by Max Barry

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MaxChat 5.0: Coming Soon!

by Max Barry
Thu, 10 Sep 2009

There have been lots of changes recently, so it must be time for another MaxChat! No, I'm not sure how one follows from the other either. But we're still doing it.

This is an online chat where most of the mod/admin team and I field questions from players about the game: what the hell we think we're doing, why we just did that thing we did, who put us in charge; that kind of thing. Come along armed with your own question, or just sit back and watch!

When: Roughly afternoon/night on Saturday 19th September, depending on where you live. Click here for your local time!
How: Join #nationstates on See here for details!

Transcripts of previous chats can be found here: #4, #3, #2, and #1.