by Max Barry

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The Largest Retail Industry in the Plains of Perdition

The World Census estimated levels of employee ennui to determine which nations have the largest retail industries.

As a region, the Plains of Perdition is ranked 11,564th in the world for Largest Retail Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The United Republic of Soldiersend ArchiveCorporate Police State“Jesus saves 50% off at Gunworld (tm)”
2.The Mesmerizer of ProfitropolisIron Fist Consumerists“Quite mesmerizing, isn't it?”
3.The Holy Empire of West ZantoniaIron Fist Consumerists“The truly innocent have nothing to hide.”
4.The Community of AncapitisiaAnarchy“Land of the Truly Free”
5.The Darn Toot'in Nation of GHAUNADAURIron Fist Consumerists“We make Weapons of Mass destruction. Want some?”
6.The Happy Hour Special of ChilifriesandacoldbeerInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Good Food and Good Spirits”
7.The Transitional Government of Doge RepublicsPsychotic Dictatorship“Liberty, Unity, Order”
8.The ArchEmperacy of AreutiaCorporate Police State“Neither Blinded by Light nor Clouded in Darkness”
9.The Garrison of The 80th Ecalpan DragoonsCapitalist Paradise“Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent.”
10.The Republic of BenthamyCorporate Police State“The Greatest Happiness for the Greatest Number”
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