by Max Barry

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Maps of the World

RegionMapAuthorship NationMap Weight
The Rejected RealmsFlagThe Holy Empire of Polska cannot into space3,315
Lands EndFlag0rd er3,257
MitteleuropaFlagThe Parliamentary Republic of New Ice1and2,943
The Communist BlocFlagThe Workers' Council Republic of Brezzia2,864
Fifth EmpireFlagThe Hyper-Fascist Order of Knights of LUSITANIA2,767
The North PacificFlagThe Republic of Yeco2,744
The Region That Has No Big BanksFlag-Watermelon-2,617
ConcordFlagThe Communist Empire of Masilia2,613
The South PacificFlagThe Kingdom of Holy Free2,510
Sky HavenFlagThe Celestial Mandate Capital♅⛢ of Brox Reple2,343
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