by Max Barry

Latest Forum Topics



Region: Abydos

Lead Keion wrote:As a first step toward a brighter future for the History Guild, I have decided to implement the Power to the People Address.

The goal of this Address is to give every citizen their own chance to show what they’re capable of, and to see what their current styles are for gameplay, roleplay, and various other things within Abydos. They can request help from guild members or do things their own way.

History will also be a major focus. This partly in due to me being the solo person running the newsletter and I would like to put the best interests of the nations who are Guild Members

Finally, we will still support foreign relations and will gladly help making dispatches to show other regions our events.

This is my first step into reform, and to help spread equality across the region.


-Lead Keion

I neglected to mention, guilds get to have their own say whether or not they give their guild free speech, but it might interest the members enough who aren’t happy with being censored

Katniss Everdean and Lasvegastan
