by Max Barry

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Governor: The United States of Notsunnerland

WA Delegate (non-executive): The United States of Dragon Ball Legends 2 (elected )

Founder: The United States of Notsunnerland

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Most Nations: 482nd Most World Assembly Endorsements: 939th Most Valuable International Artwork: 1,368th
World Factbook Entry

WELCOME TO Freelands, the most free region out there!!!
No rules on how to manage your nations.
A place for all kinds of nations to unite and grow together.

here all kinds of nations exist in peace with no rules on how to manage your nation!

Want to bring doom and destruction to other nations? no problem!
want to help everyone and support growing nations? no problem with this either!
No matter what we support you and your decisions!
You choosing to torment your citizens or making them live best of their lives is also your choice and we will not be telling you to change anything!

Embassies: Video Game Land, Regionless, Guinea Kiribati, Uncommon, cool party land, The Embassy, True Waskaria, Pecan Sandies, Kylden, Gunctika, NATO 2022, Coalition of the Economically Infeasible, Empire of Galactoreus, United Alliance Treaty Coalition, The Old Drossel Treaty, The Pacquiao Freedom Consortium, and 75 others.United Democratic Oceanic Nations, Brainrot, Northernlandia, 00 00, Empire of Lord Vador, Ticino, Jimothy, Anti Discord Alliance, Union of Nova Universo, Metropolitan Union, The Bar on the corner of every region, Gypsy Lands, Polattus, Alliance of Non Regional Nation, The Bongos United, The Embassy 3, United Nations Of the World, Chaos land, Valley of Peace, Democratic Socialist Nations of Rhomberi, Nintendo, World of Lostoria, Europi, United States of America, Copenhagen, High Agartha, Harrisburg, Westminster, Malawi, Ivory Tower, Republic of Russia, London, Lesbian, Wind of Spirits, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Swedenborg, The Angularis, World of Polls, The Plains Village, The Smelly Fart, The Commonwealth of Kingdoms, Commonwealth of National Renewal, Mitteleuropa, Ancient Lands, The Northern Pacific, Heart of the Seas, The Central Pacific, Scandinavia, Chicken Army, Gay, Puppeteers, Central African Republic, Unitarian, Krupp Industriekomplex, Pacifist Atheists and Deists, Hurricane 12, Samoa, The Philippines, Greater Hanguardian Islands, Somalia, Senegal, Weirdos Are Cool, Nulls, One big Island, Omck, Hollow Point, Liars and Eristics, Falzumia, Greater Brutesia, Indochile, Mobius, Government of the Ligurian Republic, Rings Around Uranus, Chicken overlords, and Fantasy World.

The embassy with High Agartha is being withdrawn. Closure expected .

Tags: Casual, Independent, LGBT, Large, and Neutral.

Freelands contains 61 nations, the 482nd most in the world.

Today's World Census Report

The Nicest Citizens in Freelands

World Census sociology experts studied citizens from various nations to determine which seemed most friendly and concerned for others.

As a region, Freelands is ranked 9,887th in the world for Nicest Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The United States of NotsunnerlandNew York Times Democracy“Life is worth living”
2.The Great island nation of Silk islandNew York Times Democracy“From Many, One”
3.The Federal Republic of LinnamaAnarchy“Sea Patrol is on a roll!”
4.The Republic of North-finlandCivil Rights Lovefest“Vapaa, vankka, vakaa”
5.The Sultanate of KanhoMoralistic Democracy“Justice, Piety, Loyalty”
6.The Republic of ArchaeumPsychotic Dictatorship“Turn away while thou can”
7.The Community of Sami peopleAuthoritarian Democracy“One nation, one people!”
8.The Kingdom of NotsunneriaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“You cant go wrong”
9.The Pacific Daydream of Neon-1Authoritarian Democracy“Keep playin' them Beach Boys!”
10.The United States of 8001Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Strength Through Compliance”
1234. . .67»

Regional Happenings


Freelands Regional Message Board

Any country with criticism or ideas may bring these to me but attempting to force us to hand over control when we were elected fairly is insane! If you don't want to help us, leave us and our great region be. We will uphold it nicely

Notsunnerland wrote:not just for criticizing him, i got banned for who knows what, i've never visited the region in other than embassy ways, and have never spoken for or against them.

Honest mistake pal, we'll be the first to admit them. Unlike Slavenet we're all human and can make humanly mistakes.

You guys lost.

Testiconia wrote:Any country with criticism or ideas may bring these to me but attempting to force us to hand over control when we were elected fairly is insane! If you don't want to help us, leave us and our great region be. We will uphold it nicely

“elected fairly” Bro you tried to ban everyone who endorsed Irish guy 💀

• Do you like Spam?

A poll to gage the love that all have for this wonderful mystery meat in a blue can!New Poll for 2025 NS/OBI Mega Fun Poll!


^ Vote or the Doorknob Creep,will STEAL all of your door knobs,dont risk it! vote!! >:)

BrightonBurg wrote:• Do you like Spam?

A poll to gage the love that all have for this wonderful mystery meat in a blue can!New Poll for 2025 NS/OBI Mega Fun Poll!


^ Vote or the Doorknob Creep,will STEAL all of your door knobs,dont risk it! vote!! >:)

bro i have never even see this thing called "spam" outside of the internet

Default flag nation wrote:bro i have never even see this thing called "spam" outside of the internet

Its normally found in the canned goods where canned Tuna ect.. is found in any Super/Hyper Mart check it out. >:)

BrightonBurg wrote:Its normally found in the canned goods where canned Tuna ect.. is found in any Super/Hyper Mart check it out. >:)

I've always wanted that..

anyways, hello from northernlandia!

The NS OBI Mega fun poll is back! • Creamy Peanut butter vs Chunky Peanut butter!

The battle of battles,the polls of polls Which is best?There only can be one! *FIGHT* >:)


^ Vote vote vote!

Testiconia wrote:Any country with criticism or ideas may bring these to me but attempting to force us to hand over control when we were elected fairly is insane! If you don't want to help us, leave us and our great region be. We will uphold it nicely

Blud is cooked💀

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