by Max Barry

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The Most Extensive Civil Rights in Windows

The citizens of nations ranked highly enjoy a great amount of civil rights, or freedoms to go about their personal business without interference or regulation from government.

As a region, Windows is ranked 25,500th in the world for Most Extensive Civil Rights.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Dizzy Flying Saucers of Doom of FrisbeeteriaCapitalizt“Death to all Fanatics!”
2.The Setting Triangular Sun of D098Democratic Socialists“Jolly green moon, you saw me standing alone”
3.The Amazing Flying Boulders of D055Father Knows Best State“Violet is secretly the mind of this outfit.”
4.The Dead of Winter of D044Father Knows Best State“Mood: Blowing off steam”
5.The Incandescent Bright Ideas of D034Father Knows Best State“Mood: Jolly Green and Tickled Purple”
6.The Shedding Wallaby of D077Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Blue, lucky merry you”
7.The Lucky Wall of Heat of D010Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Mood: Pensive, Orange, Festive”
8.The Holy Max Headroom of D089Father Knows Best State“Keep us jolly by feeding us smooth blue sparkles.”
9.The Collapsing Tunnel Moonbase of D074Father Knows Best State“Dead dusty white twilight moon is no place for a home.”
10.The Goal is the Stars of D054Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Pink Brains, Yellow Moons, Orange Stars, Merry Clovers”
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