by Max Barry

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Dostoaton wrote:Patrol Ships, Mine Warfare Ships, Destroyers, Corvettes and helicopter carriers (smaller version of an Aircraft Carrier)

Helicopter carriers are made for a completely different purpose though. They're amphibious assault ships, so offensive weapons

Coeur de Lys wrote:A Prince in Valencia

Valencia was Julian’s vacation, away from Parisian politics and from royal duties, to an extent. Of course, he had his residence in one of his mother’s mansions, owned by her as the Duchess of Alba, and had no escape from court duties, though mostly limited to balls or ceremonies.

When he was away from that life too, he tried his luck at blending in with the public. Fluent in Spanish, according to his mother’s lessons in his childhood, the brown haired young prince would frequent himself in restaurants, cafes and other social institutions in the city, sometimes travelling to other areas of the country to witness the ongoing football series. That life wasn’t unagreeable to him, with its mixture of public exposure and privacy.

This evening, It was almost five O’ clock when Julian walked down to the Plaza de la Virgin, over to the Turia fountain where he stopped, checking his watch. He had only spent a couple moments admiring the statue of the river god that lay across it when a woman’s voice called him over. “Over here, Julian.” He turned, catching a glimpse of the brunette girl wearing a sleeveless yellow dress, seated on a bench nearby with a sketchbook on her lap and waving to him.

She smiled as he walked on to her. “You’re late.”

Julian gave her a look of amusement, not willing to give in. “Am I? I’m sure you made a little mistake, and came a little early. That or…”

She laughed softly. “Come on, I’ve had time to draw the fountain twice.” She gently pulled his hand, getting him to sit down beside her on the bench. Obeying her, he sat down, catching a glimpse of her sketchbook. “I see that handsome man over there’s caught your interest.”

She gave a sly smile. “Well, statues are meant to represent the perfect human figure. Can’t help it that no man in Europe can compete in that. But he’s old.”

“But you enjoyed drawing this.”

“The fountain? Just to pass time.” She replied. “I’m not an artist, Julian. Architecture is more…materialistic. Not this many statues of muscular male specimens.”

Her name, as she had told Julian at their first real meeting, was Isabel Rivera, and she was a twenty three year old with the passion for architecture, having taken on from her father who himself was a famous architect, now in Madrid. At first, Julian had not understood what drew him to her, though now he took it to be her simplicity, or grounding nature.

He took her hand, as it came to him naturally. “So, what do you have in mind this evening, apart from drawing your mus…”

“Please.” SHe stopped him with a smile. “That’s not anything I wanted to do. If you’re upset about it, I’ll find some other fountain to sit by next time.”

Julian chuckled. “You think I’m jealous of a statue? Now about our evening…”

Again, he stopped him, used to being the leader of the conversation. “I heard your stay here was extended. I mean, I’m glad…but why the change? Is something wrong with your…family?”

Julian shook his head with a smile. “None of the sort. Only, my sister is on a visit to the Dietslands. And dad wouldn’t be anxious about me returning if she isn’t there. You know how it is…”

“Pressure with the crown then.” Isabel knew it from their former talks. “You know Julian, you can’t stay here forever. You’ll have to return to Paris soon.”

“I know, and I hope Amelie’s made up her mind by then. She has to realise it’s not just about her.” He shook his head. “It’s not that I’m angry with her. I can’t be…”

Isabel leaned onto him for a moment. “You’ll figure it out, or help Her Highness with it. I know you will. But is that all?” She paused for a moment. “If it’s a problem with your father…well I understand.”

“Well…” Julian sighed. “Walk with me.”

Without waiting for a response, he got up from the bench, pulling her along gently. As they walked across the plaza, he spoke. “When I return to Paris, my family will have a lot to ask from me.” He blushed a little. “The servants at my mother’s palace aren’t the most discreet. I’m sure my whole family knows now that…I’m not always alone in Valencia.”

Isabel looked down at the street as he spoke, a feeling of dread coming up to her. “They won’t like to see you hanging out with someone like me. They’ll want you to marry a duchess like your father did.”

Julian bit her lips. “I’m sorry that’s how it’ll go. But I have to tell you…”

She cut him off again. “Julian, I just want to tell you that I understand. If you want anything else in your life…it’s your life…”

She blinked away a tear that had been forming in the corner of her eye. “Go home when your father calls you, and talk to him. Just know that I’ll understand, whatever you do.”

Julian gave her hand a little squeeze. “Don’t worry. I’ll talk with him and I promise…”

“This isn’t a time for promises.” Isabel said, as they stopped in front of a restaurant, one that he had intended to take him to for the evening. “Now’s the time for coffee, and self reflection.”

Julian gave a small chuckle, feeling as if it was time to put thoughts about home behind him. “Coffee then, and maybe vermouth, but I was reserving that for the evening, after dinner.”

She leaned over, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Another dinner then. I pity the chefs in your mansion, though they might as well steal the supplies in the meantime. At least let me pay for the coffee. After coffee, we’ll walk somewhere, and reflect some more before the fine evening ahead of us.”

“Of course, mi lady,” Julian said, responding to her playful smile and leading her into the restaurant. This life wasn’t bad, even if the future was uncertain.

A Prince in Valencia: The Silver Mask

It was Julian’s royal duty to attend balls and other celebrations organised by Spanish nobility. He was to act as an ambassador of sorts, making sure to impress the Spanish whenever he interacted with them. Nobility was seemingly still politically relevant, in both Madrid and Paris.

Not exactly falling into this role expected of him, he preferred it when he could go in incognito, and come out without too much notice. Masquerade balls were his favourite in this regard, where he could expect to hide himself among the locals with just a little effort. Once that was achieved, he could talk, drink and dance to his heart’s content, unafraid of needless attention.

This evening was one of those occasions, when Julian entered the grand hall of a Spanish mansion in Valencia, dressed in a simple black suit with a rather elegant black mask covering the top of his face. This particular event was organised as a fundraiser by a prominent member of Spanish nobility, who intrigued Julian for a different reason. He had expected to meet her during his time here, to talk about certain matters, though his heart was yet to be formed for such a meeting; he couldn’t go searching for his hostess without compromising himself.

As he stood under the bright chandeliers, Julian could feel that his heart was not set for a lot of things that evening. In particular, the entire ball seemed less interesting now that he was there. Not that it lacked ceremony or glamour, it was simply a dull feeling in his mind, perhaps caused by his thoughts about home, and perhaps because of his thoughts about Isabel. Even if he would manage to get her a palace at a ball like this, she would decline such an invitation, and dancing in clubs never seemed satisfactory for the young prince.

Deciding to enjoy the evening as much as possible, he walked through the celebrations, with groups of young nobles, and couples, sipping wine and talking, with others walking onto the dance floor, hand in hand, as the music began. Julian weaved through the groups, exchanging a few words now and then, enjoying the anonymity. Only a couple of friends here would know who he really was.

He sat by the edge of a beverage table, accepting a glass of vermouth from a waiter. Sipping it slowly, he watched across the dance floor where the dancing had begun at its full flurry, with illustrious guests in illustrious dresses waltzing across the floor. If this was a usual day, he would’ve received a request for a dance from a beautiful woman soon enough, and he would accept. On a very rare occasion, they would lift their masks and talk somewhere private. But all those interactions ended after that. The only girl he associated with these days was not one he had met at any ball, much less a masquerade one.

Sipping the vermouth, he became aware of a new illustrious arrival at the scene, having come through a set of double doors leading to the residential quarters of the mansion. Something about the newcomer caught his immediate attention as the woman; dressed in a red Spanish gown, came towards them. She wore a silver mask that covered her whole face, hiding her smile or her boredom under its serene expression.

She weaved through the groups as Julian had done, talking to the assembled guests, as she came to the same beverage table Julian stood by. She was evidently someone important, from the reactions she received from the guests, though Julian had not seen her, at least masked, before. Stopping at the table, she took a glass of cocktail which she sipped slowly, her eyes fixed on the dancing couples, while Julian stood where he was, transfixed by her presence.

As she put down the glass and turned to head to the dance floor, her gaze met Julian’s for a second, and the prince decided to make his move. Seeing that he expected something, the woman had stopped, and now offered her hand. Julian could see the humour in her eyes behind the mask, which were hazel just like her hair which was organized in a beautiful braided hairdo. Taking her gloved hand, he gently pressed his lips to it before speaking to her. “Would you honour me with a dance?”

Without replying, the woman nodded, and Julian could feel her amusement behind the mask at this first proposal for the evening. Undeterred, he took her hand and led her to the dance floor. The music was slow, and their steps seemed to match perfectly. They went round the dance floor, with her eyes now showing admiration at his skill and manners. Their interactions for two songs was limited to the dancing, with only a few words exchanged from time to time. She had a young and sweet yet regal voice, and after the end of the two dances Julian put her question to her. “If it is appropriate, may I know who you are?”

With a slight nod, his partner drew him away from the dance floor, taking him with her to a balcony where they would have some quiet away from the party. There, Julian took off his mask, and he could see the eyes behind the silver mask widen a little with surprise and amazement as the wearer recognised him. His introduction, as Julian Grimaldi, was quite unnecessary.

The lady raised her mask just a little, enough for Julian to see her smile. Lowering it again, she gave a soft chuckle. “His highness the Duke of Orleans honouring me with his presence. I have to say I didn’t expect that.”

“Then you’re…?”

“Francesca, Duchess of Aragon.” The lady replied. “Your hostess for the evening.”

She kept her mask lowered, but Julian could feel her smile underneath it. He spoke a little awkwardly. “I've read your books.”

“Oh?” Julian saw the eyes widened again behind the silver mask. Her voice was quite soft now, with a hint of uncertainty. “Did you like them?”

Julian smiled. “Definitely. I can't comment on their language because my Spanish knowledge is nothing like yours. But the content, the stories…they're very intriguing, to the reader.”

Francesca chuckled. “So I've intrigued you then, your Highness?” Her tone was playful, but Julian couldn't stop his face from colouring a little. “Please call me Julian.”

Francesca was silent for a moment, and then spoke with a hushed tone. “Perhaps you can put your mask back on? I don't want someone to see you here with me. There'll be too much…discussion in the family.”

She sounded abashed, and Julian almost laughed, though he disguised that as a cough. “I can relate to that.” Replacing his mask over his face, he continued. “Allow me to say that our mask suits you a lot. The mysterious silver mask of the writer of mystery novels. But I guess it doesn't conceal much.”

Francesca gave a small nod. “I thought it was the best way to fully conceal myself in a crowd. It worked the first couple times, when I came to my own balls as a guest. But now it's just become my…signature item. But you can only hope for so much.”

Julian nodded, thinking about his own love for anonymity. “I did say it suits you. The mysterious beauty in the silver mask. Well I'm not good with titles for novels, like you are.”

Francesca instinctively covered her mouth with her hand to conceal her small laugh, already concealed by her mask. “Thank you for your compliments, Julian. You're a better critic than most professionals I've met. They just go for the mistakes, clichés…”

“Well, speaking of that…” Julian paused, thinking about how to best put it. “You do have cliches, at least when it comes to romance. There's two…love triangles I've found, and those got me thinking for a moment.”

“I admit romance isn't my strong point, and love triangles are a headache to deal with.” Fransesca replied. “But they intrigue you now?”

Julian smiled. “Not like that. It's just about their resolution. There's the rich boy or girl with everything on one point, and there's the common guy on the other; both fighting for the same heart. You can feel from the beginning that the less financially fortunate party is going to win. And it's all for the best in the end, because we find out the rich party isn't as good as they seem.”

Francesca was quiet, so he continued. “It got me thinking, maybe because I'm a prince. Why is it always that way? Why can’t a triangle be resolved in the opposite way?” His voice softened. “Not that it's a problem with your writing.”

“No, I guess I'm not as daring as you might think.” Fransesca said. “I suppose the reverse did come to my mind too, from time to time. But readers want the underdog to win. And I guess I stopped thinking at that point. It's not what the story is about anyway.”

She sighed a little. “Maybe I'm worried…a twenty four year old trying to be a prodigy in the genre…”

“Connan Doyle wrote A Study in Scarlet in his twenties. You're younger, but you're doing really well. Critics might say one thing, but your readers say a lot more.”

Fransesca smiled again. “Thanks. I suppose you're right about that. And I guess I should think about…other angles too…when I'm writing.”

Julian chuckled. “Don't let a romance arc drag down a good thriller. So, you're having a fundraiser today?”

“To collect money for general repairs on some old libraries I've found. You'll contribute, won't you.”

“You offend me with that question, Fransesca.” Julian said, giving a small chuckle as her face suddenly turned down. “I'm not being serious here, don't worry. I'm definitely going to contribute, and you're not wrong to ask that from me.”

“No, it was inappropriate. Sorry for being rude.” Fransesca stammered, and Julian could almost feel her colour under the mask. Before he could regret his own decision, she looked up again.

“You’ll stay for dinner, won't you? I was wondering would it be too forward of me to invite you to dine with me tomorrow. I'll have some friends over, who you'll probably know.”

“I'd be honoured.” Julian said, without thinking twice, before remembering he had a similar appointment with Isabel at the same time. Fransesca could see his countenance change, so she spoke in a concerned tone.

“If I'm getting in the way of anything you have planned…”

He quickly shook his head. “No, not at all. I'll be there.”

Fransesca didn't seem convinced, and Julian could imagine her biting her lips under the mask. But she was finally satisfied with the answer. “Then…I'll see you again soon anyway.”

She moved away from the balcony rather hastily to meet other guests, leaving Julian stranded, or so he felt. How was he to explain matters to Isabel? Of course she would understand that it was another royal duty of his. But still…

As the cold evening air failed to calm his mind, which seemed in turbulence now for reasons he couldn't fully comprehend, Julian stepped back into the ballroom.

United-empire-of-brazil wrote:In fact, these would be the classes that I should buy from these ships

I'm modernizing, lemme see which of my old ships you can have

Valoraca wrote:I'm modernizing, lemme see which of my old ships you can have

Are you modernising in all armed forces? I would be interested in purchasing aircraft and tanks from you

The Greater Japanese Empire 1 wrote:Hmmm…
Are you modernising in all armed forces? I would be interested in purchasing aircraft and tanks from you

Maybe we can do a joint modernisation project and become allies!!

United-empire-of-brazil wrote:In fact, these would be the classes that I should buy from these ships

I can sell you frigates and stuff

Coeur de Lys wrote:Helicopter carriers are made for a completely different purpose though. They're amphibious assault ships, so offensive weapons


Coeur de Lys wrote:Maria shrugged. "Maybe excitement is what I lack sometimes. I do study political science in Poitiers, but don't let anything my sister says convince you that I'm only into books while I'm there. I go riding, and go out for a couple drinks and a dance once in a while, with friends." She gave a sly smile. "But it starts to get less and less interesting after a while. Company I get bores me sometimes...specially the boys. They're only fun to hang out with the first couple times you meet them."

Back at the beach, Amelie accepted the ice cream Jean gave her with a smile, "It does seem a little to the small side." However it did taste almost as good as Jean had claimed it to be, even if it lacked the exact majesty Jean had claimed it to have. Amelie spoke in a softer tone. "It's a lovely dessert. Thank you Jean."

She lifted her skirt a little as a larger wave splashed at their feet, drenching part of her skirt, owing to her futile attempt at holding it out of harms way with just one hand. "I guess I should've seen that coming." Instead of moving away though, she turned back to Elizabeth. "So do you socialize during your time at the gym, or is that a place for you to clear your mind?" Considering that her own excursions in Paris were well known across borders, she had decided that Elizabeth's own activities weren't big secrets either, at least not from her siblings.

She continued. "I won't get that chance because of the gym in the palace. My brother got one installed, and he hardly uses it now. But I have a place to exercise in the city, when jogging outside is not exactly an option for royalty."

Elisabeth smiled, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear as she responded to Amelie. “Oh, we’ve got a gym in the palace too. My brothers and father use it, and my mother tends to prefer the pool. But me? I like the experience of going out to a real gym. It’s a mix of things—sometimes I’m there to socialize, and other times it’s just to clear my head. The energy in those places is different, and honestly, it’s refreshing to feel like just another person, blending into the crowd.”

She gestured toward the horizon with her ice cream cone, the sun casting a golden glow over the waves. “If I do go for a jog, though, it’s usually in the palace gardens or Warande Park. It’s peaceful, and you can get lost in your thoughts while still being close enough to home.” She gave Amelie a conspiratorial smile. “But I think I’d trade Warande Park for a jog through the Tuileries Gardens in Paris any day. You might have to show me your favorite spots sometime.”

Meanwhile, at the pool, Ferdinand’s smirk deepened as he let his hand move gently to Maria’s waist, his fingers grazing her skin with deliberate confidence. “Well,” he said, his voice low and smooth, “I can promise you one thing, Maria—I’m not like those boys you’ve grown tired of. I’m a man who knows how to keep things interesting.” His eyes locked onto hers, his tone playful but laced with intent. “Stick around, and I’ll make sure you don’t have to settle for dull company again.”

He leaned a little closer, his grip firm but not overbearing, and added with a charming grin, “Besides, I think you deserve someone who knows how to make you feel as extraordinary as you are.”

The Habsburgian Dietslands wrote:Elisabeth smiled, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear as she responded to Amelie. “Oh, we’ve got a gym in the palace too. My brothers and father use it, and my mother tends to prefer the pool. But me? I like the experience of going out to a real gym. It’s a mix of things—sometimes I’m there to socialize, and other times it’s just to clear my head. The energy in those places is different, and honestly, it’s refreshing to feel like just another person, blending into the crowd.”

She gestured toward the horizon with her ice cream cone, the sun casting a golden glow over the waves. “If I do go for a jog, though, it’s usually in the palace gardens or Warande Park. It’s peaceful, and you can get lost in your thoughts while still being close enough to home.” She gave Amelie a conspiratorial smile. “But I think I’d trade Warande Park for a jog through the Tuileries Gardens in Paris any day. You might have to show me your favorite spots sometime.”

Meanwhile, at the pool, Ferdinand’s smirk deepened as he let his hand move gently to Maria’s waist, his fingers grazing her skin with deliberate confidence. “Well,” he said, his voice low and smooth, “I can promise you one thing, Maria—I’m not like those boys you’ve grown tired of. I’m a man who knows how to keep things interesting.” His eyes locked onto hers, his tone playful but laced with intent. “Stick around, and I’ll make sure you don’t have to settle for dull company again.”

He leaned a little closer, his grip firm but not overbearing, and added with a charming grin, “Besides, I think you deserve someone who knows how to make you feel as extraordinary as you are.”

Well,” he said, his voice low and smooth, “I can promise you one thing, Maria—I’m not like those boys you’ve grown tired of. I’m a man who knows how to keep things interesting.” His eyes locked onto hers, his tone playful but laced with intent. “Stick around, and I’ll make sure you don’t have to settle for dull company again.”

Turn off 😭

Ienovo wrote:Well,” he said, his voice low and smooth, “I can promise you one thing, Maria—I’m not like those boys you’ve grown tired of. I’m a man who knows how to keep things interesting.” His eyes locked onto hers, his tone playful but laced with intent. “Stick around, and I’ll make sure you don’t have to settle for dull company again.”

Turn off 😭

Please you new world people got no spine of you think that’s bad read this book Then you gonna come back to this and see this is kindergarten material

The Habsburgian Dietslands wrote:Please you new world people got no spine of you think that’s bad read this book Then you gonna come back to this and see this is kindergarten material

I know this book 😭

Ienovo wrote:I know this book 😭

Good well I guess that’s obvy you saw an ice hockey field and being Canadian you were obliged to read it

What to do what do to

New European Federation wrote:What to do what do to

What to do, what to do (x2)

Inaugural Speech – Tomás Ribeiro Paiva

Hello everyone,

I am Tomás Ribeiro Paiva, General of the Brazilian Army, and I come here today with responsibility and commitment to announce a moment of utmost importance for our nation.

Following the Senate vote, the government of Brazil officially declares Martial Law, effective immediately. The country will be under the temporary administration of the Brazilian Army until the end of the term of former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in December 2026.

The decision to declare Martial Law, as provided for in the 1988 Federal Constitution, was made with the goal of ensuring order and peace in our territory. The country faces a situation of grave instability, with escalating violence and the intensifying conflict between criminal factions such as the Comando Vermelho and the Primeiro Comando da Capital. Our primary mission, as the Armed Forces, will be to act with firmness and determination in combating these criminal organizations, restoring public order, and guaranteeing the security of the Brazilian people.

Our duty, as the Army, is to protect the lives of our citizens, maintain the integrity of our state, and, above all, ensure that the civil war, which threatens our society, does not take root on Brazilian soil. We believe that this is the only path to ensuring a future of peace, security, and stability for all Brazilians.

Effective immediately, all political positions related to the presidency of the Republic, including the vice president and ministers, will be dismissed from their posts. New leadership will be appointed to ensure the efficiency and continuity of the public administration. The decisions we make will always be grounded in the Constitution and in our commitment to restoring order and prosperity to Brazil.

I thank everyone for their trust, and, on behalf of the Brazilian Army, I reaffirm our commitment to serve and protect our homeland with courage and dignity. We know that the task is difficult, but we are certain that, united, we will be able to rebuild Brazil and return to the people the security and hope they deserve.

Thank you.

Long live Brazil!

Mmmm, I can't get North Macedonia since Greece has them, I hope I can negotiate with Cour de lys for Debrusia

Hello everyone

Melitora wrote:Hello everyone

Hello, Russia

Dostoaton wrote:Hello, Russia

What’s been going on in the world? I’m planning on causing issues soon so I want to know before I do anything

Melitora wrote:What’s been going on in the world? I’m planning on causing issues soon so I want to know before I do anything

Not much really

Ok I need help planning the personality of the last triumvirate member, currently I have the first member be hot headed and impulsive while the third member is cold and calculating but I don’t know what I should do for the second member, what do you think is the perfect middle of the two

nyeoybila national news

Had the last laugh, but at what cost?

In haidet yesterday, at 14:25, a housing complex suddenly had an entire side of it completely collapse and crumble onto the city street. It is theorized, from the information of those close to the residents of the building, that this was caused from a last year's april fool's prank, which didn't go off at the time it did. Theorized to be a water bomb, it was filling with water since last year in the building's basement without anyone checking on it. But it the "prankster" (currently classified as a domestic terrorist) accidentally (somehow) used a weather ballon instead of a party balloon. So it was strong enough to withstand a full year. "we should've found out what was causin' the water bill to rise like that..." says a now former resident. At the time of burst, the wave was so strong that it immediately crumbled the walls around it wall so much force, that the foundations of the building also cracked, causing the catastrophe. A cascade of rubble-filled water sloshed mercilessly through the street, washing up anything it its path, causing immense damage to the community. The damages from this flood is estimated to be around €1,000,000. It is confirmed that at least 3 lives were lost due to the building collapsing on them, and another 2 from drowning.

give money

Nyeoybila wrote:NNN
nyeoybila national news

Had the last laugh, but at what cost?

In haidet yesterday, at 14:25, a housing complex suddenly had an entire side of it completely collapse and crumble onto the city street. It is theorized, from the information of those close to the residents of the building, that this was caused from a last year's april fool's prank, which didn't go off at the time it did. Theorized to be a water bomb, it was filling with water since last year in the building's basement without anyone checking on it. But it the "prankster" (currently classified as a domestic terrorist) accidentally (somehow) used a weather ballon instead of a party balloon. So it was strong enough to withstand a full year. "we should've found out what was causin' the water bill to rise like that..." says a now former resident. At the time of burst, the wave was so strong that it immediately crumbled the walls around it wall so much force, that the foundations of the building also cracked, causing the catastrophe. A cascade of rubble-filled water sloshed mercilessly through the street, washing up anything it its path, causing immense damage to the community. The damages from this flood is estimated to be around €1,000,000. It is confirmed that at least 3 lives were lost due to the building collapsing on them, and another 2 from drowning.

give money

Babe wake up, NNN news drop!

Nyeoybila wrote:NNN
nyeoybila national news

Had the last laugh, but at what cost?

In haidet yesterday, at 14:25, a housing complex suddenly had an entire side of it completely collapse and crumble onto the city street. It is theorized, from the information of those close to the residents of the building, that this was caused from a last year's april fool's prank, which didn't go off at the time it did. Theorized to be a water bomb, it was filling with water since last year in the building's basement without anyone checking on it. But it the "prankster" (currently classified as a domestic terrorist) accidentally (somehow) used a weather ballon instead of a party balloon. So it was strong enough to withstand a full year. "we should've found out what was causin' the water bill to rise like that..." says a now former resident. At the time of burst, the wave was so strong that it immediately crumbled the walls around it wall so much force, that the foundations of the building also cracked, causing the catastrophe. A cascade of rubble-filled water sloshed mercilessly through the street, washing up anything it its path, causing immense damage to the community. The damages from this flood is estimated to be around €1,000,000. It is confirmed that at least 3 lives were lost due to the building collapsing on them, and another 2 from drowning.

give money


The Habsburgian Dietslands wrote:Please you new world people got no spine of you think that’s bad read this book Then you gonna come back to this and see this is kindergarten material

Tbf that's kindergarten material even by our own rp standards

Dostoaton wrote:Mmmm, I can't get North Macedonia since Greece has them, I hope I can negotiate with Cour de lys for Debrusia

What's that?

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