by Max Barry

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The Most Average in the West Pacific

World Census staff took time out to pay tribute to those most overlooked of nations: the determinedly average.

As a region, the West Pacific is ranked 16,948th in the world for Most Average.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Republic of Mikoto ChigikuInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Mission Accomplished”
22.The Matriarchy of A Brilliant Chess MoveInoffensive Centrist Democracy“One of the greatest feelings of all time”
23.The Republic of Beach CityInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Might Makes Right”
24.The Empire of India and BurmaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Heaven's Light our Guide”
25.The Federation of Inner MaloguayInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Pride and Industry”
26.The Commonwealth of Britannic EmpireInoffensive Centrist Democracy“All hail Britannia!”
27.The Republic of Cagayan-Inoffensive Centrist Democracy“Land of Smile and Beauty”
28.The Theocracy of OozeInoffensive Centrist Democracy“If it ain't slippery, it ain't nothin'”
29.The Holy Empire of OrificeInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Goin' back someday”
30.The Most Serene Republic of LardyInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Block them arteries!”
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