by Max Barry

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The Most Advanced Public Transport in Remembrance

World Census experts captured, tagged, and released trains in order to identify which nations have the most extensive, well-funded public transportation systems.

As a region, Remembrance is ranked 11,058th in the world for Most Advanced Public Transport.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Republic of Gideon OfnirMoralistic Democracy“Seeker of Knowledge”
2.The King of Leyndell of Morgott the Omen KingMoralistic Democracy“Put these foolish ambitions to rest”
3.The Illustrator of Kagura NanaFather Knows Best State“Are you ready?”
4.The Immortal Empress of Tentei ForteAuthoritarian Democracy“Highest perfection in all things”
5.The Alien Doctor of Hinahoshi AiruAuthoritarian Democracy“Donuts and cornflakes are the best”
6.The Wave Monster of Minuneru HaneuzuIron Fist Consumerists“*waves*”
7.The Kingdom of SakazukiPsychotic Dictatorship“Only Thorough Justice will bring peace”
8.The Signer Dragon of Red Dragon ArchfiendAuthoritarian Democracy“To destroy the Earthbound Immortals”
9.The Republic of BrigitteInoffensive Centrist Democracy“I will prove myself”
10.The Green Dragon of Ryugon DaimonjiAuthoritarian Democracy“Its time for a review”
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