by Max Barry

Latest Forum Topics


Governor: The District of RHW 3

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The District of RHW 3

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Highest Crime Rates: 672nd Most Avoided: 1,327th Largest Soda Pop Sector: 1,510th+4
Highest Unexpected Death Rate: 1,972nd Largest Furniture Restoration Industry: 2,029th Lowest Overall Tax Burden: 2,335th Fattest Citizens: 2,419th
World Factbook Entry

Angry Dwarf Gang

Embassies: Haunted New York and Second Ottomanic Region.

Tags: Minuscule and Password.

Angry Dwarf Gang is home to a single nation.

Today's World Census Report

The Most Extensive Public Healthcare in Angry Dwarf Gang

World Census interns were infected with obscure diseases in order to test which nations had the most effective and well-funded public healthcare facilities.

As a region, Angry Dwarf Gang is ranked 29,176th in the world for Most Extensive Public Healthcare.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The District of RHW 3Benevolent Dictatorship“Common community”

Regional Happenings


Angry Dwarf Gang Regional Message Board
