by Max Barry

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The Highest Poor Incomes in Sophia

The World Census studied the spending power of the poorest 10% of citizens in each nation.

As a region, Sophia is ranked 8,477th in the world for Highest Poor Incomes.

NationWorldStandard Monetary Units
31.The Dictatorship of PerhapsThisIsSomethingElse35,605th70,665.75
32.The Those Who Know of Balkede39,888th66,155.35
33.The United States of The Talani Federation41,992nd64,150.38
34.The Empire of Crimson Legion742,642nd63,553.27
35.The Loving Couple of I ShipIt45,386th61,176.34
36.The Social Republic of Tsikretazia45,813th60,846.9
37.The Fiefdom of Primari47,671st59,235.84
38.The Republic of Vanahimayu48,726th58,418.74
39.The Queendom of Phisia49,614th57,718.31
40.The Most Serene Republic of BariaBaria49,680th57,674.18
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