by Max Barry

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The Largest Information Technology Sector in the West Pacific

World Census staff compiled lists over Smart Phone related traffic accidents to determine which nations have the largest Information Technology industries.

As a region, the West Pacific is ranked 5,811th in the world for Largest Information Technology Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Cyberocracy of KisovecCorrupt Dictatorship“46°08'24.4''N 14°57'51.6''E”
2.The Empire of New ScottikaMoralistic Democracy“Believe, Obey, Fight!”
3.The People's Grand Duchy of RisottiaLiberal Democratic Socialists“Minoketejtakinoitotak taketettiitotak.”
4.The Republic of CedenLiberal Democratic Socialists“For the Republic!”
5.The Pandas of Pandaland IILeft-Leaning College State“Prepared”
6.The Republic of New Democratic Republic of RussiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“For the glory of the Motherland!”
7.The Technocratic Federation of LaudesiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Profectum Omni Modis”
8.The No Strings Attached of Atheist States of PhilippinesLeft-wing Utopia“Evidence is Better than Faith”
9.The Lavender Gardens of GiovannilandCorporate Bordello“Viva Giovanniterra!”
10.The Empire of Nas CrustiumCompulsory Consumerist State“Mundus Lucet in Lumine Imperatoris”
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