by Max Barry

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Trivia Challenge Complete

by Max Barry
Tue, 02 Apr 2019

The Challenge is over! Not in our hearts. There, it lives on forever. Also it is actually staying up. Look, it's right here. But there will no longer be a great honking banner on nation pages.

Congratulations to the 32 special nations who scored over 100 on the Trivia Leaderboard, and in particular the five who managed to record the maximum score of 351, despite the frequent addition of new questions, at the close of event! Please accept my congratulations, and seek professional help.

  1. The Great Empire of Kandorith

  2. The Tax Free Land of Zintai

  3. The Principality of Trotterdam

  4. The N-Space Compression of Luna Amore

  5. The Reaper of Lord Dominator

Special thanks are deserved: This year the April Fools event was highly collaborative, with many people contributing quiz questions, and hard-working mods diligently fact-checking and compiling them.

Also, of course, the whole reason we're able to have an event like this is because we have 16.5 years of built-up NationStates history created by people like you! I hope the Trivia Challenge has served as a small tribute to that. Because it's pretty amazing.