by Max Barry

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The Greatest Rich-Poor Divides in The United Democratic States

Nations ranked highly have large gaps between the incomes of rich and poor citizens. Nations low on the list have high levels of income equality.

As a region, The United Democratic States is ranked 9,443rd in the world for Greatest Rich-Poor Divides.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The South American Union of Central QuitoNew York Times Democracy“Dios, patria y libertad”
2.The Texan Empire of Barrow CoveCorporate Police State“Do it right the first time Cathy”
3.The Commonwealth of The New Russian Empire of SolaceCompulsory Consumerist State“God Watches Over Us!”
4.The Metropolitan Area of Greater BostonAnarchy“Bostonia, Country of the Greats”
5.The Swooning Chainsaw Devil of -Denji-Iron Fist Consumerists“M O M M Y”
6.The Democratic Republic of StantviaRight-wing Utopia“A life with no meaning is no life at all”
7.The Federation of Eastern African Union StateCapitalist Paradise“Long live our stable leadership”
8.The Republic of Vsauce ArseniaCapitalist Paradise“Vsauce here”
9.The Asucionian Territory of Greater Louisiana RegionCapitalist Paradise“Confront the Enemy with more Power than they Expect”
10.The Militairistic state of Greek Democratic RepulicCapitalist Paradise“Spartan and Athenian ways of governing”
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