by Max Barry

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Providence: The new novel by Max Barry, creator of NationStates

The Largest Publishing Industry in the West Pacific

The World Census tallied social media complaints from students regarding overpriced textbooks to determine which nations have the largest book publishing industries.

As a region, the West Pacific is ranked 8,274th in the world for Largest Publishing Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The People's Hindu Matriarchy 🚩 of ShaktirajyaLiberal Democratic Socialists“Mata Devi Matrubhumi - Mother Goddess, Motherland 🚩”
2.The Interstellar Empire of Tropical IslesCivil Rights Lovefest“There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.”
3.The Republic of ConstantinopolisiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“For the sake of the fallen, we carry on”
4.The Republic of CedenLiberal Democratic Socialists“For the Republic!”
5.The Grand Duchy of ThessalianLeft-Leaning College State“Do it now, do it well”
6.The Empire of New ScottikaMoralistic Democracy“Believe, Obey, Fight!”
7.The Archipelagic Paradise of LiberilliaCivil Rights Lovefest“Every Day a New Sun”
8.The Smokin Green Land of DiscGolfLandLeft-wing Utopia“May The Course be with you!”
9.The The Wheel Weaves Empire of SindriaScandinavian Liberal Paradise“happily braindead NationStates”
10.The Commonwealth of DippertopiaLeft-wing Utopia“Fuddle Duddle”
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