by Max Barry

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The Largest Insurance Industry in Sophia

The World Census posed as door-to-door salespeople in order to establish which nations have the most extensive Insurance industries.

As a region, Sophia is ranked 10,539th in the world for Largest Insurance Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Republic of ManiwinnIron Fist Consumerists“Do not carry a lit lantern in the dark forest”
2.The Republic of Eth Vys MoasNew York Times Democracy“We Will Endure”
3.The Democratic Republic of LissirauCorporate Bordello“Become what you deserve”
4.The People's Republic of PerchcatcherCapitalizt“Strength Through Compliance”
5.The Republic of Fliq UnionCorporate Bordello“We love the cold water!!”
6.The Republic of ThisisaoffensivenationnameRight-wing Utopia“Nationname”
7.The Empire of HiriseIron Fist Consumerists“Kill heathens and drink their blood”
8.The Free Land of Olden BlatonCapitalizt“God, Homeland, Liberty”
9.The Republic of EffelaiCorporate Bordello“Strength Through Freedom”
10.The Republic of HothiAnarchy“Unity is strength”
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