by Max Barry

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Chicken overlordsIs personal safety, ie the ability to defend yourself with force when legitimately threatened, a human right? 60Thee Imperium 0f Man
Chicken overlordsPump up the Jam?44Thee Imperium 0f Man
Chicken overlords"Si vis pacem, para bellum"8Thee Imperium 0f Man
Chicken overlordsDo you like chickens?42When u die
Chicken overlordsI ask thee, "Which is best"?37Thee Imperium 0f Man
Chicken overlordsWhat should be are next goal?177When u die
Chicken overlordsHow do you feel about us beating the TNP?123When u die
Chicken overlordsTacos or burritos 9-the chicken-
Chicken overlordsShould Chicken Overlords hold delegate elections?4South His Majestys most loyal kangaroos
Chicken overlordsShould I ban someone for fun?29Selson
Chicken overlordsA Question of Chickens36Selson
Chicken overlordsWhat would you do if the internet went out permanently?29Empire of Dogetopia
Chicken overlordsHow do you feel now that Chicken Overlords is the 10th largest region?14South His Majestys most loyal kangaroos
Chicken overlordsWhat do you eat?14South His Majestys most loyal kangaroos
Chicken overlordsDo you support free speech?2South His Majestys most loyal kangaroos
Chicken overlordsDo you like Wombles?5South His Majestys most loyal kangaroos
Chicken overlordsShould former monarchies be restored?21South His Majestys most loyal kangaroos
Chicken overlordsWhat is your Religion?12South His Majestys most loyal kangaroos
Chicken overlordsWhat is your favourite colour17South His Majestys most loyal kangaroos
Chicken overlordsShould the delegate of Chicken Overlords be elected democratically?4South His Majestys most loyal kangaroos