by Max Barry

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The republic of finland


Freedom and Memes and Castle regiis

Arab andalusia

As Salam Alaykum.
Emir Abdullah Muhammad XXI of Andalusia greets you all. May the Peace of Allah, the Most Merciful, shine forever on Europe

Arab andalusia wrote:As Salam Alaykum.
Emir Abdullah Muhammad XXI of Andalusia greets you all. May the Peace of Allah, the Most Merciful, shine forever on Europe

As-salamu alaykum. Welcome to the European Union! Please feel free to join us on our regional forums and claim a spot on our regional map here:

Arab andalusia

Workers and peasents republic of focsa

How can I climb the rankings in the EU?

Alentejozinho and algarvezinho



This year I asked Santa Claus (known communist) for a Playstation 5 or, alternatively, for communist revolution in Portugal. Because of a lack of stock, undoubtedly because of the Uigur elves not working hard enough, it now seems that Alentejo and Algarve, a social-fascist who does not believe in Chinese communist, will be toppled.

But this is the time of cheer and merriment, and even us commies enjoy a nice Christmas, in which we celebrate the birth of the first socialist, Jesus Christ.

Enjoy this collection of Christmas songs, but sung by the Red Army Choir:

I wish you all a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Revolution!

Comrade Xi Jinping wishes you a Merry Christmas

by Alentejozinho and algarvezinho

Comrade Xi Jinping wishes you a Merry Christmas

O Camarada Xi Jinping deseja a todos um Feliz Natal
Read factbook

Italian community

Salve, come nuovo membro del'Unione Europea mi presento e vi esorto a leggere gli articoli della nostra costituzione e rispettarla. Spero stiate passando un buon periodo Natalizio e che presto potremmo prosperare insieme nella Regione più fruttuosa del mondo.


Italian community

La Nostra Corte Suprema sta per essere eletta.

Restate sintonizzati.

Il Comitato elettorale per l'elezione del Comitato Supremo di Giustizia ha al suo interno 300 delegati, ogni delegato ha facoltà di voto, Il Presidente del Comitato Elettorale NON PUÒ partecipare attivamente all'elezione in quanto figura super partes nello spoglio elettorale.

La Corte Suprema ha 5 posizioni vacanti che nella giornata di oggi verranno occupate da 5 dei 10 delegati in competizione in questa tornata elettorale della Corte Suprema.

Il Presidente Elettorale: Nicolas Cornelio, età: 67 anni, Storia politica e giudiziale: Indipendente.

Comitato Elettorale: 300 delegati, età minima: 26 anni, età massima: 90 anni. Quote: 50 di etnia europea, 50 delegati extra-europei, 50 delegati uomini, 50 delegate donne, 50 delegati LGBTQ e 50 delegati delle comunità religiose.

Candidati alle posizioni della Corte Suprema: 10 delegati
Alessia Rinaldi: Conservatrice (28 anni)
Francesco Abete: Liberale (38 anni)
Ignazio Rotondi: Liberale (30 anni)
Riccardo Frontini: Conservatore (55 anni)
Pasquale Poddu: Conservatore (78 anni)
Matteo Forlani: Conservatore (27 anni)
Chiara Cristobaldi: Liberale (37 anni)
Giuseppe Bidoni: Liberale (80 anni)
Monica Lenin: Comunista (90 anni)
Sergio Strauss: Indipendente (50 anni)

Il Comitato Organizzatore si accinge a votare.
Il Comitato Supremo di Giustizia avrà potere di influenza sulle prossime decisioni legislative, l'esito della votazione eleggerà in primo luogo tutte le posizioni scoperte della Corte Suprema. In questo specifico caso la Corte Suprema ha la totalità delle posizioni vacanti, ciò significa che verrà eletto l'intero comitato, dopodiché il Comitato Supremo di Giustizia nella sua totalità dovrà eleggere il Presidente della Corte Suprema a maggioranza semplice.

Le votazioni hanno ora inizio e termineranno per le 15.30.
Orario in cui avverrà lo spoglio dei voti e la successiva elezione del comitato.
Alle 16.30 Il Comitato Supremo di Giustizia avrà il compito di Eleggere il Presidente della Corte Suprema.

Ore 15.52: I delegati hanno votato. segue scrutinio.
i voti verranno calcolati singolarmente e l'intero processo sarà aggiornato durante lo spoglio.

15.54: inizio del conteggio.

15.56: i primi 10 voti scrutinati danno in vantaggio Sergio Strauss con 7 voti, segue Alessia Rinaldi con 3 voti.

16.00: 20 voti scrutinati, ancora leggero vantaggio di Sergio Strauss con 5 voti per un totale di 12, ulteriori 3 voti per Alessia Rinaldi che sale a 6 e infine Chiara Cristobaldi che riceve i suoi primi 2 voti.

16.05: 30 voti scrutinati e vediamo che Alessia Rinaldi rimonta con 10 voti per un totale di 16 voti. Sergio Strauss 12. Chiara Cristobaldi 2.

16:06: 40 voti scrutinati e Sergio Strauss 7 voti (19), Riccardo Frontini 2 voti (2), Alessia Rinaldi 1 voto (17), Chiara Cristobaldi 0 (2).

16:08 50 voti scrutinati Monica Lenin 10 voti (10), Sergio Strauss (19), Alessia Rinaldi (17), Chiara Cristobaldi (2), Riccardo Frontini (2).

16:10 Il Comitato Elettorale ha dichiarato che "Nel caso in cui non si attribuiscano voti ad un quinto delegato, il regolamento del direttivo è quello di privilegiare il delegato più giovane rimasto fuori dalla competizione".

16.13 60 voti scrutinati Alessia Rinaldi 6 voti (23), Chiara Cristobaldi 2 voti (4) Sergio Strauss 1 voto (20), Riccardo Frontini 1 voto (3) e Monica Lenin 0 voti (10)

16.16 70 voti scrutinati Sergio Strauss 6 voti (26), Alessia Rinaldi 4 voti (27) Monica Lenin 0 voti (10) Chiara Cristobaldi 0 voti (4) Riccardo Frontini 0 voti (3)

16.20 80 voti scrutinati Alessia Rinaldi 6 voti (31) Ignazio Rotondi 4 voti (4) Sergio Strauss 0 voti (26), Monica Lenin 0 voti (10), Chiara Cristobaldi 0 voti (4) e Riccardo Frontini 0 voti (3)

16.23 90 voti scrutinati Sergio Strauss 3 voti (29) Ignazio Rotondi 3 voti (7) Chiara Cristobaldi 2 voti (6) Riccardo Frontini 1 voto (4) Alessia Rinaldi 0 voti (31) e Monica Lenin 0 voti (10)

16.25 100 voti scrutinati Ignazio Rotondi 8 voti (15) Sergio Strauss 1 voto (30) Monica Lenin 1 voto (11) Alessia Rinaldi 0 voti (31), Chiara Cirstobaldi 0 voti (6) Riccardo Frontini 0 voti (4).

16.27 110 voti scrutinati Alessia Rinaldi 5 voti (36), Sergio Strauss 2 voti (32), Ignazio Rotondi 1 voto (16), Monica Lenin 1 voto (12), Riccardo Frontini (4), Chiara Cristobaldi (6)

16.31 120 voti scrutinati Ignazio Rotondi 6 voti (22), Sergio Strauss 3 voti (35), Alessia Rinaldi 1 voto (37), Monica Lenin (12), Chiara Cristobaldi (6), Riccardo Frontini (4)

16.33 130 voti scrutinati Chiara Cristobaldi 7 voti (13), Alessia Rinaldi 3 voti (40), Sergio Strauss (35), Ignazio Rotondi (22), Monica Lenin (12), Riccardo Frontini (4)

16.38 140 voti scrutinati Ignazio Rotondi 10 voti (32), Alessia Rinaldi (40), Sergio Strauss (35), Chiara Cristobaldi (13), Monica Lenin (12), Riccardo Frontini (4)

16.40 150 voti scrutinati Ignazio Rotondi 7 voti (39), Sergio Strauss 2 voti (37), Alessia Rinaldi 1 voto (41), Chiara Cristobaldi (13), Monica Lenin (12) Riccardo Frontini (4)

16.43 Ricapitolando vediamo che Alessia Rinaldi, conservatrice, è prima nello scrutinio con 41 voti, seguita dal liberale 30enne Ignazio rotondi con 39 voti a soli due voti di distanza, segue poi l'indipendente Sergio Strauss che ha definito "una sorpresa" il suo elevato numero di voti da parte dei suoi colleghi, a seguire ci sono l'altra liberale Chiara Cristobaldi con 13 voti e infine l'unica comunista in grado di competere a questa elezione Monica Lenin con 12 voti. al momento rimane fuori dai giochi Riccardo Frontini che poteva dar man forte alla scelta della presidenza conservatrice della corte suprema, ma per il momento ha raggiunto solo 4 voti.

16.50 160 voti scrutinati Ignazio Rotondi 4 voti (43) Alessia Rinaldi 3 voti (44), Sergio Strauss 3 voti (40), Chiara Cristobaldi 13, Monica Lenin 12, Riccardo Frontini 4.

16.55 170 voti scrutinati Riccardo Frontini 5 voti (9), Alessia Rinaldi 5 voti (49), Ignazio Rotondi 43, Sergio Strauss 40, Chiara Cristobaldi 13, Monica Lenin 12.

16.57 180 voti scrutinati Chiara Cristobaldi 3 voti (16), Monica Lenin 3 voti (15), Alessia Rinaldi 3 voti (52), Sergio Strauss 1 voto (41), Ignazio Rotondi 43, Riccardo Frontini 9.

17.06 190 voti scrutinati Ignazio Rotondi 6 voti (49), Sergio Strauss 3 voti (44), Alessia Rinaldi 1 voto (53), Monica Lenin 15, Riccardo Frontini 9, Chiara Cristobaldi 16.

17.08 200 voti scrutinati Ignazio Rotondi 7 voti (56), Alessia Rinaldi 3 voti (56), Sergio Strauss 44, Chiara Cristobaldi 16, Monica Lenin 15, Riccardo Frontini 9.

17.10 Ricapitoliamo i voti: Ignazio Rotondi 56 voti, Alessia Rinaldi 56 voti, Sergio Strauss 44 voti, Chiara Cristobaldi 16 voti, Monica Lenin 15 voti, Riccardo Frontini fuori dall'elezione (momentaneamente) 9 voti. Quindi per il momento il Comitato Supremo di Giustizia sarebbe formato da 2 liberali, 1 indipendente, 1 comunista e 1 conservatrice. Riccardo Frontini può ancora sperare che nei prossimo 100 voti ci sia il sorpasso della comunista Lenin.

17.15 210 voti scrutinati Monica Lenin 5 voti (20), Chiara Cristobaldi 4 voti (20), Sergio Strauss 1 voto (45), Ignazio Rotondi 56, Alessia Rinaldi 56, Riccardo Frontini 9.

17.17 220 voti scrutinati Matteo Forlani 10 voti (10), Ignazio Rotondi 56, Alessia Rinaldi 56, Sergio Strauss 45, Monica Lenin 20, Chiara Cristobaldi 20, Riccardo Frontini 9.

17.20 230 voti scrutinati Matteo Forlani 6 voti (16) Ignazio Rotondi 3 voti (59), Sergio Strauss 1 (46), Alessia Rinaldi 56, Monica Lenin 20, Chiara C. 20, Riccardo F. 9.

17.23 240 voti scrutinati Matteo Forlani 6 voti (22) Chiara Cristobaldi 4 voti (24), Ignazio Rotondi 59, Alessia Rinaldi 56, Sergio Strauss 46, Monica Lenin 20, Riccardo Frontini 9.

17.25 250 voti scrutinati Ignazio Rotondi 5 voti (64), Sergio Strauss 3 voti (49), Matteo Forlani 2 voti (24) Chiara C. 24, Alessia R. 56, Monica L. 20, Riccardo F. 9.

17.30 Il panorama dopo soli 50 voti è cambiato, Matteo Forlani, Conservatore non sembrava affatto in gara, anzi per più di 150 scrutini non era nemmeno calcolato dagli altri delegati, ma dopo aver avuto a 220 scrutini contati un pieno di 10 voti consecutivi e altri 5 voti nel successivo scrutinio, ora la palla resta ai delegati che vedremo chi avranno definitivamente scelto come rappresentanti nel Comitato Supremo di Giustizia. Se Forlani si imponesse potrebbe fare da sponda alla Rinaldi per una sua possibile elezione alla Presidenza della Corte Suprema, bisognerà vedere se la comunista Monica Lenin abbia finito "il carburante" contro la sponda conservatrice.

17.33 260 voti scrutinati Sergio Strauss 10 voti (59), Ignazio Rotondi 64, Alessia R. 56, Matteo F. 24, Chiara C. 24, Monica L. 20, Riccardo F. 9.

17.38 270 voti scrutinati Monica L. 5 voti (25) Ignazio Rotondi 5 voti (69), Sergio S. 59, Alessia R. 56, Matteo F. 24, Chiara C. 24, Riccardo F. 9.

17.39 280 voti scrutinati Ignazio R. 5 voti (74), Chiara C. 3 voti (27), Alessia R. 2 voti (58), Sergio S. 59, Monica L. 25, Matteo F. 24, Riccardo F. 9.

17.43 290 voti scrutinati Monica L. 5 voti (30), Matteo F. 4 voti (28), Sergio S. 1 voto (60), Ignazio R. 74, Alessia R. 58, Chiara C. 27, Riccardo F. 9.

17.45 300 voti scrutinati: scrutinio completato.
I seguenti sono i risultati finali dell'elezione per il Comitato Supremo di Giustizia:
Ignazio Rotondi +6 voti, Chiara C. +3 voti Monica L. +1 voto.
Di seguito i numeri definitivi dei nuovi membri della Corte Suprema:
Ignazio Rotondi: 80 voti (L)
Sergio Strauss: 60 voti (I)
Alessia Rinaldi: 58 voti (C)
Chiara Cristobaldi 30 voti (L)
Monica Lenin: 30 voti (COM)

I conservatori Riccardo F. e Matteo Forlani sono fuori dalla Corte Suprema con rispettivamente 9 e 28 voti.

Il Comitato Supremo di Giustizia si sta ora consultando per la nomina alla Presidenza della Corte. Il voto dovrebbe arrivare a breve e dato che la maggioranza è piuttosto definita.

Queste le dichiarazioni del Comitato per l'investitura della Nuova presidenza della corte suprema:
"Dopo una veloce consultazione e data l'enormità dei voti pervenuti per un delegato in particolar modo, il comitato supremo di giustizia conferisce al delegato Ignazio Rotondi la piena e completa responsabilità che la carica di Presidente della Corte Suprema porta con sé. Vi è da dire che il comitato nella sua interezza ha deciso di votare in suo favore. Nessun membro del comitato ha opposto perplessità o dubbi sul conferimento di tale carica.
Il Presidente Della Corte Suprema è Ignazio Rotondi.
Voti a suo Favore: 5.
Voti contrari: 0.
Astenuti: 0.

Il Presidente ha una dichiarazione da fare per l'inizio del suo incarico:
Siamo Uniti più che mai ora, abbiamo una Corte di Giustizia meritevole di rispetto e collaborazione. Raccomandiamo alla "politica" di governare nel miglior modo possibile e auspichiamo che tutte le scelte governative siano fatte con il buonsenso e la massima condivisione possibile. La nostra è una comunità forte, siamo "neonati" ma lotteremo come guerrieri per rendere il popolo Comunitario Italiano fiero delle proprie istituzioni. Voglio inoltre ringraziare i conservatori e in special modo Alessia Rinaldi che non si è opposta neanche per un secondo alla mia nomina. Abbiamo idee di giustizia forse diverse, ma la collaborazione e il rispetto reciproco porterà ad un ottima collaborazione nel prosieguo del nostro percorso giudiziale. Ringrazio i 300 delegati che hanno espresso il loro voto a prescindere dalla singole preferenze, 300 delegati fra togati, avvocati, giudici civili e penali. Siete e siamo la spina dorsale di questa comunità.

lunga vita alla Comunità Italiana. Lunga Vita Alla repubblica.

Si conclude così l'elezione per la presidenza della Corte Suprema Di Giustizia, i liberali hanno una larga maggioranza e il governo avrà più possibilità di far passare la propria legislazione quando sarà al vaglio della Suprema Corte.

Read dispatch

I left the world assembly, was it a good descision?

Good evening. I just joined the region. First of all, a Merry Christmas to all.

Welcome Thuanu, and merry christmas and a happy new year!


Heyo! It's Fauxia~ your ambassador from The Rejected Realms! Are you ready for some magic?

You're invited to join us once again at Harry Potter and the Festival of Friends

Harry Potter and the Festival of Friends is back to celebrate the end of the year with a Harry Potter themed festival for the entire NationStates community! The event is hosted by 10000 Islands, Greater Dienstad, The East Pacific, The South Pacific, and TRR, and I hope see you there!

Main Schedule:

Event Schedule

Times are listed using both EST and UTC for convenience. Use Linkthis site for easy time zone conversion.

Before you continue, it's recommended you read the event organizers' statement here.

Wednesday, December 30

Thursday, December 31

Friday, January 1

  • 9 AM EST (2 PM UTC): Harry Potter Trivia, Round 2

  • 9 PM EST (2 AM UTC): Movie Night - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Saturday, January 2

  • All day: 2nd day of IO Games contest -

  • 9 AM EST (2 PM UTC): Movie Night - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Sunday, January 3

Monday, January 4

  • All day: Closing of Zonko's Meme Contest

  • 9 AM EST (2 PM UTC): Movie Night - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

  • 9 PM EST (2 AM UTC): Harry Potter Trivia, Round 3

  • 12 AM EST (5 AM UTC): House Points close

Tuesday, January 5

  • All day: Contest winners announced & final House Points tallied!

  • All day: Closing of Yule Ball RP

  • 9 AM EST (2 PM UTC): Movie Night - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

  • 7:30 PM EST (2 AM UTC): Movie Night - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Wednesday, January 6

  • All day: Wrap-up and closing House Ceremony

Event Descriptions

House points explanation

  • Owlery Project of Appreciation: Everyone deserves to get owls at Hogwarts, so send some positivity and kindness to your fellow NSers via owl to remind them they're appreciated!

  • Magic Quill Writing Contest: A fun fantasy writing contest for any medium seeking the most creative stories to be judged.

  • Fantastic Art & Where to Find it: A contest for original graphics and artwork of any kind surrounding the wizarding world.

  • Yule Ball RP: An enchanting ball RP run via Google Doc for guests to immerse themselves in the wizarding world and enjoy festivities, plus with a few surprises along the way!

  • Character Contest: Open to all, but to help encourage our RPs, design a character and one will be selected to be drawn!

  • Zonkos Meme Contest: A contest seeking the finest original Harry Potter memes in the land, the more memes the merrier!

  • CYOA: A Harry Potter based Choose-Your-Own-Adventure run in the event discord.

  • IO Games: A few daily rounds of a variety of popular IO games where the highest score from that wins the points.

  • Trivia: Harry Potter based trivia rounds, both easy and hard, to test your wizarding knowledge.

Participating On Site

For those not able to join the discord, the following events will have onsite participation:

Read dispatch

For those who don't use Discord, there's a section covering onsite participation for two of the event at the bottom of the dispatch.

Inquista, Ramekista, and Freedom and Memes

Stop by for a New Year poll!


The European. Union is 311th in the world when it comes to world assembly endorsements.
This is seriously embarrassing, we should be supporting each other, thats the ONLY way we can rise above the other nations. Endorsing other don't harm your stats but it improves your allies stats. Pllleeeesssee become a member of the World Assembly and endorse people.

I'll be endorsing everyone who replies to this message and I hope they endorse me back!!!!


Castle regiis wrote:STOP SCROLLING AND READ THIS!!!

The European. Union is 311th in the world when it comes to world assembly endorsements.
This is seriously embarrassing, we should be supporting each other, thats the ONLY way we can rise above the other nations. Endorsing other don't harm your stats but it improves your allies stats. Pllleeeesssee become a member of the World Assembly and endorse people.

I'll be endorsing everyone who replies to this message and I hope they endorse me back!!!!

Lets make no.1

Castle regiis wrote:STOP SCROLLING AND READ THIS!!!

The European. Union is 311th in the world when it comes to world assembly endorsements.
This is seriously embarrassing, we should be supporting each other, thats the ONLY way we can rise above the other nations. Endorsing other don't harm your stats but it improves your allies stats. Pllleeeesssee become a member of the World Assembly and endorse people.

I'll be endorsing everyone who replies to this message and I hope they endorse me back!!!!

Everyone can start by endorsing our delegate Occoron

Happy new year ❣️

Castle regiis wrote:STOP SCROLLING AND READ THIS!!!

The European. Union is 311th in the world when it comes to world assembly endorsements.
This is seriously embarrassing, we should be supporting each other, thats the ONLY way we can rise above the other nations. Endorsing other don't harm your stats but it improves your allies stats. Pllleeeesssee become a member of the World Assembly and endorse people.

I'll be endorsing everyone who replies to this message and I hope they endorse me back!!!!

I will help with the endorements


Post self-deleted by Faeroya.

There's a terrific interview with Grea Kriopia in this month's Emissary Report!

10000 Islands Emissary Report

Date: November 2020
Population: 1,344
Delegate Endorsement: 438
Forum: Link
Discord: Link

TITO Command

Has your region been invaded, or do you want to get in touch with TITO? If so, contact one of the following nations:
~Chief Executive: Markanite
~Field Commander: Kanta Hame
~Tactical Officers: Shy Guyia, Smugglers and Mercs (TITO EF), Controlitia, Grea Kriopia, Kuriko, Wischland
~Executive Officers: Hakketomat, Aschente


As of this report's publication, the Government of 10000 Islands consists of:
~Chief Executive: Markanite
~WA Delegate: HumanSanity
~Senior Senator for New Republica South (Debates and Discussions): Controlitia
~Senator for Himes West (RP): Wille-Harlia
~Senator for Blue Canaria North (Emissary Report): Wischland
~Senator for Lyonnesse East (Houses): Aschente
~Minister of Education: Grea Kriopia
~Minister of Labor: Free Las Pinas
~Minister of Immigration: Thedairos

Information about other government officials of 10000 Islands can be found Linkhere.

New Government Appointments

~Minister of Education Grea Kriopia hired Dokansia to serve as Deputy Minister of Education and assist in organizing and updating The Great Library of 10000 Islands and coordinating the mentorship of new Islanders.
~GK also hired Murphtannia as XKI’s latest Welcome Buddy to help greet new Islanders and get them adjusted to life in the region.
~Secretary of State Margaux hired Sulenia to serve as the new emissary to Europe, Megistos as emissary to Canada, Dokansia as emissary to Thaecia, and Astrobolt as emissary to the International Democratic Union.

Around the Islands

~December’s LinkFeatured Nation is Megistos, who, besides being a frequent roleplayer, has also joined the Card Co-op and been appointed as emissary to Canada. Congrats Megistos, we’re excited to see where the future takes you!
~Islanders took a trip to the Wintreath forum to play a very intense game of Lord of the Rings-themed LinkWerewolf. Members from both regions worked hard to hunt down Sauron’s forces (the wolves) and translate between the playing styles of each region. In the end, the Fellowship (the town), after plenty of arguments and a few false lynches, managed to deduce the wolves’ identities and secure victory. XKI looks forward to hosting Wintreath for another game of WW next month!
~The holiday season brought plenty of festivities to XKI, with the Cultural Office planning a Linkvariety of events throughout the month. Islanders traded presents in a LinkSecret Santa Exchange, anonymously gifting music playlists, drawings, and pictures of cute Christmas animals. The Cultural Office also hosted two Game Sundays, with round of Among Us,, and Uno. Thedairos invited Islanders to participate in a XKI Kahoot, offering several valuable cards to those with the most knowledge about 10000 Islands. With plenty of fun festivities, XKI spent a delightful holiday season together.
~Chief Executive Markanite also got Islanders into the gift-giving mood by setting up the LinkRudolph’s Presents function on the forum. Islanders were able to collect gift tokens by posting of the forum, then send other nation’s all sorts of delightful gifts, picking from a wide range of animal, food, and other emojis. On Christmas Day, receiving Islanders could open up their gifts and enjoy the appreciation (and humor) shown by their friends.
~As the year approached it’s end, Islanders realized they were still miles away from success in the forums LinkCount to 2021 before 2021 thread. Islanders old and new stepped up to the task and spammed like never before to reach the 2021 goal before the end of the year. On December 31st, Islanders pushed for the finish line with over 200 posts, with Echolilia bringing XKI home with the final 2021 post!

Islander Achievements

~Dokansia took his first foray into issue authorship with his draft Baptism of Liars, about the fallout of religious scams. Dok isn’t the only aspiring issue author though, as Wille-Harlia is also hard at work with his draft Congressional Non-Concession. Best of luck to the both of them in getting their issues published, and in their future issue writing endeavors!
~Several of the region’s newer members proved themselves to be promising issue players by gathering up their first few top 1% stats. Belize and honduras achieved their first 1% badge early in the month, with the second one not far behind. Meanwhile Porymonia managed to achieve their third 1% badge Although they still have a long way to go before they reach the level of NS’s top issue players, these Islander’s dedication to their stats is already proving to be impressive. Their stat rankings are sure to improve as they continue to play.
~One of XKI’s longest members and a top issue player The Soylent Green Party reached an impressive population milestone in December. Reaching a population of 20 billion, The Soylent Green Party shows their impressive long-term dedication to the game. Such a high population count is the result of years of work. We cannot thank them enough for choosing XKI as their home.

XKI Game-Side

A regional poll by Jabberwocky asked Islanders which RL national figure had the best hair. Islanders showed their appreciation for Justin Trudeeau’s swoopy brown locks by a wide majority of votes.

The RMB was in an understandably festive mood for the holiday season:

~Liminal Spaces
~Very logical stats
~The very essence of the RMB
~A little endo love
~Not on the regional poll to be sure
~A true Christmas fan
~Step 1: Imprisonment, Step 2: Shut Down, Step 3: Profit
~It’s not a region, it’s a lifestyle
~Viva la Revolución!

Meet A Nation Interview

Grea Kriopia is an important member of XKI, having served as Senator for Blue Canaria North and Cultural Officer, and now finding her place as Minister of Education and a TITO Tactical Officer. We managed to track GK down between updates to ask a few interview question.

Wischland: With the year approaching its end, let’s take a look back. What’s been your favorite aspect or memory of this past year in XKI?

Grea Kriopia: Oh goodness, I've only been around since January so this past year has been everything for me. If we're going with favorite memories, I would say hosting the XKI Summer Olympics and then growing into my past work as Cultural Officer. I really enjoyed reviving more casual events like our weekly Movie Nights and spending time with our community. My favorite aspect has undoubtedly been the variety of work I've taken on over the last year–every day is something new and different.

Wisch: You sure have taken on a variety of work! With two different Council of Nine positions, Cultural Officer, and TITO Command under your belt, your rise in the region has been meteoric. What would you say contributed to your success in achieving such important roles so quickly?

GK: Is too much time on my hands a valid answer? In all seriousness, I can't say there's one specific reason for everything I've achieved up until now. I simply try to make myself as helpful as possible, do solid work, and not settle for anything less. I genuinely enjoy 99% of everything I do as well, so I'm sure that helps somehow!

Wisch: Let's take a closer look at your current position as Minister of Education. What do you do in this role?

GK: Generally speaking, the MoE is all about education/record keeping (obviously) and regional retention. My primary responsibilities are maintaining our Great Library with its various historical records and managing our Welcome Buddies as they guide new nations in our region. Naturally, this also allows some flexibility for pet projects and new ideas.

Wisch: Could you explain the Welcome Buddies program in more detail? What's the procedure you direct the Buddies to follow?

GK: Our Welcome Buddies are essentially tour guides for new nations when they arrive in XKI after being recruited. Buddies personally telegram new arrivals with helpful tips and starting information that many might not find right away. They also serve to answer starting questions which newer nations might not know how to answer. Each buddy does things differently, but all are meant to help new nations feel noticed and connected to our community.

Wisch: And what sort of advice would you give to such a new nation looking to get involved?

GK: Take your time to look around! Joining NS is an extremely steep learning curve with an overwhelming amount of information to ingest all at once. There's an endless amount of ways to get involved, so take the time to explore areas you didn't look at initially and find the opportunities you want for yourself. And, of course, don't be afraid to put yourself out there when looking for ways to help.

Wisch: Looking forward into the next year, what path do you see for XKI in the future?

GK: Well, nothing is set in stone, but I think this coming year will hold even more outreach and regional cooperation along with new regional improvements. A few large events already come to mind looming on the horizon of 2021, and I have no doubt we'll continue to push much of the hard work begun this year even further.

Wisch: Sounds exciting! And do you have any personal plans? Should we expect you to take on any new positions this coming year?

GK: No plans in terms of positions, I really like what I'm doing right now and would like to keep it up for a longer period of time unless something changes drastically. Otherwise, I know I'll have my hands in some fun festivals and events this upcoming year, maybe I'll try to branch out into some new hobbies. Then again, I always say that before taking on more usual work :P

Wisch Well, whatever you do, I’m sure it’ll turn out great. Any final comments you’d like to make?

GK: Thanks, I appreciate the confidence! Have a great New Year everyone and stay healthy~

Until next month, your XKI Update Staff is signing off – Wischland

Read dispatch

Also, in the January Edition of The Mad Surfer will be a review of Max Barry's new novel, Providence. Coming next week!

Guten Tag Fellow Kamarads

Read a review of Max Barry's latest novel, Providence, in the January Issue of THE MAD SURFER!

The Official Newspaper of the 10000 Islands
January 2021

December 2020 | November 2020 | October 2020 | September 2020

“A newspaper is a device for making the ignorant more ignorant and the crazy crazier.”
― H.L. Mencken

Weather: excellent
Water temp: perfect!
Waves: bodacious!

Whether the season means Kris Kringle or Kwaanzai or Krampus, TMS will go out on a limb and risk offending the overly sensitive by hoping you have a great holiday season...even if you don’t believe in such humbug! [/align]

The Council of Nine
Last Updated: November 2020

Chief Executive: Markanite
Delegate: HumanSanity
Minister of Labor: Free Las Pinas
Minister of Immigration: Thedairos
Minister of Education: Grea Kriopia
Senator for New Republica South: Controlitia
Senator for Himes West: Wille-Harlia
Senator for Blue Canaria North: Wischland
Senator for Lyonnesse East: Aschente

-Deputy Ministers of Education: Kohnhead, Dokansia
-Deputy Senators for Himes West: Central Russia, Margaux

There's never a dull moment in the world of XKI politics, and this election cycle is no exception. As our Chief Executive Markanite opened the Election Board in the wee hours of morning, he found Murphtannia (WIP) waiting at the door to file his application for candidacy for the seat of New Republica South. Before break time, Dokansia had thrown his hat into the ring. It became a crowded field when Solarampa entered the fray as an Independent.

Blue Canaria North incumbent Wischland made it clear early on that she intends to serve another term. So far no one is inclined to argue with her.

Candidate declarations and accompanying stirring speeches can be found here: Link


It's time to rediscover the LinkXKI Casino and a whole new level of entertainment! Come and experience all that's new at the LinkXKI Casino. It's a whole new game!
You're gonna need a bigger wallet...



We've been harping here on the interconnections between all things, which is not as cosmic as it sounds in the business world. The recent trade boom, which were the result of natural events, has harbored another windfall for XKI bourgeoisie. Here's The Regional Reserve with the full account:

Following the good times delivered by the recent events (lots of shipbuilding and trade), Islanders had a lot of loot in their pockets to spend over the holidays. Wanting to have a pretty good ending to a pretty bad year, they flocked to their cities to buy the latest in gifts and wonderments for the kiddies. And for the adults, too! But several major snowstorms locked down the roads, driving these taco-heavy Islanders down into the subways to complete their holiday shopping. As a result, each instance of owning the shop item Inter Island Subway will add a hefty 1,000 tacos (or a kilotaco, for you metric system users) to the owners wallet!

Mortimer Printout - January 2021
Economic Outlook
Sector: 1 - National Improvements
Item: Inter Island Subway
Bonus: 1,000 Ŧ
Mitigation: N/A
Adjustment: N/A
Stock Market:
From 01-December-2020 to 31-December-2020
Average Change: -1,548 Ŧ
Percent Change: -4%—Stocks Decline
Average Dividend (Base/Dividend): (290/280)

Individual stock performances can be found here: Link


Those who pay attention know Margaux as our standing Secretary of State as well as Deputy Senator of Himes West, but in their spare time they also serve as a TITO Knight and an active Recruiter for XKI, still finding time to pen a few verses as our Poet Laureate. Somehow, we managed to sneak in a quick interview.

TMS: What country are you from?
M: I am from the U.S.

TMS: What’s the grossest food you ever had to eat to be polite?
M: Sushi, I kept a straight face throughout it all.

TMS: Who is your favorite musician?
M: Elvis Presley, hands down my favorite.

TMS: What afterschool activity did you quit as a kid, and why?
M: I did Running Club, and then later did Track & Field and Cross Country. I just loved running.

TMS: If you could turn the ocean into a liquid other than water, which one would you pick?
M: Apple Juice. I just really like it.

TMS: What is your favorite conspiracy theory? And do you believe in it?
M: I'm not much of a person for conspiracies. So, sorry I don't really have any.

TMS: Do you have a favorite author? If you could make them write for any TV show which TV show would it be.
M: Rick Riordan. Well, the Percy Jackson series is my favorite from him. They started a movies series, but it's pretty bad. So, I wish he would help them make a new one.

TMS: If you could ban 1 food from the face of the planet what would you ban?
M: Sushi, sorry but I hate it.

TMS: What is your favorite hobby?
M: Running, before I stopped doing it semi-professional. I was really good at it. Now, I do it to keep in shape.

TMS: Who is your favorite comic book character?
M: Spiderman.

TMS: What vice could you never give up?
M: Being a night owl. I don't have a sleep schedule.

TMS: If you could be any animal, what animal would you be?
M: Wolf.

TMS: What will be the title of your autobiography?
M: "Run and never look back."

TMS:Why are you so formal?
M: Because, if I'm respectful to them, then they will respect me.


With the departure of THX1138, our Editor flew into a panic. But the apparent emergency was abated as we've added a new member to our dedicated, hardworking staff. You know Wischland as a TITO Tactical Officer as well as the head of the Knight Mentor Program, all in addition to serving as Senator for Blue Canaria North. How she fits it into her schedule to write for us we'll never know. But it could explain why she's rarely at our office. In any event, here is her take on WA affairs.

Stepping into the hallowed halls of the World Assembly at the beginning of the month, I knew I had big shoes to fill in taking on TMS’s WA Scene section. For a regional hermit like myself, the WA was a vast unknown, full of intricate mysteries and insider secrets. Nonetheless, I had a job to do, and I was confident I’d be able to figure things out well enough with a little elbow grease.

If you’re thinking that was the perfect setup for me to reveal that I was completely overconfident, then, boy oh boy, are you correct. As the papers piled up and the debates extended into the night, I realized a WA newbie like me would need a lot more than a can-do attitude and snazzy business suit to get to the true heart of this illustrious institution.

As the nights drew on, I knew I needed to get my act together. Fueled by exorbitant amounts of coffee and my ever-approaching deadline, I scoured through old debate records, translated all that fancy legalese, and analyzed voting patterns. I shook hands with eminent and not-so-eminent WA delegates. I cavorted with fellow reporters and cajoled reluctant authors. And little by little, I finished my research and wrote out this analysis of December’s WA proposals. Enjoy and thank you all for reading!

SCR#333 “Condemn The Free Joy State”: An in-character resolution meant to recognize the issue writing contributions of noted issue editor The Free Joy State. WA rules made this resolution a tricky one, as author Cretox State couldn’t discuss the subject’s substantial work as an editor. Although The Free Joy State is no doubt worthy of recognition, opposition to the rather fluffy resolution itself formed. Regardless, enough people seemed to think the appreciative condemnation was warranted, and the resolution passed with 70% support.

GAR#527 “Protected Working Leave”: Cretox State was on a roll, authoring both the first SC and GA resolutions to pass this month. This resolution is exactly what it says on the tin, allowing workers to take paid leave for health and family reasons without retaliation from employers. Although the resolution sparked some debate about whether it would help or hurt small businesses, it was written with enough professional-sounding terminology and formatting, and on a popular enough topic to easily pass with 81% support.

SCR#334 “Commend The Templar High Council”: A well-deserved commendation for the subject’s roleplaying work. The resolution itself was also notable for expanding commendations to a new area of NS. Beyond that, it was also just a fun and well written proposal, so props to author Praeceps for that. Unsurprisingly, the resolution flew through the vote with just shy of 89% support.

GAR#528 “Repeal: ‘Protecting Sites of Religious Significance’”: A fairly standard repeal, targeting the many loopholes, broad definitions, and overdone bureaucracy of the original proposal. Although the repeal was near universally supported during debate amongst the GA elites, the wider WA community didn’t seem to receive the memo and the repeal passed with only 69% support. Perhaps they were turned off by the title, and were confused about why a seemingly beneficial proposal needed to be repealed. Goes to show the importance of first impressions and persuading the general populace.

GAR#529 “Repeal: ‘Rights of the Employed’”: Given that the original resolutions barely squeaked through the vote, it’s unsurprising that a repeal was attempted only a few months later. Author Cretox State pointed out many unintentional consequences of the original resolution and cited other GA proposals as doing enough to make “Rights of the Employed” redundant. The repeal passed much more easily than the original proposal, with 80% support.

SCR#335 “Commend Praeceps”: Everyone’s favorite bunny finally got their long-overdue commend. The Resolution lauded their region-building efforts in The North Pacific and SC authorship. Well-written and with a truly worthy subject, the resolution saw next to no contestation during forum debate and easily passed with 89% support.

GA “Water Fluoridation Act” (Did not pass): Author Scalizagasti’s first attempt at GA authorship, this resolution mandated that WA nations research fluoride levels in drinking water and fluoridate it as necessary to promote health. Unsurprisingly, supporters of National Sovereignty were in uproar, claiming the resolution was overstepping the WA’s bounds, while public health supporters were busy expostulating the virtue of water fluoridation. It seems that most nations were not a fan of letting the WA determine the fluoride levels in their water, or thought that fluoridation would just be too much work, and the resolution failed at vote with 58% Against. Props to the author for a good first attempt though!

SCR#336 “Commend The Western Isles”: Although the frequent use of bold text confuses my poor over-caffeinated brain, TWI is generally recognized as worthy of a commend. The question was whether this resolution was good enough to do it. It focused heavily on internal RP of the region, and was criticized for being overly fluffy. While RP is certainly worthy of a commend, I can’t help but wonder whether the GA shouldn’t focus on recognizing more intraregional achievements. I like TWI well enough though, so I’m not terribly upset that the resolution managed to pass with 53% support. Given that slim margin of support though, it’s little surprise that this resolution has already been repealed. But more on that next month.

GA “Repeal: ‘International Road Safety’” (Did not pass): Another newcomer to the GA, Free Azell took a stab at authorship with this repeal. For a repeal, it’s quite short and slim on details. Makes it a breeze to read, but lacks the persuasive punch needed to successfully convince enough nations to vote for. The repeal failed with 54% against. Better luck next time Free Azell!

SCR#337 “Repeal: ‘Commend The Holy Principality of Saint Mark’”: Yeesh. The drama surrounding this repeal is a perfect example of all the icky things in the SC. The repeal itself is well written and does an excellent job of pointing out the problems of the original resolution without attacking Saint Mark. But it seemed to strike a lot of nerves. Nations were calling the resolution toxic, using ad hominem arguments, and attacking the author as lazy. To top it all off, the repeal was quorum raided. It all had me sheltering under my desk, until the repeal passed with 69% support. Word to the wise: when the debate posts get really long and start using all caps, run away as fast as you can.

GAR#530 “Fairness in Collective Bargaining”: This resolution was unproblematic, seeking to expand upon GA legislation concerning labor unions. Simply written, well-reasoned, and without any obvious discrepancies, this came down more to nation’s ideological beliefs rather than any problems with the resolution itself. A breath of fresh air following the messiness of the past few WA proposals, this resolution passed with 65% support.

SCR#338 “Commend Verdant Haven”: As an issue author myself, I’m always overjoyed to see prominent issue authors get their due commendation. NS literally wouldn’t be the same without them. The resolution recognized Verdant Haven’s authorship and contributions to Forest, to an overwhelmingly positive response. Passed with a bit over 90% support.

GAR#531 “Tariffs and Trade Convention”: Good thing I took a macroeconomics class, because this resolution would have been gibberish without it. Essentially, it prohibits trade restrictions like tariffs between WA member nations, increasing free and fair trade. Free trade is an incredibly complex and difficult topic, so props to author Imperium Anglorum for tackling it so well. The resolutions passed with 62% support, with much of the opposition seeming to come from those who didn’t understand the proposal. Economics can have a steep learning curve so it’s unsurprising, but a shame nonetheless, that there was so much confusion over this resolution.


Providence by Max Barry

I've read all of Max Barry's novels, and consider myself a fan. His first four books were intelligent, witty, clever and offered insight to underlying human motivation. With Lexicon, he wandered into the abstract, taking an intriguing concept and turning it into something of a turgid mess with vague circumlocution and too long, repetitive chase scenes. With Providence, Barry attains a clarity of purpose and prose, eliminating the verbose waste of Lexicon.

I'll try to talk about this without revealing anything critical. We're dealing with two themes familiar to science fiction readers: that of humans in conflict with aliens in a distant part of the galaxy, and that of Artificial Intelligence. I've been reading science fiction since roughly 1960. This is only relevant insofar as it means I've had a lot of exposure to scifi themes. These are two tried and true tropes, ground that's been trod and retrod, because they resonate.

H. G. Wells brought aliens home to us in War of the Worlds. Olaf Stapledon took the conflict to far flung galaxies in Last and First Men, which spawned a thousand SF novels. Both gave us alien enemies whose thought processes did not resemble ours. A salient point about Barry's aliens: they are really alien. Barry resists any temptation to anthropomorphize them into cute cuddly creatures. They defy human expectations. And their defense/attack mechanism is mind boggling. I’m not a scientist, so I struggled to comprehend it, which made it all the more terrifying.

Then there's the A. I. This notion may have originated with the myth of Pygmalion, which grew into Shelley's Frankenstein, and took on another dimension as Hal 9000 in Arthur C. Clarke’s 2001: A Space Odyssey. Hal became dangerous, but was still framed in terms we could grasp as the shipboard computer took on the aspect of a senile uncle who gets out of control. Barry's AI is so far above us, it may not even be aware of us, no more than we are aware of our own DNA...or bacteria. However Artificial it is, it is still Intelligent, and Barry looks at many of the ways we are inclined to let AI do our thinking for us in modes we do not understand. Not only do we fail to grasp the mechanics of what AI do, they use concepts that are beyond our comprehension, particularly when they begin self replicating, when they no longer need to ask our permission. In that last case, it really isn't even necessary for them to communicate with us. As one character muses, “ I don't think there's one alien species out here. I think there are two.”

As that quote might suggest, Barry never fails to take into account the human perspective, through the POV of the main characters, which serves to emphasize the non humanity of both our alien foe and our AI. The main characters are well delineated and consistent throughout; no one acts unexpectedly out of character. Near the end, at that crucial moment the author could easily rely upon a hackneyed deus ex machina, well, Barry has that covered too. I won't say whether the cavalry arrives in time, but give Barry credit for having long since provided a logical explanation for how events unfold. I found myself with raised eyebrows or a frown of consternation at a couple of passages wherein the continuity suffered, but after re-reading them, I suspect those unwieldy paragraphs to be the work of an overzealous editor. I would love to discuss it in greater detail, but I don't want to give anything away. All in all, I found Providence to be easily the most satisfying of Barry's novels. Terrific job, Max, and I look forward to your next. I highly recommend it.

Sandy Shoals

Dear Sandy, while my brother researched our genealogy, he submitted a DNA sample. As a lark, I decided to do the same thing. Much to our mutual surprise, we discovered we are half brothers. Our parents never revealed this fact to us; we were raised under one roof as one family, and the subject never came up. To my horror, he has begun telling people we aren't related, going so far as to cancel my “brother" status on social media. I'm mortified. As far as I am concerned, we are still brothers; that's the way we were raised. How should I handle this? – Bewildered in Boise

Dear Boise, my decidedly dim view of social media would ordinarily lead me to dismiss that aspect, but I recognize that it bears some importance to most people, a mystery to me. There's really not much you can do about your brother's reaction, and when mutual acquaintances ask you about it, just let them know it's out of your hands. You can hope your brother will eventually see he's being a blockhead and capitulate. In your shoes, I would play it down so he can see he can't get your goat. I had brothers, too.


Kohnhead, our Deputy Minister of Education, has announced the newest Featured Nation as Megistos!

The Holy Santa of Megistos is a massive, environmentally stunning nation, ruled by ᴇmpᴇror Solacᴇ with an even hand, and renowned for its keen interest in outer space, anti-smoking policies, and digital currency. The hard-nosed, hard-working, democratic, humorless population of 1.318 billion Mᴇgistians have some civil rights, but not too many, enjoy the freedom to spend their money however they like, to a point, and take part in free and open elections, although not too often.

For the full monty, read this: Link


Recruiter Alert!! TITO XO and Lyonesse East Senator Aschente has announced the House Cup and Shield Competition for January 2021. This Competition runs throughout the entire month of January, so be sure you have an Accelerator account, prepare your missive, and proceed thence to do your part to make XKI more densely populated: Link

Taco Island Charities has initiated the Ninth Annual Paffnia Prize, which is given for the most heralded innovative idea in XKI in last year. Get all the information you need about this highly coveted award by going here: Link


It's true that XKISP has lost some of its initial impetus, but Islanders are still claiming precious lunar real estate every month. On the Moon as here on Earth, it's all about location, location, location. Flying Eagles staked his claim near the coveted Mare Jesioneka. For all the details of his space adventure, read this:


The Mad Surfer is looking for highly qualified, motivated, dedicated writers. But maybe you would like to try your hand at it, too. And now WE CAN PAY YOU! Yes, we actually now have a payroll department! Pay commensurate with talent and ability to ingratiate oneself with Editor. Stringent job examination includes placing a mirror in front of your mouth to see if it fogs up. Please notify Jabberwocky or The Mad Surfer to apply.

Ministry of Labor is seeking an artist to render six Knight statues. For details, read this:

To the consternation of local gamblers Free Las Pinas has retired from their post as Casino Manager. This naturally leaves an enormous void which Ministry of Labor is eager to fill. For details, read this: Link

There is currently an opening for Emissary to Europe. Apply here: Link

You, too, can be one of the lucky few. Have TMS delivered right to your virtual door: Link

The Mad Surfer is:

Staff Writers: Wischland, Sandy Shoals, Jabberwocky.
Associate Editor: Grea Kriopia
Editor in Chief/Circulation/Advertising: Jabberwocky

Read dispatch

Wisebaden wrote:Guten Tag Fellow German Nations.

gutin tag

Castle regiis wrote:STOP SCROLLING AND READ THIS!!!

The European. Union is 311th in the world when it comes to world assembly endorsements.
This is seriously embarrassing, we should be supporting each other, thats the ONLY way we can rise above the other nations. Endorsing other don't harm your stats but it improves your allies stats. Pllleeeesssee become a member of the World Assembly and endorse people.

I'll be endorsing everyone who replies to this message and I hope they endorse me back!!!!

i say my good sir. i am a member.

Hey there! Your friendly TRR ambassador here, just to inform you that the award-winning Rejected Times has another issue. Read it right here.

I was going to be much more forceful, but my superiors told me threatening people in order to get them to read our paper wasn’t productive. The stuff you learn...

anyone wanna endorse me?

Ramekista and Switzerland2021

Hello! I am an ambassator from the Conch Kingdom, sent here by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gibraltarica, and I am looking to working with your region and helping our regions know each other better.
Edit: can anyone link me the Region's Discord please?

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