by Max Barry

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Chicken overlordsShould chickens wear top hats?126The Platypus Space Fleet
Chicken overlordsshould we have organizations?1Gleemands
Chicken overlordsShould Chicken Overlords join The Free Bloc?6South his majestys most loyal kangaroos
Chicken overlordsquerem eleições?7Gleemands
Chicken overlordsvocês querem entrar numa aliança coletora de embaixadas?1Gleemands
Chicken overlordso vocês acham de novos cargos?5Gleemands
Chicken overlordsShould Chicken Overlords establish regional roleplay?3South his majestys most loyal kangaroos
Chicken overlordsShould Chicken Overlords adopt this embassy policy?9South his majestys most loyal kangaroos
Chicken overlordsShould Chicken Overlords close embassies with Montealba?4South his majestys most loyal kangaroos
Chicken overlordsShould Chicken Overlords re-open embassies with Albosiac?4South his majestys most loyal kangaroos
Chicken overlordsShould Chicken Overlords close embassies?31South his majestys most loyal kangaroos
Chicken overlordsShould Chicken Overlords close embassies?9South his majestys most loyal kangaroos
Chicken overlordsShould Chicken Overlords be condemned by the WA?3Python1
Chicken overlordsShould [nation]The Purplish Beam of Dark-sided Yeevyia[/nation] be ejected and banned?2South his majestys most loyal kangaroos
Chicken overlordsWhat is the next goal of Chicken Overlords?7South his majestys most loyal kangaroos
Chicken overlordsWant to start a card program?5Python1
Chicken overlordsDo you worship the Chicken overlords?16Selson
Chicken overlordsWhat should our military alignment9Python1
Chicken overlordsShould Chicken Overlords have a military?9South his majestys most loyal kangaroos
Chicken overlordsPick one24Selson