by Max Barry

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The Highest Foreign Aid Spending in the South Pacific

The World Census intercepted food drops in several war-torn regions to determine which nations spent the most on international aid.

As a region, the South Pacific is ranked 8,534th in the world for Highest Foreign Aid Spending.

NationWA CategoryMotto
4,971.The Suspects of MugshotFather Knows Best State“Everyone thinks I'm crazy, and I keep getting arrested.”
4,972.The Republic of Nicolet National ForestMoralistic Democracy“Caring for the Land and Serving People”
4,973.The Commonwealth of LeprainLibertarian Police State“From Many, One”
4,974.The Wesfarmers Company of OfficeworksCorporate Bordello“If you find a lower price we'll beat it by 5%”
4,975.The Republic of ThisisalogicalnationnameMoralistic Democracy“Nationname”
4,976.The Incorporated States of WhighamCorporate Police State“Might Makes Right”
4,977.The Republic of PelepenCapitalist Paradise“Hear Me Roar”
4,978.The Empire of CrixalisFather Knows Best State“Might Makes Right”
4,979.The Holy Empire of RizzlesSigmaIron Fist Consumerists“A Sigma Is Not A Sigma if They Are Not Munting”
4,980.The Corporate Alliance of PrimumiaCapitalist Paradise“1st is definitely the best”
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