Faction: Birds of Prey
South Catgirlia Military Specialist DESTROYED
- : Creberg Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 14 Strikes on South Catgirlia Birds of Prey
- : Creberg Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 0 Strikes on South Catgirlia Birds of Prey
- : Creberg Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 1 Launch at South Catgirlia Birds of Prey
- : Creberg Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 141 Launches at South Catgirlia Birds of Prey
- : Changeling Hives Horsemen of the Apocalypse 126 Targets on South Catgirlia Birds of Prey
- : Creberg Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 1 Target on South Catgirlia Birds of Prey
- : Creberg Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 141 Targets on South Catgirlia Birds of Prey
- : The united colonies of liberty Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 224 Targets on South Catgirlia Birds of Prey
- : Imperial newfoundland island Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 34 Strikes on South Catgirlia Birds of Prey
- : Imperial newfoundland island Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 136 Launches at South Catgirlia Birds of Prey
- : Onionist randosian peoples armed forces Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 21 Strikes on South Catgirlia Birds of Prey
- : Onionist randosian peoples armed forces Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 84 Launches at South Catgirlia Birds of Prey
- : Garbelia 82 Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 8 Strikes on South Catgirlia Birds of Prey
- : New New New United Common-lands Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 23 Strikes on South Catgirlia Birds of Prey
- : SHIELDBANK 127 Shield defending South Catgirlia Birds of Prey from Garbelia 35 Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force
- : Garbelia 82 Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 33 Launches at South Catgirlia Birds of Prey
- : SHIELDBANK 188 Shield defending South Catgirlia Birds of Prey from NUCL 6 Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force
- : SHIELDBANK 12 Shield defending South Catgirlia Birds of Prey from Garbelia 18 Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force
- : New New New United Common-lands Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 90 Launches at South Catgirlia Birds of Prey
- : Imperial newfoundland island Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 136 Targets on South Catgirlia Birds of Prey
- : Garbelia 35 Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 127 Launches at South Catgirlia Birds of Prey
- : NUCL 6 Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 188 Launches at South Catgirlia Birds of Prey
- : Garbelia 18 Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 12 Launches at South Catgirlia Birds of Prey
- : Garbelia 82 Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 33 Targets on South Catgirlia Birds of Prey
- : New New New United Common-lands Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 90 Targets on South Catgirlia Birds of Prey
- : Garbelia 35 Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 127 Targets on South Catgirlia Birds of Prey
- : Garbelia 18 Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 12 Targets on South Catgirlia Birds of Prey
- : NUCL 6 Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 188 Targets on South Catgirlia Birds of Prey
- : Onionist randosian peoples armed forces Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 84 Targets on South Catgirlia Birds of Prey
- : Puttt Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 225 Shield defending Zerphen Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force from South Catgirlia Birds of Prey
- : South Catgirlia Birds of Prey 225 Launches at Zerphen Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force
- : South Catgirlia Birds of Prey 225 Targets on Zerphen Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force
- : Anti-Zerphen Peoples Birds of Prey 2 Shield defending South Catgirlia Birds of Prey from IdontCare Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force
- : IdontCare Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 2 Launches at South Catgirlia Birds of Prey
- : IdontCare Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 2 Targets on South Catgirlia Birds of Prey
- : IdontCare Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force 12 Shield defending Zerphen Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force from South Catgirlia Birds of Prey
- : South Catgirlia Birds of Prey 12 Launches at Zerphen Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force
- : South Catgirlia Birds of Prey 12 Targets on Zerphen Jellyfish Elite Fighting Force