by Max Barry

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Governor: Anglistana

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: Anglistana

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Nudest: 1,492nd
World Factbook Entry

Belle région

Tags: Featured, Governorless, and Small.

Europe Temporaire contains 6 nations, the 3,707th most in the world.

Today's World Census Report

The Most Advanced Public Transport in Europe Temporaire

World Census experts captured, tagged, and released trains in order to identify which nations have the most extensive, well-funded public transportation systems.

As a region, Europe Temporaire is ranked 5,898th in the world for Most Advanced Public Transport.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The NSGP Tagline of Cope and seetheMoralistic Democracy“Justice, Piety, Loyalty”
2.The Republic of King StationInoffensive Centrist Democracy“TTC Line 1 16/38”
3.The Legacy of ChristelLeft-Leaning College State“Carpe Diem”
4.The Republic of AnodeAuthoritarian Democracy“Justice, Piety, Loyalty”
5.The Republic of EmistaxiaCorrupt Dictatorship“Motto”
6.The United Socialist States of Neo XLIIIFather Knows Best State“Hummanty is at risk we must FIGHT”

Regional Happenings


Europe Temporaire Regional Message Board

Featured Airways wrote:My question is why they ejected only Star Horde and no one else?

Quite strange

Very strange if you ask me

The Featured Region Book wrote:Didn't the founder CTE? The delegate was elected literally 2 hours ago

oops mb I forgot, I changed it now

Long overdue, but Credit to The Featured Region Express, Bite My Biscuits, The Featured Region Book but this will be the 1st region that will be scored

Well this was long overdue!
Where can you go on our planes?



Banned from international airspace

Fascist, Homophobic, Sexist, or Revenge regions

Basic Economy

Harbors nations with no guardrail that have objectionable ideals See above

Enhanced Economy

Dead region

Business Class

Active region, With Delegate

First Class

A region that is cool, preferably has a government, and has a high count of nations

FA Premium

Anything besides Banned From International airspace+On a holiday

All of this may be changed without warning, if you get featured quite soon after your last feature, I might upgrade you!

Read dispatch

I hereby score you... Enhanced Economy Class!

Featured Airways wrote:My question is why they ejected only Star Horde and no one else?

Quite strange

The WA delegate told me it was an accident and apologised. Well, I always encounter various accidents on Friday the 13th...

Post by Peace and Order and War suppressed by The Duck Army Squadron 1.

Star Horde wrote:The WA delegate told me it was an accident and apologised. Well, I always encounter various accidents on Friday the 13th...

Sorry about that :/

Featured Airways wrote:Long overdue, but Credit to The Featured Region Express, Bite My Biscuits, The Featured Region Book but this will be the 1st region that will be scored

Well this was long overdue!
Where can you go on our planes?



Banned from international airspace

Fascist, Homophobic, Sexist, or Revenge regions

Basic Economy

Harbors nations with no guardrail that have objectionable ideals See above

Enhanced Economy

Dead region

Business Class

Active region, With Delegate

First Class

A region that is cool, preferably has a government, and has a high count of nations

FA Premium

Anything besides Banned From International airspace+On a holiday

All of this may be changed without warning, if you get featured quite soon after your last feature, I might upgrade you!

Read dispatch

I hereby score you... Enhanced Economy Class!

Nice factbook!

Bob Ross walks in.

"Hey, well nice region! I worked hard on this, I used the Indian Yellow all the way from a tribe, I forced them to make it. Anyways we don't talk about the tribe. Congrats! Happy! HAPPY LIL REGION!"

He drops a painting of himself and"the tribe."

*Here comes a pack of painted dogs*
They have came with a message the painted dogs say
*congrats on becoming the featured region of the day Europe Temporaire*
Want some meat 🥩?

Todays catch: Europe?????

It is I A elf on the Featured shelf
Congratulations on being the featured region of December 13th Europe Temporaire, I’ll put in a good word for you all with the big man.

What presents do you want?

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