by Max Barry

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Region: Sophia

Antimonyhampton wrote:you expect better of me, someone known to be quite anti-defender?

Hadn't realized you were anti-defender. By default I expect all people to be pro-defender, as that is the moral choice.

Antimonyhampton wrote:i also strongly dislike lethinia as a person, and am happy to see their region destroyed, especially as it pertains to their embassy request to Europe.

Could I maybe get a rundown of what happened? This is the first time I'm hearing of this, and I'd like to be properly educated.

Antimonyhampton wrote:I'm not the biggest fan of raiders, but nobody in that region was a user who posted high-quality posts. I'm not sad to see it go.

So what? Every non-raider region has a right to exist, no matter the quality of discussion. Different regions have different standards on post quality.

Antimonyhampton wrote:Also, why are you so pro-fenda? They're literally raiders but hypocritical, look at Solidarity and Atlanticana!

Counter-raiding against raiders is and will always be a good thing. It is war. I am pro-defender because I am anti-raider and support the continued leadership of the native populations of regions.
