Faction: Hot Jambalaya
Unprecedented Opulence Military Specialist
- : Vaur Ausgartoprobs Hot Jambalaya 44 Shield defending Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya from Cygnus 039 Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- : Cygnus 039 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 44 Launches at Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya
- : Cygnus 039 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 44 Targets on Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya
- : Lyra 013 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 1 Target on Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya
- : SHIELDBANK 413 Shield defending Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya from A La Siege Deadline Dodgers
- : A La Siege Deadline Dodgers 413 Launches at Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya
- : A La Siege Deadline Dodgers 413 Targets on Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya
- : Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya 41 Strikes on The Leicester Federation Brigid Royal Atomic Tribunal
- : SHIELDBANK 250 Shield defending The Leicester Federation Brigid Royal Atomic Tribunal from Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya
- : SHIELDBANK 117 Shield defending Shez the merc Brigid Royal Atomic Tribunal from Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya
- : Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya 100 Strikes on The holy kingdom of faerghus Brigid Royal Atomic Tribunal
- : Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya 78 Strikes on Shez the merc Brigid Royal Atomic Tribunal
- : Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya 412 Launches at The holy kingdom of faerghus Brigid Royal Atomic Tribunal
- : Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya 412 Launches at The Leicester Federation Brigid Royal Atomic Tribunal
- : Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya 117 Launches at Shez the merc Brigid Royal Atomic Tribunal
- : Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya 313 Launches at Shez the merc Brigid Royal Atomic Tribunal
- : Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya 412 Targets on The Leicester Federation Brigid Royal Atomic Tribunal
- : Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya 412 Targets on The holy kingdom of faerghus Brigid Royal Atomic Tribunal
- : Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya 117 Targets on Shez the merc Brigid Royal Atomic Tribunal
- : Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya 313 Targets on Shez the merc Brigid Royal Atomic Tribunal
- : Heiner Impe Deadline Dodgers 16 Strikes on Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya
- : Heiner Impe Deadline Dodgers 65 Launches at Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya
- : Souse Hot Jambalaya 83 Shield defending Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya from Fedaykin 35 Deadline Dodgers
- : Canadian Zeeland Hot Jambalaya 159 Shield defending Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya from Fedaykin 35 Deadline Dodgers
- : West Ter Papiria Hot Jambalaya 173 Shield defending Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya from Fedaykin 35 Deadline Dodgers
- : Fedaykin 35 Deadline Dodgers 415 Launches at Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya
- : Heiner Impe Deadline Dodgers 65 Targets on Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya
- : Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya 15 Strikes on Morithecoolest The Queen of England
- : Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya 72 Strikes on Morithecoolest The Queen of England
- : Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya 3 Strikes on Elmblid Fishing Co The Queen of England
- : Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya 11 Strikes on Elmblid Fishing Co The Queen of England
- : Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya 29 Strikes on Elmblid Fishing Co The Queen of England
- : Fedaykin 35 Deadline Dodgers 415 Targets on Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya
- : Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya 60 Launches at Morithecoolest The Queen of England
- : Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya 289 Launches at Morithecoolest The Queen of England
- : Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya 19 Launches at Elmblid Fishing Co The Queen of England
- : Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya 43 Launches at Elmblid Fishing Co The Queen of England
- : Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya 116 Launches at Elmblid Fishing Co The Queen of England
- : Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya 60 Targets on Morithecoolest The Queen of England
- : Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya 289 Targets on Morithecoolest The Queen of England
- : Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya 19 Targets on Elmblid Fishing Co The Queen of England
- : Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya 43 Targets on Elmblid Fishing Co The Queen of England
- : Unprecedented Opulence Hot Jambalaya 116 Targets on Elmblid Fishing Co The Queen of England