (mannerheim is happy).
Nambeya is on their way to independence. (they also have a socialist resistance going on so yeah)
Framaesland aren't happy about the taxes but still pretty royal.(let's hope they don't 1776 us)
Tersilon(aka the sri lankans) aren't very happy and has violently declared independence from us, our military officers are thinking about invading them (tbh probably will end up like Vietnam, but we let them do whatever they want).
Lol, almost seems like Technom and I are in a competition to see who can have the most beautiful environment in North America.
I water my forests with flipping holy water Bourbon Wisconsin. Can't beat my "divine" natural Landscape!
Just checked the chart you are beating my forest
For now, maybe! :P
I've been closely watching this stat (it's one of the five I actually care about, plus I have my charts set up to also show my allies just 'cause) and over the past week or so we've been flipping back and forth over whose countryside is most beautiful. Only a matter of time before you pull ahead again!
thank you , the holy and sacred sahiwal cow, also please use our new name "Sri Lanka" please , tersilon is a colonial name
The Wisconsin Dairyman's Association agrees with whatever this majestic bovine says. On the grounds that traditional WDA songs tell us clearly the cow is the queen!
-Dempster Burkhard, Sieur de Green, President of the Wisconsin Dairyman's Association
The fruit of the churn is the crown of our table,
Our governor tells us the cow is the queen!
Her horn is exalted for now she is able,
To kick up her heels at the vile margarine!
All Hail to Wisconsin! Her hills and her waters,
So ample the lover of nature to please!
And last but not least are the dairyman's daughters,
The lovely purveyors of butter and cheese!
OOC: I didn't make that up, btw, that's an actual historical Wisconsin dairyman song. There's an AI metal version: https://suno.com/song/d4a08c4a-fda5-4af5-ad7d-eb4a2723cd15
Well I guess I am going to just bring the gigantic warships back home then... I really wanted to blow someone up
When is N-day?🤔
The 28th, I heard.
OK. thanks
You’re welcome.
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