by Max Barry

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Z-Day12: Ich Bin Ein Hamburger

by Chingis
Sun, 29 Oct 2023

I've always felt a tinge of compassion for your everyday zombie. Locked away in a repetitive, mindless cycle of existence, forced to toil away in servitude to his basic needs and desires. We're not so different, really, this hypothetical zombie and I.

He and I could even become the bestest of friends someday! If he wasn't so fond of my brain, that is. I'm very fond of my brain too, you see. Maybe it would be best to act in my own interests, resorting to violence to protect my precious brain if I must. Or, perhaps I could use this brain I wish to keep safe to figure out how to cure the poor soul. Then, instead of a desire to pursue brains, he would become just like me, pursuing other, more acceptable desires. This pursuit has never harmed anything or anyone, of course. That way, we could truly be friends!

Zombie apocalypse begins in: