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A Banner Year

by Pogaria
Mon, 27 Jun 2022

This post comes courtesy of Senior Issues Editor Pogaria.

I remember when NationStates only had 31 issues. National leaders in those days were faced with the same dilemmas over and over. Just when you thought that your nation's rainforests couldn't possibly have any more uranium deposits, someone stumbled upon another one. Fortunately, we added the 1500th issue to NationStates earlier this year, all thanks to the many wonderful people who write issues for us. Whether you've submitted dozens, or you've just written your first issue for the annual contest, we appreciate everyone's efforts.

Speaking of which, it's nice to earn rewards for your accomplishments. Especially those banners that you can put on your nation's home page for things like having a good economy or turning your environment into the polluted cesspool of your dreams. "But wait," you might be saying. "I've accomplished a lot of things that have gone unrecognized. Where's the banner for finishing an issue chain, or managing to outlaw so many things that lesser dictators stand in awe and send congratulatory fruit baskets?" Well, we're pleased to announce that we now have a wider selection of banners for you to strive for. We hope that you enjoy figuring out how to earn them - particularly the one about turning your nation into a Mafia-run crime state. Buona fortuna!