by Max Barry

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Region: Sophia

Czesfjord wrote:
The Truth About RWOT

I would like to draw everyone's attention to Roses Without Thorns, which has been recently raided. Recognising that RWOT recently had and issue with XXURBANXX, who was a fascist who has been dealt with and got rid of , and a mistake in the constitution that states RWOT accepts all ideologies including fascists.

This however has made a problem of RWOT being called a fascist state, even though it is not. In fact if you looked on the region's discord, you can see that the Republic of Libriano is outright banning any fascism in RWOT.

This has led nations to withdraw liberating this region even though it is a mistake. If you look at RWOT before the raids, you can see what a vibrant and beautiful culture and community it had. So I urge the NationStates community to please rethink not liberating this region, because it most definitely deserves it.

Thanks for listening, Czesfjord.

Read dispatch


Astan Reorn wrote:Huh? There was a raid? What happened?

Yeah. The Brotherhood of Malice said "it's malice'n time" and malice'd all over the place.

The Order of the White lotus wrote:Hello everyone I'm new here and to ns in general

Hello! If you haven't already, please join the World Assembly and endorse our regional leader Tinhampton!
