by Max Barry

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The Most Income Equality in United Kingdom

World Census boffins calculated the difference in incomes between the richest and poorest citizens, where a score of 50 would mean that poor incomes are 50% of rich incomes.

As a region, United Kingdom is ranked 12,210th in the world for Most Income Equality.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Republic of Elgoriath RepresentativeDemocratic Socialists“Administration is the way forward.”
2.The People's Republic of IlumeicPsychotic Dictatorship“ทุกคนหนึ่งเดียวภายใต้มงกุฎ”
3.The Republic of IopiyaDemocratic Socialists“From Many, One”
4.The Queendom of Flame Princess PhoebePsychotic Dictatorship“STOP WHISPERING!!!”
5.The Dictatorship of CalcuraCorrupt Dictatorship“Iustitia et Virtus”
6.The Exiled General of Rose Weisberg-TalleyrandLiberal Democratic Socialists“Astriiiiiiiiiid”
7.The Protectorate of British Solomon IslandsLeft-wing Utopia“To Lead is to Serve”
8.The Republic of Terminal 82041Psychotic Dictatorship“So cute.”
9.The People's Republic of RiaskeCorrupt Dictatorship“From here, we prevail.”
10.The Kingdom of Outer GalesiiredAuthoritarian Democracy“God save the King”
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