by Max Barry

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The Largest Governments in Sophia

World Census agents lined up at public agencies around the world in order to study the extent of government in nations, taking into consideration economic output, social and cultural significance, and raw size.

As a region, Sophia is ranked 11,156th in the world for Largest Governments.

NationWA CategoryMotto
61.The Principality of SluggionNew York Times Democracy“Friends, friends, yoom-tah!”
62.The Free Land of CM 122Authoritarian Democracy“Pride and Industry”
63.The Dictatorship of HawknPsychotic Dictatorship“God, Homeland, Strength”
64.The United States of EbanoInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Bloodshed is the only way”
65.The Theocracy of St Veria TheaPsychotic Dictatorship“Liberty Through Compliance”
66.The Free Land of BlisslandLiberal Democratic Socialists“We like rights!”
67.The Dictatorship of HootFather Knows Best State“The Birbs Are Coming”
68.The Republic of VanahimayuCorporate Bordello“সত্যম শান্তিম সুন্দরম”
69.The Republic of Buffalo Gap National GrasslandIron Fist Consumerists“Caring for the Land and Serving People”
70.The Federal Republic of East HelicalleneCorrupt Dictatorship“Peace of the Land”
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