by Max Barry

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The Most Extensive Civil Rights in Windows

The citizens of nations ranked highly enjoy a great amount of civil rights, or freedoms to go about their personal business without interference or regulation from government.

As a region, Windows is ranked 25,437th in the world for Most Extensive Civil Rights.

NationWA CategoryMotto
41.The Lucky Paper Hearts of D084Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Who cares if it's a blue twilight moon anyway?”
42.The Ice Blue Tigers of D024Corrupt Dictatorship“We're blue and ready to eat you. Don't blink.”
43.The Open and Shut Case of D063Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“We are tickled pink and merry”
44.The Boxy Moonbase of D076Moralistic Democracy“Merry lucky smooth blue Caesar suspended in a time cube”
45.The Three Coins in a Fountain of D053Iron Fist Consumerists“I'm Blue – da ba dee da ba dye, da ba dee da ba dye”
46.The Pink Plasma Moonbase Shield of D020Iron Fist Consumerists“Mood: merry ... but plucky!”
47.The Lush Mountain Meadows of D052Iron Fist Consumerists“moorangesparkle”
48.The Infinite Reach of D047Authoritarian Democracy“Violet worship festiveal next week”
49.The Hunger For Your Touch of D050Iron Fist Consumerists“There is something so sensual about working clay ...”
50.The Real World Glitch of D036Iron Fist Consumerists“orangefestivepentagon”
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