Faction: Trans Republic
HUR 2 Military Specialist
- : Cassiopeia 050 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 109 Shield defending July Fun Funia and Friends from HUR 2 Trans Republic
- : Cassiopeia 046 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 141 Shield defending Aadhirisian Puppet Nation Bikini Atoll from HUR 2 Trans Republic
- : Cassiopeia 046 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 42 Shield defending Lovely Fun Funia and Friends from HUR 2 Trans Republic
- : Cassiopeia 046 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 280 Shield defending July Fun Funia and Friends from HUR 2 Trans Republic
- : Cassiopeia 043 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 31 Shield defending July Fun Funia and Friends from HUR 2 Trans Republic
- : Cassiopeia 043 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 13 Shield defending Mini Fun Funia and Friends from HUR 2 Trans Republic
- : Cassiopeia 043 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 259 Shield defending Lovely Fun Funia and Friends from HUR 2 Trans Republic
- : Cassiopeia 043 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 209 Shield defending Psychological Fun Funia and Friends from HUR 2 Trans Republic
- : Cassiopeia 042 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 160 Shield defending Psychological Fun Funia and Friends from HUR 2 Trans Republic
- : Cassiopeia 027 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 67 Shield defending Mini Fun Funia and Friends from HUR 2 Trans Republic
- : Cassiopeia 027 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 97 Shield defending Lovely Fun Funia and Friends from HUR 2 Trans Republic
- : Cassiopeia 027 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 69 Shield defending Psychological Fun Funia and Friends from HUR 2 Trans Republic
- : HUR 2 Trans Republic 141 Launches at Aadhirisian Puppet Nation Bikini Atoll
- : HUR 2 Trans Republic 140 Launches at July Fun Funia and Friends
- : HUR 2 Trans Republic 280 Launches at July Fun Funia and Friends
- : HUR 2 Trans Republic 80 Launches at Mini Fun Funia and Friends
- : HUR 2 Trans Republic 42 Launches at Lovely Fun Funia and Friends
- : HUR 2 Trans Republic 97 Launches at Lovely Fun Funia and Friends
- : HUR 2 Trans Republic 259 Launches at Lovely Fun Funia and Friends
- : HUR 2 Trans Republic 369 Launches at Psychological Fun Funia and Friends
- : HUR 2 Trans Republic 69 Launches at Psychological Fun Funia and Friends
- : Katowicq Trans Republic 385 Shield defending HUR 2 Trans Republic from Coreia democratica Bikini Atoll
- : Coreia democratica Bikini Atoll 385 Launches at HUR 2 Trans Republic
- : Anaity Trans Republic 144 Shield defending HUR 2 Trans Republic from Aadhirisian Puppet Nation Bikini Atoll
- : Ocala xxxii Trans Republic 500 Shield defending HUR 2 Trans Republic from Aadhirisian Puppet Nation Bikini Atoll
- : Aadhirisian Puppet Nation Bikini Atoll 644 Launches at HUR 2 Trans Republic
- : HUR 2 Trans Republic 141 Targets on Aadhirisian Puppet Nation Bikini Atoll
- : HUR 2 Trans Republic 140 Targets on July Fun Funia and Friends
- : HUR 2 Trans Republic 280 Targets on July Fun Funia and Friends
- : HUR 2 Trans Republic 80 Targets on Mini Fun Funia and Friends
- : HUR 2 Trans Republic 42 Targets on Lovely Fun Funia and Friends
- : HUR 2 Trans Republic 97 Targets on Lovely Fun Funia and Friends
- : HUR 2 Trans Republic 259 Targets on Lovely Fun Funia and Friends
- : HUR 2 Trans Republic 69 Targets on Psychological Fun Funia and Friends
- : HUR 2 Trans Republic 369 Targets on Psychological Fun Funia and Friends
- : Coreia democratica Bikini Atoll 385 Targets on HUR 2 Trans Republic
- : Aadhirisian Puppet Nation Bikini Atoll 644 Targets on HUR 2 Trans Republic