by Max Barry

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The Most Secular in United Kingdom

World Census experts studied which citizens seemed least concerned about eternal damnation, spiritual awakeness, and chakra wellbeing in order to determine the most godforsaken nations.

As a region, United Kingdom is ranked 4,318th in the world for Most Secular.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Armed Corporations of Aurora IslandsCapitalist Paradise“If you have money, nothing is impossible!”
2.The People's Republic of ArmleyLiberal Democratic Socialists“Stand up oh sons of Stanningley Road”
3.The Velocracy of The Anaerobic RepublicLeft-wing Utopia“Forward, in all directions!”
4.The Kingdom of His majestys most loyal kangaroosInoffensive Centrist Democracy“In his majesty, High King Bruce kangaroo, we trust”
5.The Sleazy Caliphate of Mont-Saint-AignanCorrupt Dictatorship“Et Jésus dit à Mathieu : Tire sur mon Doigt”
6.The People's Republic of RiotaniaLeft-Leaning College State“Don't be a dick”
7.The Kingdom of NorfaniaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Always Looking Forward, Never Back.”
8.The Cowa Bunga people of DemonicarnationCorrupt Dictatorship“Alas!, we are cowa bunga people”
9.The Kingdom of Middle IngerlandNew York Times Democracy“Moneymoneymoneymoneymoney”
10.The Allied States of TwanoMoralistic Democracy“Peace Through Expansionism”
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