by Max Barry

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The Most Average in the West Pacific

World Census staff took time out to pay tribute to those most overlooked of nations: the determinedly average.

As a region, the West Pacific is ranked 16,333rd in the world for Most Average.

NationWA CategoryMotto
3,721.The Free Land of The Hedron Anarchist CollectiveLeft-wing Utopia“Twirling Toward Freedom”
3,722.The Holy Empire of ChrystanthemumCapitalizt“We cannot fix tomorrow without fixing today”
3,723.The Matriarchy of JanyeskoCorrupt Dictatorship“Estamos fudidos”
3,724.The Holy Empire of We cant drive straitIron Fist Socialists“Lucas is for breakfast”
3,725.The People's Republic of Upper SiaPsychotic Dictatorship“We Will Endure”
3,726.The Jingoistic States of JilliumbeslayAnarchy“Motto...”
3,727.The United States of RustyrooksLeft-wing Utopia“Doing just fine”
3,728.The Empire of Infinite StarPsychotic Dictatorship“Be at peace, for that is all I ever want.”
3,729.The Republic of Xuo VIIIPsychotic Dictatorship“Twirling Toward Freedom”
3,730.The Federation of AunalandPsychotic Dictatorship“WE HATE DEMOCRACY”
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