by Max Barry

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Europe2007 United Kingdom general election83Helisweerde
EuropeHow Do You Do It?: Popcorn! 🍿72Ottterland
EuropePet Club82Slavatania
EuropeMotion to enact, Fundamental Rights Bill 2023 66Slavatania
Europe[OPINION POLL] Would you support moving the election disclosures from the offsite forum to an alternative platform?58Helisweerde
EuropeOpinion, Spam Policy69Regnum Italiae
EuropeMotion to Elect, 27 July 202387Nardin
Europe(UNOFFICIAL OPINION POLL) Do you approve of embassies?79Helisweerde
EuropeYes, Prime Minister87Slavatania
EuropeWhat is your opinion on France?121Helisweerde
EuropeWould you be interested in a (Pan-)Regional Expo?85Helisweerde
EuropeMotion to enact, European Rights Act 202392Slavatania
EuropeMotion, Parliamentary approval for Alsted appointment as successor58Imperium Anglorum
EuropeMotion to Elect, 26 June 202366Regnum Italiae
EuropeMotion to enact, Government (Contingent Succession) Act 2023124Imperium Anglorum
EuropeSo you've discovered time travel, where do you go?76Slavatania
EuropeAlternate History77NorthPortugal
EuropeMotion to Elect, 26 May 202369Regnum Italiae
EuropeEmpire Time!99NorthPortugal
EuropeEurope: Choose Your Own Adventure! (Ep. 2- The Delegate)23Dizgovzy
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