Faction: Light of the Fellowship
Declansburg Economic Specialist DESTROYED
- : SHIELDBANK 151 Shield defending Declansburg Light of the Fellowship from Vulcravia The Trident Alliance
- : Vulcravia The Trident Alliance 151 Launches at Declansburg Light of the Fellowship
- : Qusanistan Anime Nations Against Liberals 100 Strikes on Declansburg Light of the Fellowship
- : SHIELDBANK 200 Shield defending Declansburg Light of the Fellowship from Qusanistan Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : SHIELDBANK 200 Shield defending Declansburg Light of the Fellowship from Qusanistan Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : SHIELDBANK 200 Shield defending Declansburg Light of the Fellowship from Qusanistan Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : SHIELDBANK 232 Shield defending Declansburg Light of the Fellowship from Qusanistan Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : Declansburg Light of the Fellowship 3 Shield defending Declansburg Light of the Fellowship from Qusanistan Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : SHIELDBANK 274 Shield defending Declansburg Light of the Fellowship from Qusanistan Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : SHIELDBANK 147 Shield defending Declansburg Light of the Fellowship from Qusanistan Anime Nations Against Liberals
- : SHIELDBANK 175 Shield defending Declansburg Light of the Fellowship from Vulcravia The Trident Alliance
- : Vulcravia The Trident Alliance 50 Targets on Declansburg Light of the Fellowship
- : Qusanistan Anime Nations Against Liberals 1,975 Launches at Declansburg Light of the Fellowship
- : SHIELDBANK 200 Shield defending Declansburg Light of the Fellowship from Vulcravia The Trident Alliance
- : Vulcravia The Trident Alliance 375 Launches at Declansburg Light of the Fellowship
- : Vulcravia The Trident Alliance 50 Targets on Declansburg Light of the Fellowship
- : Vulcravia The Trident Alliance 50 Targets on Declansburg Light of the Fellowship
- : Vulcravia The Trident Alliance 151 Targets on Declansburg Light of the Fellowship
- : Qusanistan Anime Nations Against Liberals 1,975 Targets on Declansburg Light of the Fellowship
- : Vulcravia The Trident Alliance 375 Targets on Declansburg Light of the Fellowship
- : SHIELDBANK 175 Shield defending Declansburg Light of the Fellowship from Vulcravia The Trident Alliance
- : West Calypso Fascist Solidarity Accord 1 Target on Declansburg Light of the Fellowship
- : SHIELDBANK 200 Shield defending Declansburg Light of the Fellowship from Vulcravia The Trident Alliance
- : Vulcravia The Trident Alliance 375 Launches at Declansburg Light of the Fellowship
- : Declansburg Light of the Fellowship 15 Targets on Elite lemonade The Lemon Bois
- : Declansburg Light of the Fellowship 20 Strikes on Lemon 1 The Lemon Bois
- : Declansburg Light of the Fellowship 20 Strikes on Lemon 10 The Lemon Bois
- : Declansburg Light of the Fellowship 40 Strikes on Lemon 20 The Lemon Bois
- : Declansburg Light of the Fellowship 27 Strikes on Lemon 42 The Lemon Bois
- : Declansburg Light of the Fellowship 81 Launches at Lemon 1 The Lemon Bois
- : Declansburg Light of the Fellowship 80 Launches at Lemon 10 The Lemon Bois
- : Declansburg Light of the Fellowship 160 Launches at Lemon 20 The Lemon Bois
- : Declansburg Light of the Fellowship 107 Launches at Lemon 42 The Lemon Bois
- : Vulcravia The Trident Alliance 375 Targets on Declansburg Light of the Fellowship
- : Declansburg Light of the Fellowship 81 Targets on Lemon 1 The Lemon Bois
- : Declansburg Light of the Fellowship 80 Targets on Lemon 10 The Lemon Bois
- : Declansburg Light of the Fellowship 160 Targets on Lemon 20 The Lemon Bois
- : Declansburg Light of the Fellowship 107 Targets on Lemon 42 The Lemon Bois