by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Nicest Citizens in the World

World Census sociology experts studied citizens from various nations to determine which seemed most friendly and concerned for others.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Queendom of KindjalScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Qui peut le moins peut le encore moins”
2.The Federal Commonwealth of Pax AureaLeft-wing Utopia“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
3.The Republic of WilkshireScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Everyone for everyone else”
4.The Eternal Misfortune of ThalasseLiberal Democratic Socialists“Stop Reading My Motto!”
5.The Benevolent Queendom of Divine CervineDemocratic Socialists“Where the deer’s swift leap startles the wild bee”
6.The Fielzão of TimaoCivil Rights Lovefest“Timão Eô!”
7.The Agricultural Paradise of AppleJackyLiberal Democratic Socialists“Amō Amōrem”
8.The Eternal Forest of TypicaLeft-wing Utopia“together we rise”
9.The Republic of CorcawDemocratic Socialists“All For One and One For All”
10.The Community of St Stephen n CrittersLeft-wing Utopia“Gramen artificiosum ne fumisses”
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