by Max Barry

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Grishahakkaverchynot wrote:Certain things have come to light. Mostly involving you and the fact that you've become the delegate of Chicken overlords.

but I didnt do anything. :(

Central London wrote:but I didnt do anything. :(

You've compared yourself to Hitler on Lardyland's RMB (others were telling you that's not a good idea), and after you became the delegate of Chicken overlords.....

9/10/2024, 2:02:57 AM EDT: The Greater Imperial Russian Empire agreed to construct embassies between Fifth Empire (!) and Chicken overlords.
(2 lines... requesting and getting accepted for embassies with Facist South....)
9/9/2024, 2:48:31 PM EDT: Central London proposed constructing embassies between Chicken overlords and Fifth Empire (!).
Fifth Empire is considered very problematic by most of NS.... given it claims on it's banner that they're the "super-fascists" of NS.

Looks like the N-Day faction promotions stuck here... I will likely join either Anime Nations Against Liberals (Eruditio and Sparkalia are also sponsoring them) or J.E.F.F (Calista is sponsoring them)
edit, joining the faction sponsored by the region I'm a delegate of.

To see certain information included in this post, look at the bottom of this post.

Grishahakkaverchynot wrote:Dual citizenship treaties are now forbidden in all Realm regions. From this onward, no member region of the Verchy Realm will be allowed to sign a treaty with another region promising an automatic dual citizenship or equivalent.
This was made due to the revelation in Alcris. Once a region with a treaty mentioning dual citizenship enters the Realm, the provisions mentioning it are to be considered invalid as if it violated the Administrative Parameters, which will be changed soon to reflect this.

I recommend all regions do this too.

Certain things have come to light, even though Averra's intensive puppet fraud combined with the dual citizenship treaties they had negotiated would not have affected the outcome of the poll in the New West Indies that ended in them initially merging with Alcris, the fact is that any uncaught fraudulent voters are a serious risk. If a region agrees to a dual citizenship treaty and has policies against the use of alternate accounts in polls, now they would have to deal with members of the other region committing this fraud. And in the case of Alcris, a region that had become a front for someone to influence other regions. What if they managed to convince Arcesia into merging with Alcris rather than Astoria? They had too much power on their hands, that's the danger.
If a member region of the Verchy Realm attempts to negotiate a dual citizenship treaty it will be blocked by the enforcement of the Adminstrative Parameters.
If a region I am a regional officer of is attempting to negotiate a dual citizenship treaty, I will have to try to sway them away.
If a region I am a member of is attempting to negotiate a dual citizenship treaty, I will inform them of the dangers.
And when I mention the dangers, consider heeding them. Perhaps this does become a lesson to follow. Perhaps it's not followed and another Averra-like situation occurs towards Callista or Eruditio and I'm caught up in a crossfire.

You would have to deal with that other region's puppets if you want fair elections. They might not represent the opinions of your region and it's people, and can sway things away from them.

Looks like new sinkers have been implemented... Morias Eitus was kicked to a non-TRR region.

Given what's going on at the moment... just peace out, enjoy the holidays with your family, don't open the forums for a little bit. Merry Christmas.

All deliberations have concluded. All users who still have anything on NS that caused a serious incident on December 24th have been blacklisted indefinitely from the Verchy Realm.
Rise of the Destroyed, my nation in Eruditio, will be staying for now. (Eruditio used to be co-governed by the individual who was Realm blacklisted at the moment this notice was issued. The other co-governor snatched it out of her hands.) To answer any further questions regarding this case of conflicting allegiances, all the Discord accounts mentioned as belonging to people who were banned from the Augustin Alliance on December 24th are on the blocked list of the discord user <@cilvelsiaheart> (ID:805893848898601000), the Discord handle of the Keepermaster.
If something comes up, something about the placement of my WA may have to change.
EDIT 12/27: The individual is now banned from Eruditio, permanently.

S4 is out! First season where I'm a delegate! (Rise of the Destroyed,delegate of Eruditio.)

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