by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Largest Cheese Export Sector in the World

Qualified World Census Cheese Masters nibbled their way across the globe to determine which nations have the most developed cheese exports.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Queendom of ThorvelMoralistic Democracy“In the name of God, On guard !”
2.The Eternal Misfortune of HeliospherePsychotic Dictatorship“Stop Reading My Motto!”
3.The Republic of Mozzarella FactoryCompulsory Consumerist State“Motto”
4.The Şeodwalda Irwin IV of EsplandiaCorporate Police State“Until the End, Never Broken”
5.The Confederacy of Undivulged PrinciplesLeft-wing Utopia“What goes around, comes around.”
6.The Modern Portfolio Theory of Daedra1aCapitalist Paradise“DULCE ET DECORUM EST PRO PATRIA MORI”
7.The Despotic Dictatorship of DespoticaniaPsychotic Dictatorship“God was a dream of good government.”
8.The Eternal Misfortune of AqualagoonPsychotic Dictatorship“Stop Reading My Motto!”
9.The Vermindom of SzczuropolisNew York Times Democracy“Omnium rerum rattus mensura est”
10.The Thirteen Zombie Hells of HC EredivisieIron Fist Consumerists“I don't even answer any issues and I'm still first.”
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