by Max Barry

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The World

The world contains 297,663 nations in 28,647 regions.

Today's Featured Region: The United Islands of the Atlantic

Population: 51 nations

Governor: The Light at the End of UIJ

Delegate: The Paramilitary Republic of Wobbegong

Welcome to the United Islands of the Atlantic (UIA)

Old community with a passion for poopyposting and I guess low key RP.
We're mostly active on our discord, though be warned it's for the older and more "haha funni" type.


Ask to join our exclusive 18+ only discord (not NSFW we just hate children)

Most Heavily Supported Map: The North Pacific

This is the map of The North Pacific created by Meadowfields . It has 145,415 estimated diplomatic weight behind it, the most in the world. It is one of 1895 maps in the world.

Today's World Census Report

The Lowest Crime Rates in the World

World Census agents attempted to lure citizens into committing various crimes in order to test the reluctance of citizens to break the law.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Queendom of KindjalLiberal Democratic Socialists“Qui peut le moins peut le encore moins”
2.The Chromodynamic Flavor of Gell-MannhattanNew York Times Democracy“Causality can be traced to a simple initial condition.”
3.The Empire of LayartebMoralistic Democracy“So I dub thee Unforgiven”
4.The Starfallen Realm of Neo EnglandScandinavian Liberal Paradise“How will you act?”
5.The Republic of CyleaNew York Times Democracy“Libertas inaestimabilis”
6.The Very Masculine Nation of Rands ObjectivityCapitalizt“Gargantuan Love God”
7.The Insatiable Economic Hitmen of TremalkierCapitalist Paradise“To Shape the World is to be Immortal”
8.The District of Cole CountyCapitalist Paradise“Community”
9.The Free Collectives of Righteous LeftiesCivil Rights Lovefest“Sharing is caring!”
10.The People's Republic of Vanilla BillIron Fist Consumerists“No one cares about chocolate pudding.”
1234. . .29,75829,759»

Currently online: 5,639 nations.

World Activity
