by Max Barry

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The Most Eco-Friendly Governments in Sophia

The following governments spend the greatest amounts on environmental issues. This may not always be reflected in the quality of that nation's environment.

As a region, Sophia is ranked 8,381st in the world for Most Eco-Friendly Governments.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Republic of JailyniferDemocratic Socialists“That's what she said ”
22.The Theocracy of The Ancient Church of The House of ThothDemocratic Socialists“Blessed Be The Tongue That Utters Thy Holy Name”
23.The Loving Couple of I ShipItFather Knows Best State“Ship Fan.”
24.The United States of KaizerFOUNDATIONNew York Times Democracy“The ultimate judges: Time and History.”
25.The Queendom of Ars ParadoxicaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“esse est percipi”
26.The Allied States of Ashia AuriusLeft-wing Utopia“Compassion Is the Guiding Light”
27.The Republic of AlturgosIron Fist Consumerists“Honor and Prosperity”
28.The People's Republic of EutoqatsenaeaDemocratic Socialists“Remember to link you email so you can fix your password”
29.The United States of EbanoInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Bloodshed is the only way”
30.The People's Republic of Cotton WoodDemocratic Socialists“Oy vey”
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