by Max Barry

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The Safest in the South Pacific

World Census agents tested the sharpness of household objects, the softness of children's play equipment, and the survival rate of people taking late walks to determine how safe each nation is to visit.

As a region, the South Pacific is ranked 11,791st in the world for Safest.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Federal Republic of West green IsraelLiberal Democratic Socialists“For greener future”
2.The Republic of Kiasu-ismDemocratic Socialists“Kiasi, Kiabor, and most importantly... Kiasu!”
3.The Dracocracy of TheorinDemocratic Socialists“We have no beginning. We have no end. We are infinite.”
4.The Valkyrian Republic of QvaitLeft-wing Utopia“Peace, Freedom, and Democracy”
5.The Republic of CypheriDemocratic Socialists“Strength Through Freedom”
6.The Armed Republic of Crazed monkiesDemocratic Socialists“Vote monkey, get monkey”
7.The Transcendent Empire of TrackleeleeMoralistic Democracy“Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names”
8.The Commonwealth of United States of VietnamLeft-wing Utopia“We're not Việt Cộng”
9.The Republic of BoheniaLeft-wing Utopia“Flourishing Forward”
10.The Kylromon Constitu Republic of The Kylromon NazbolDemocratic Socialists“Respect our society or be annihilated!”
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