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A Banner Bonanza

by Verdant Haven
Mon, 25 Mar 2024

This post comes courtesy of Issues Editor Verdant Haven.

One of the greatest things about running your own nation is that you get to be in charge of pretty much everything. What is the Leader's name? Have you designated an official national crustacean? Which banners do you have at the top of your nation page? Those banners in particular are important to many folks, as they represent "achievements" - proof that you have completed some particular challenge, whether it's protecting your environment, or merely drugging your population into such a blind stupor that they have offered to build you a solid gold shrine and worship you as the deity you are.

While we've long had banners recognizing a variety of achievements, there have also been some pretty noticeable gaps. Why are there half a dozen banners for progressively larger militaries, but we've never bothered recognizing superior welfare programs? Why do we reward the weaving of baskets, but not the restoration of furniture? Well, wonder no more! We've assembled more than 50 new banners both to reward efforts that were previously unrecognized, and to add additional stretch goals for those who really have taken their nation to the extremes. We've also tweaked the requirements of several previously existing lower-level banners so they take just a hair more effort to get - nothing dramatic, but enough to reduce the likelihood of a nation being created with the stats already in place to instantly get banners in a dozen categories.

We hope you enjoy discovering and earning these new rewards, and to our completionists out there... Game On.