by Max Barry

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Alexandre de Morais (Governor): The No Man's Land of Doze Macacos

WA Delegate (non-executive): The My Ordinary State of Communist Pingu Realm (elected )

Founder: Flanelas

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Most Nations: 272nd Most World Assembly Endorsements: 818th Most Devout: 1,754th+8
Most Patriotic: 2,112th Largest Black Market: 2,340th Most Corrupt Governments: 2,568th Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector: 2,573rd Most Authoritarian: 2,649th Most Advanced Defense Forces: 2,741st Most Valuable International Artwork: 2,806th Largest Manufacturing Sector: 2,849th
World Factbook Entry

Desordem e Regresso!

Bem-vindo ao Flanelistan, Terra onde o filho chora, a mãe não vê e o Diabo gargalha.

Somos a maior região Lusófona do Nationstates, com foco em Roleplay e discussão, aqui você é livre para expressar suas ideias e debatê-las em nosso RMB, ou em nosso Discord.

Também possuímos um Roleplay ativo, com eventos esportivos, guerras nucleares e muita geopolítica, desfrute da liberdade absoluta para controlar o cosmos, ou morrer tentando.

Por onde começar: LinkDiscord | Regras | RMB

Explore: LinkRoleplay | Discussões | Mapas | Compasso Político

Notícias e Eventos:

Não há eventos (ainda...)

Abrace o nada, siga você mesmo, seja seu próprio deus, ache o desconhecido e participe do caos

  1. 5

    Classificações Governamentais do Flanelistan

    AccountDiplomacy by Glorious Wakanda . 161 reads.

  2. 15

    New Flanelistan Political Compass

    AccountDiplomacy by Glorious Wakanda . 623 reads.

  3. 17


    FactbookHistory by Goianesia . 421 reads.

  4. 6

    Flanelistan Map

    AccountDiplomacy by Glorious Wakanda . 412 reads.

  5. 4

    Fanelle's Object Galaxy

    MetaGameplay by Gloriosa Arstotzka . 204 reads.

  6. 10

    Nearby Stars Map

    AccountDiplomacy by Glorious Wakanda . 317 reads.

▼ 3 More

Embassies: Novo Brasil, Portugal, Island of Bobinas United, Chicken overlords, FIFA Lands, Terras geladas, Procyon Celti, SEVENUP, The Empire of Kierania, The Embassy, and GRAN PATRIA.

Tags: Anti-World Assembly, Enormous, Game Player, Map, Neutral, Non-English, Role Player, Silly, Social, and World Assembly.

Regional Power: Moderate

Flanelistan contains 109 nations, the 272nd most in the world.

Today's World Census Report

The Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector in Flanelistan

World Census special forces intercepted crates of smuggled weapons to determine which nations have the largest arms industry.

As a region, Flanelistan is ranked 2,573rd in the world for Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Mitologia of EvangelistaoIron Fist Consumerists“A esquerda apodrece onde bota a mão”
2.The No Man's Land of Doze MacacosPsychotic Dictatorship“With you I will shatter nations and destroy kingdoms”
3.The Big Intergalactic Superstate of LatrovnaPsychotic Dictatorship“One people, one nation, one leader”
4.The Reino Satânico of Sudlich KaizerPsychotic Dictatorship“Saúde Satã!”
5.The Estado Flaneliano of MacoviPsychotic Dictatorship“Eu apoio doze macacos e não estes que agem feito símios”
6.The My Ordinary State of Communist Pingu RealmPsychotic Dictatorship“NOOT! NOOT! yet...”
7.The República Federal of CruzeiroDoSulFather Knows Best State“Ordem e Unidade”
8.The Empire of TaarnaCapitalist Paradise“Glória a Taarna!”
9.The Grand Duchy of Pampa do SulCapitalist Paradise“Não Pise em Mim”
10.The Theocracy of LiborioMoralistic Democracy“Deus, pátria e família”
1234. . .1011»

Regional Happenings

  • : The Second republic of Ponderania arrived from Osiris.
  • : Leohna ceased to exist.
  • : Zemyat ceased to exist.
  • : Hirayama ceased to exist.
  • : Valkhin ceased to exist.
  • : Skorstein ceased to exist.
  • : Trockland ceased to exist.
  • : Harpia ceased to exist.
  • : Heizen ceased to exist.
  • : Zyrna ceased to exist.


Flanelistan Regional Message Board


Mulher nobre de intretenimento masculido

Desejo tudo de bom pro grupo

Flanelismo azul wrote:Putas

falae assim comigo me deixa 🤤🤤

Poderiam me endossar? Dou o rabo pra cada um que fizer

Colunbie wrote:Poderiam me endossar? Dou o rabo pra cada um que fizer

eita que porra essa nem se eu quisesse ia me envolver com aqueles Ratos Sarmentos de novo da WA

Colunbie wrote:Poderiam me endossar? Dou o rabo pra cada um que fizer

eita que porra essa nem se eu quisesse ia me envolver com aqueles Ratos Sarmentos de novo da WA

Mó preguiça

Colunbie wrote:Poderiam me endossar? Dou o rabo pra cada um que fizer


Eat ze bugs. Eat.

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